1 Peter 2:15 — Doing Good

Picture: two hands holding a candle against a black background.

For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people.

There are some words in the ancient texts that give translators trouble. If you look in the NIV it might say something different than the King James Version. Sometimes out of thirty or more English translations you might find as many as ten different English equivalents. “Ignorance” is not one of those troublesome words. 

Except for one or two exceptions, every English translation uses the word “ignorant” to express the Greek, “agnōsia.” In English, the word “ignorant” is often confused with “stupid.” These are two very different words. The word “ignorant” means a lack of knowledge. The cure to ignorance is knowledge. 

When Peter talks about silencing “ignorant talk,” I hear him pointing out that there are a lot of people who do not know about God. Sadly, I have to say that the same is still true even today. 

By “doing good,” we who are believers are acting out our faith. When we “do good” we demonstrate that we are not a part of this world. By doing good we show those who live in the flesh what God is about. We show them that they have a choice. In short, “doing good” is God’s way of using us to shine His light in a dark, dark world. 

When Peter says God wants us to “silence the ignorant talk of foolish people,” I don’t think he means once and for all (meaning all people). Rather, this is an ongoing process. We silence one foolish person at a time. Sometimes words are involved, but if they are I don’t think it is the force of our arguments that usually changes minds. Instead, it is the fact that we cared enough to engage. It is our deeds and the love behind them that silences the ignorant talk.

Application: Be aware that people are watching. What you choose to do sends a message. 

Food for Thought: What kind of ”good” do you think Peter has in mind for us to do? 

7 Replies to “1 Peter 2:15 — Doing Good”

    1. Rich,

      I like that you don’t give us a “list” of things to do. Instead you point us to what is good in God’s eyes and what is good for those around us.

  1. As a followup to the previous verses 13 & 14, Peter is recording the fact that doing good, submission to authorities of the world is in obedience which honors God. Our obedience to God, “doing what is Good”, will help to educate the uninformed and quiet their criticism of those who live in obedience through Christ.

    Romans 13:1-6, There is no authority except from God, and those which exist have been put in place by God. Whoever resists government authority resists the ordinance of God, Do what is good and you will receive approval and commendation. For this same reason you pay taxes, for civil authorities are God’s servants, devoting themselves to governance.

    1. So Ron, are you saying that doing good can feel like paying taxes??
      Actually, I think that is a great point. Sometimes doing God’s will is in direct opposition to our own will (the will of the flesh). We can’t always go by what “feels” right.

  2. Well,..Peter does mention in verse 9 that we are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, people belonging to God,…called out of darkness and into light,..I think the doing good is the obedience to the words of Jesus,..when others see that obedience produces blessings,..they start wondering what I have and they don’t,..the thing is that the message is the same yesterday as it is today,..love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and the next good thing to do would be to love our neighbors as ourselves,..the message of Christ must go forth in a good and great way,..so,..this could have been in Peter’s mind for us to do,..get others to receive the knowledge of Christ,..

    1. John,

      Nicely put! You mention that the message is the same yesterday as it is today. That is soooo true! And God manages to repeat himself without seeming to.
      Thank you!

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