1 Peter 1:2 (e) — Grace and Peace

A Caribbean cove.

Grace and peace be yours in abundance.

In our meditation on James 4: 6 (a) we examined the concept of Grace. I wrote:

Grace is one of the simplest concepts in the Bible, and yet for some reason, it is difficult to understand. Grace is commonly understood to mean a manner of acting. For example, a ballerina dances with grace. Grace can also mean a gift or favor. In this case, I think it might mean both.

God loves us even though we are unlovable. When a perfect being shows kindness and affection to his enemy (James 4: 4) it is an act of grace. When our God takes the extra step of giving us the means to be redeemed from Satan’s power, he does us a favor. What he gives us is the gift of Himself. We call this gift the Holy Spirit.

Grace is being graceful. Grace is showing favor to the undeserving. Grace is giving the underserving a priceless gift.

Peace is a much different commodity. I was looking through some travel pictures a few days ago. The theme was, “Get away from it all!” Lately, it seems there has been a flood of advertisements on television for exotic resorts. It always amuses me how the resorts are empty in the ads except for the beautiful couple enjoying the beach or pool all by themselves. I have never seen it work out that way. Somebody always has screaming kids or a radio that is too loud or is having a fight… you get the idea.

Advertising people script their ads to show peaceful relaxation in incredibly beautiful surroundings. Reality always has a different plan. But even if you could find the perfect spot on the perfect day with the perfect person, even then you are still there. Your fears, your worries, and your frustrations all travel with you.

In God, we have a different kind of peace. It is the peace that feels like the pictures in the resort ads even when there is chaos all around. It is a peace that remains constant regardless of pain or threats. God’s peace even causes death to shrivel into insignificance.

Peter, being an ambassador for Jesus, has been authorized to offer this amazing gift. Grace and peace be yours in abundance.

Application: Stop for a moment and take inventory of what is going on in your heart and your mind. Consider how God’s grace and peace changed your world.

Food for Thought: Do God’s grace and peace have any real value in this life?

9 Replies to “1 Peter 1:2 (e) — Grace and Peace”

  1. I will focus on peace. After Jesus rose from the dead, He said to His disciples, “peace be with you.” His peace overcomes our turmoil and fear. His peace is real in the chaos of this world. Peace isn’t most needed when things are going well and everything seems serene. Peace is needed during the storms of life. I find His peace of extreme Value. It is of more value than great material wealth.

  2. My wife is from China and has never owned land. We live on an oversized lot which she has claimed as her farm. Each year we harvest some old and buy new chickens ( today we have 16 ) and each year she by hand cultivates and plants an enormous garden. She digs deep and chops the soil so the roots will be able to grow easily, she removes every weed that might mix with “her“ creation. She raises her little chicks which are a real handful. Their bedding, and water must be changed each day while they’re messy babies.
    Eventually the seeds are planted and the chicks are big enough to be moved out into their pen, and trained to go into the coop at dusk, because they can’t see at night.
    Now her work begins, everyday, I will notice she is not in the house, I will find her out back. Spending hours, caring for her farm, pulling weeds, supporting the growing stalks and killing bugs with her fingers because she does not to put contaminating bug spray on her plants. Other times she is just walking through her garden and appreciating what she has growth. As time goes by, she comes into the house excited because she has just gotten 1 or 2 eggs, or she has harvested part of her vegetables for dinner that night. She wants me to see how healthy the plants are. “ Can’t get these in the store.” She will remind me.

    Our God is Omnipresent. He sits on His throne in heaven and we live in Him. There is no place we can be that He is not there. He watches over us, teaches us, empowers us, puts a hedge around us, to grow in Christ and become capable of having a relationship with Him. He pulls the weeds, kills the bugs, teaches us His ways and smiles as we grow into fruitful creations.

    We need to cooperate, study, apply and grow in the Grace He has given us. Experience the Peace He provides as we come out of the chaos/insanity of this world and into the presence of our God now.

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