![Picture of a small boy reading an old Bible.](https://i0.wp.com/threeminutebible.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/200715-Reading.jpeg?resize=525%2C278&ssl=1)
For in Scripture it says: “See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame.”
Today Peter leads us through the first of three Old Testament passages. He has carefully laid out his teaching about Jesus being a “living Stone.” He points out that this “stone” has been rejected by humans but is precious to God. Then he explains that when we are in Christ, we are like living stones, too. Now he walks us through the Scriptural foundations for his teaching.
How do we know that the Bible is God’s Word? One very important clue is the consistency of God’s Word throughout the Bible.
Having said that, I feel like I should explain something. What makes it difficult to see the consistency in God’s Word has nothing to do with the Bible. It is us. It is that our perspective changes. If we are healthy and growing, our perspective is always changing. It is also referred to as “maturing.”
Talk to anyone over the age of sixty and ask them if they see life exactly the same today as they did when they were eighteen. Life changes us. So does our perspective. As we go through life’s lessons we can learn the easy way or we can learn the hard way. Sometimes people who learn the hard way get locked into a bitter point of view that they cannot let go of. It is sad to see. They stop growing. The rest of us learn as we go. We learn that people are not always what they seem. Sometimes promises are broken. Other times words are misunderstood. Some of us have been through wars, and some have been through our own personal hell. When we finally meet up with Jesus, when we stop hiding from him and let him in, something wonderful happens.
Knowing Jesus is knowing the cornerstone of reality.
Suddenly, the world stops spinning. As we explore God’s Word, things that have always been confusing start to make sense. The world can clamor all it wants about the inconsistency of the Bible, but yelling about it doesn’t make it so. We are told, “Science is Real” as if the word “science” were holy and carried with it a guarantee of certainty. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
In my lifetime, “science” has changed its mind about the composition of the atom dozens if not hundreds of times. Have we finally arrived at a point where scientists can say exactly what an atom is and how it works? Nope. Sorry. Hasn’t happened yet. Science is the process of making guesses and then testing those guesses. Getting the results that were expected is nice, but it doesn’t “prove” anything. All it takes is for some yahoo at another college or university to come up with a different way of asking the question and … boom. There goes your thesis.
God’s Word is different. It hasn’t changed in six thousand years. Yes, God added to it here and there until about two thousand years ago. Since then, it has been completed. Waiting for you and me to open its pages and peer into the mind of God.
Application: Read your Bible. Every day. Read.
Food for Thought: What does it mean that ‘’the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame?”
Peter is quoting from Isaiah 28: 16 at the Fall of Jerusalem. The idea being, I think, that anyone who trusts in Jesus will not find that trust misplaced. It is wise to trust in Jesus and it is a well placed trust. there is good reason to place our trust in Him today.
Thanks Rich!
I like your emphasis on “trust.” That is different from our human pride being bruised.
Amen brothers. What I find so amazing about the scriptures is just how hard you can press them. They are easy to criticize at a glance, when not taken seriously.
It is when you press into the details (every jot & tittle) where you can begin to appreciate just how integrated the whole system is. It’s amazingly flawless, imagine that; the word of God is perfect!
Those who would press on the apparent contradictions in the scriptures apply no scholarly acumen to them w/ regards to the scrutiny they would serve their own god’s of science with. They want to be taken seriously, but they do not consider seriously that which they criticize. How uncritical their critical eye becomes.
Thank you for your restatement of the theme today. I like the imagery of the scriptures being “pressed” as one might press olives or fruit.
All the time people are let down in this world because of trusting the wrong person putting all hope and faith into a person. No one is perfect so they are let down things happen. The only truth is in him his word faith in him. That doesn’t change because of someones elses thought process.
Very well said Tim. I totally agree.
You get a GOLD STAR today! 🙂
What does it mean that ‘’the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame?”
Genesis 3:10, Adam heard coming, he was afraid, felt shame and hid himself from God. Sin brings Shame.
Romans 2:14-15, When Gentiles, live in obedience to the Law, they show the essential requirements of the Law are written in their hearts; their sense of right and wrong, their moral choices will ACCUSE or perhaps DEFEND them.
Shame is the guilt, knowing we are wrong, have made bad decisions. Shame is knowing others have learned we cannot be trusted, our word, and opinions loose their value, and others will shun us.
Matthew the tax collector, the harlot about to be stoned, the Samaritan woman at the well, are examples first coming into my mind. All felt shame for the way they lead their lives, all were paying the shameful consequences of their choices.
All three were saved after meeting and trusting in Jesus, their lives were turned around and they were changed forever. They no longer knew shame.
Once we belong to Jesus, we receive the Holy Spirit of God in our hearts and Romans 10:11 tells us, Anyone who believes in Him will never be put to shame. The word NEVER is very important here.
Satan will continue to attack each of us, tempt each to return to living in the flesh. He will lay guilt on our hearts each time we fail. This guilt is deceitfully close to the conviction of the Holy Spirit, and can be very confusing to a new believer.
The key to understanding, knowing who we are feeling is this. The Guilt from Satan will make us seek a way to HIDE FROM GOD, just as Adam in the garden.
Conviction of the Holy Spirit will always provide a way BACK TO JESUS CHRIST, for repentance and increased strength to move forward, just as the three who repented and were saved.
God sent Jesus into this world, not to condemn those of us burdened by shame, guilt, but to save all who would accept Him and turn from sin.
You have outdone yourself today, my friend. What a wonderful essay! You point us to the correct understand of the “shame” that Peter is referring to. Thank you!
Yea, I have to say on the delineating differences vs. shame & conviction of the Holy Spirit, that was really helpful brother. Makes me think also of Godly sorrow which leads to repentance not to be repented of vs. worldly sorrow.
Great add on brother. Agree, we need to remain alert and discerning. Watch for the details.