1 Peter 2:12 — Smeared

Picture of brown and white and cream colors all confused.

Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.

This is another challenging text. Peter is starting a section of his letter that describes how to live among unbelievers. As I think about what he is teaching us, it feels like we are sitting in on a master’s class for Christian living. 

In today’s passage, we are talking about neighbors or coworkers who accuse us of doing wrong. (Peter assumes we are innocent!) Has this ever happened to you? It has for me. It can be a terrifying experience. In an instant, everything you thought was solid ground can be swept away. 

It is amazing how fast things can change. One day everything is okay. Your friends joke with you about the weather or sports, your boss is happy to see you. Your spouse smiles at you when you walk in the room. Life is good. The next day you walk in and the boss is frowning. The “friends” that were smiling yesterday give you the cold shoulder. Nobody is talking to you. Even your dog turns his back on you. Finally, it comes out: you have been accused of __________ (fill in the blank). 

It doesn’t really matter what it is that you are accused of. You’ve been smeared. People have believed what they heard. There is no court, no jury, no justice. Your reputation is gone. At least for now…

There is a day when the Lord will return. There is a day when there will be justice for all. There is a day when everything that has been said or thought or done is brought out into the light. 

Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.”

Application: The world tells us to live for tomorrow. Jesus invites us to live forever. 

Food for Thought: What is the ”day he visits us?” 

7 Replies to “1 Peter 2:12 — Smeared”

  1. I know this to be a debated phrase. While I think it likely refers to when Christ returns in glory, it could also refer to anytime God intervenes on our behalf. If I have been smeared, there is a sense that all will be ok when God makes all the wrongs right when Christ returns, but it is also true that He will have visited in a sense if He acts to clear my name now. Either way, when God visits He brings truth, justice, hope, grace, mercy and help.

    1. Rich,

      Thank you for your words this morning! I appreciate your point about God’s timing: Whether or not the issue is resolved now or later may depend on a number of things. You bring to mind Romans 8:28 – “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” (KJV)

  2. Agree Rich, as I read the verses that follow, it would seem “the day He visits us” in this case is referring to the day Christ returns.

    In the verses 1Peter 2:13-20,
    13-16, Who can harm us for doing good, suffering for righteousness brings blessings. In humble fear of the Lord, always answer all questions about reasons for our hope. Those against us will be convicted and shamed.
    17, It is better, if God wills we suffer for well-doing than evil-doing.
    18-20, Christ suffered for the sins of the righteous and unrighteous, so he could bring us to God, He preached to the spirits in prison, God waited 120 years while Noah built the ark to save eight souls form judgement.

    We are left here to allow the convicting light God be seen by others, endure any/all suffering that may come from our well-doing, remembering Christ suffered for the for the righteous and unrighteous, God withheld judgement for 120 years to save 8 souls.

  3. Ron,

    You make a great point: God’s timing is not our timing. His perspective is eternal, ours is in the moment. I’ll trust God’s perspective over mine any day!

  4. Am I seeing KJV from you Jeff, lol! 👍🏻 I’m only having fun btw. Good post and comments.

    1. NMOP3PISdn,

      You might be surprised at how many translations I use, including the KJV. 🙂 Glad you stopped by! Thanks for joshing with me, too!

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