1 Peter 2:17 (a) — Respect

Picture of a man tipping his hat in respect.

Show proper respect to everyone…

As we turn to verse 17 in our letter from Peter, he begins with a deep well. On the surface, his words seem simple enough. As we gaze into them, we discover that we cannot see the bottom. 

“Everyone” is a lot of people! Does he really mean every person? 

The context of this passage suggests, yes, he means everyone. He is talking about those who do not believe. The “pagans” that accuse the believers of doing wrong. The human authorities such as the governors and the emperor. Yes, I believe he is talking about everyone. 

So what kind of respect to we show them? What is “proper” respect?

As with darkness and light, one defines the other. Perhaps it would be helpful to examine the opposite of proper respect to better understand what it is. Improper respect is a kind of respect, but not desirable. We are not talking about disrespect. Disrespect is open and obvious contempt. Improper respect is different. 

Improper respect might be pretentious or sarcastic. Improper respect would be deceitful and manipulative. 

In Matthew 21: 28-32 Jesus tells a parable about a man who has two sons. He asks them both to go work in the vineyard. One says he will but doesn’t. The other refuses, but then goes and does what his father asked. 

In my mind, “proper respect” is the best part of both responses. We answer with respect and do what we are asked. In Matthew 5: 39 Jesus teaches us, “But I tell you, do not resist an evil person.” 

I find this to be a very hard teaching. My heart desires justice and fairness. Yet, I know that I am not always just or fair. When people are unjust or unfair to me I want to correct them. Jesus seems to be saying, “Hold on! Cut them some slack, just like I was patient with you when you were not so nice to me.” Okay, Jesus. I get it. It still feels hard though. And in my imagination, I hear Jesus’ quiet reply, “Try being crucified for the world’s sin sometime.”  

Application: Show proper respect to everyone, even those who do not respect you. 

Food for Thought: What is it about respect that makes people want it so bad?

7 Replies to “1 Peter 2:17 (a) — Respect”

  1. I think that respect is something all people long for – especially men. Because people are created in God’s image, there is something we can find in everyone that we can legitimately respect and honor. To me this is closely tied to honoring our parents, even when they may not be worthy of such in a given moment. To not show respect breaks down community and harmony and leads to hurt feelings and bitterness. God wants us to do what is possible on our end to bring harmony and peace (Hebrews 12: 14; Romans 12: 18).

  2. What is it about respect that makes people want it so bad

    We have this problem with PRIDE!
    James 4:6, Peter 5:5,God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble,
    Proverbs 13:10, Pride leads to conflict, Proverbs 16:18, Pride goes before destruction, Proverbs 11:2, Pride proceeds, disgrace.
    We must submit to accept Christs sacrifice for our sins, and we must live in submission to humbly obey Gods will for His ministry through us on earth.

    As a new christian I read about the gifts of the Spirit and how God would give one, sometimes two of these gifts to each of us. I thought that was pretty nice, but I was special, and probably should have all the gifts. Then I could be a great christian “respected” and looked up to by all other christians. (all for God of course).
    So, to serve God in a mighty way, I began to pray for each of the spiritual gifts, one at a time. I would pray for several days for one, then when I was sure He had heard and provided, I would pray for another. Then came “Humility”, well I had to think about that one. I eventually concluded I would not really need humility for all the great things I was going to do for God, and moved on to the rest of the gifts one by one. When I had finished, I was feeling real good and looking forward to doing great things for God.
    Then I remember a thought entered my mind. “What about humility?” I knew I probably had enough, but it would probably be respectful to God if I at least asked for it. With an “oh well” attitude I knelt down and prayed for humility. WOW, I can tell you all, be very careful about what you ask for.
    God did something I was totally unprepared for. For a tiny fraction of a moment, God opened my heart and showed me ALL the depravity of my heart. For the first time, I saw exactly what I was. Open, then closed, that fast. But it was enough. I saw how totally rotten I actually was and it put me facedown on the floor in tears and fear of God. As I lay there crying, I felt God put His arm around me, draw me close and said, “ Thats ok, I have always known these things about you, it’s just important YOU know,” and then assured me He still loved me.

    As I close this comment I want to say, I does not matter if people respect me, I just want them to respect God. Sometimes a person in a store or somewhere will be very helpful, kind, and respectful toward me. I don’t take it personally, I just think they were probably raised by good parents, maybe Christians.

    1. Ron,

      I really appreciate this story. Thank you! You raise an interesting point. If we practice humility, our need for respect goes away. Yes, we still appreciate it, but it is not something we need.

  3. Well,..when I read the title,..that song went running through my mind,..you know the one R-E-S-P-E-C-T by Aretha Franklin,..I believe,..and then I read the passage below,..show proper respect to everyone,..maybe I should start with the word proper,..what’s proper,..would it be proper to show respect to others by joining the protests? To some maybe but not to others,..I think I am going to stick by the proper respect to be shown is for the gospel to forth,..how can we share with others if proper respect is not shown to others,..

    Got to share the gospel today with a lady out on an estimate,..I placed a New Testament in a little library next to her house,..she seen me and was interested,..I told her what I have been doing,..she thought that it’s cool what I have been doing,.anyway my construction foul mouth got in the way,..and she caught me and asked me if that was very Christian like to be saying things like that,..I was caught off guard because I don’t remember saying anything foul,..anyway I told her that just because I say bad things from time to time doesn’t mean that I am going to lose my salvation,..I shared 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us of our unrighteousness,..she was in tears,..we talked more,..it led to some dark places about death,..she asked me how I have got through losing my daughter back in 1996 to the Sandy River,..I told her it something I will never forget but it was the words in the Bible,..I went to the car and got another NT and read to her 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 and I emphasized on,..giving thanks in all circumstances,..I told her that death happens to be a circumstance in life and we should be thankful for the time we got to spend with our loved ones in this life,..tears continued to flow from her eyes,..I left her with the gospel and a prayer,..that is showing proper respect,..I believe,..

    The gospel must go forth in and with love,..if it takes showing proper respect to others to get the job done then so be it,..I have been commissioned to make disciples and that takes abiding by and in the words of Jesus,..

    So anyway,.. that’s what it means to me,..go forth and make disciples,..baptize them in the name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit and teach them everything He has taught us,..

    1. John,

      Thank you for sharing your story! That inspired me, deeply. I appreciate your point, too, about a “proper” respect. Honoring God certainly fits that description.

    2. Wonderful John. You had work to do, but remained alert to what God might have you do. Blessings to both you and the lady.


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