1 Peter 3:7 (e) — The Reason Why

Picture: Silhouette of a man, arms outstretched, facing the sun.

… so that nothing will hinder your prayers.

Summary: The choices we make affects our relationship with God. Choosing to follow Peter’s guidance opens the door to a better relationship with God.

As we have worked our way through this passage, it seems to me that almost every word has pointed to Jesus. 

  • In “The Cost of New,” we looked at the phrase, “in the same way,” meaning in the same way that Christ gave up everything for you and me. 
  • In “Giving to Get,” we looked at the meaning of respect, finding once again that Jesus is our model. If he had no respect for his creation, he would never have made the sacrifice that he did. 
  • The third part, “A Little Psychology,” talked about Peter’s approach to men. Instead of threats, he appeals to our innate desire to be seen as noble. Jesus himself encouraged his disciples calling them “friends” and “brothers.” 
  • Yesterday, in “The Gift,” we looked at the gift of life that God has given us. This gift was given at the cost of Jesus’ own life. 

Today, Peter explains why all of this is important. Men who love Jesus, who want to serve God, also want to be heard by God. We want God to love us and to answer our prayers just like Jesus answered so many prayers while he was walking on earth. 

Because of this, we see another list. We see in this passage a list of ways to make it difficult for God to hear and respond to our prayers. Do you want to put up a wall between you and our Lord? Here is how: 

  • Be inconsiderate of the wife God has given you. 
  • Treat your wife poorly. Disrespect her. 
  • Instead of seeing her as the weaker partner, see her as a threat or a problem.
  • Forget that your wife is also an heir to the kingdom of God
  • Ignore the fact that Jesus has offered you the gift of life, treat others like criminals. 

What kind of relationship do you want with our Father? Do you like being disciplined? Do you enjoy reprimands? Is it fun to be put in the “time out” corner of life? Or do you prefer having a good relationship with the Father knowing that if you make mistakes or fall short, he is there to lift you up and answer your prayers?

Peter has addressed his advice to husbands, but all men and all women can benefit from the lesson in his words. The reason why is that we want God to hear us. 

Application: Honor Jesus, our Father, and the Holy Spirit by willingly submitting to God’s Word. 

Food for Thought: What is it like when our prayers are unhindered? 

18 Replies to “1 Peter 3:7 (e) — The Reason Why”

  1. When our prayers aren’t blocked with things of this world. When we have a complete comunication with our father without sin in the way. 1 Peter 3:12

  2. Great reference, Tim. The opposite result can be found in Isaiah 59:2. Three men come to mind when I think of unhindered prayer…Enoch (Hebrews 11:5), Moses and Elijah. How wonderful would it be to have such a wondrous relationship with God?

    1. JEC,

      Thanks for the great references! I love the story of Daniel in the lion’s den, too. Actually that is very encouraging in these uncertain times. A good reminder that our strength is found in God alone.

  3. I like how Psalms 24 and Isaiah 59 link up together so closely. Thank you JEC. You have me looking up scriptures, learning more and growing spiritually.

    1. Thank you Rich for bringing up Malachi 2:13-16. That is a deep one. Unfaithful to a partner covers so much in so many ways. Unfaithfulness to her needs, her spiritual growth together, her protection, and so much more to help the partnership grow. I know I might be sounding like a broken record. It’s not all about me.

  4. What is it like when our prayers are unhindered? 
    We each apply Gods word to our lives in unique ways so we become prepared for the unique ministry God has for us. I fail each day “OFTEN” but God stays with me. I listen to what Jesus tells me in Matthew 6:33, and what Paul has written in Thessalonians 15:17. I take both to the extreme and feel called to live my life in the Kingdom of God, in God , always giving Praise, asking forgiveness, petitioning for someone, seeking guidance, leaning on God. I know I will never in this lifetime accomplish my goal but I try.

    For me prayer, is time with God and is critical for a healthy relationship. I will shoot arrow prayers to God as I am driving, walking, shopping or??? He is omnipresent so I can walk and share with Him at the same time. At other times I have quietly sought Him for guidance and greater understanding of WHY. He has never failed me, and I ALWAYS COME AWAY REFRESHED AFTER MEANINGFUL TIME WITH OUR CREATOR.

    The most important thing we can do is listen. Do not become so involved with this world that we don’t hear God calling to us. The Holy Spirit can be loud when required but the vast majority of His guidance has been in a quiet voice.

    Psalm 66:18 says, “If I regard (guard) iniquity (sin) in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.”
    Psalm 46:10 “Be still, and know that I am God.
    Isaiah 50:4, First wait on God and listen to Him.  He will tell you what to do and in what order.  He is the master of prayer.  You are His disciple and servant.

    1. All amazing points Ron. I’m not the best about prayer or even if I’m doing it right. But I’m starting to do my prayers out loud ( and I’ve prayed for help and guidance ). Today I’ve had more conversation in prayer outloud today than I’ve had with people. I am learning that the most important conversation I should have everyday is in prayer.

      1. Hey Tim,

        Great point Tim. Listen to your words as you are speaking them. People ask me to pray for them during a phone call, I do immediately and just recently realized how much more clear my prayer was. You are way out in front of me young man. Keep it up.

        Brother Ron

    2. Ron,

      Thank you for sharing a peek into your prayer life. I have been growing in this area myself. God seems to be drawing me closer to him every day. I really appreciate your point about listening. That is something that is easy to forget to do. Yet God is usually waiting for a chance to get a word in.

  5. Unhindered to me means sorta like uninterrupted, so when Jesus told me to ask and it will be given,..then I ask and He gives, when He tells me to seek and I will find,..then I seek and find, when He tells me to knock and the door will be opened then I knock and doors are opened,..in the book of James it reads,..I have not because I ask not,..and when I ask,..I ask with the wrong motives,..I have learned to ask in line with the Kingdom,..God is abundant and unhindered in giving us His bounty,..everywhere I look I see opportunity,..I wonder if Abraham seen opportunity when He looked out at what was in front of him,..Jesus seen opportunity because He told us that we would do greater works than He,..when our prayers are unhindered it’s like living streams of water flowing to the point of overflowing,..

  6. John,

    I like your phrase, “ask in line with the Kingdom…” That captures what I think is a very important aspect of our walk with God. We can walk gently and peacefully at his side, or we can be darting off the trail and into the briars. I find that the briars are very uncomfortable …

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