1 Peter 3: 17 — The Up Side of Suffering

Picture: The face of a man in agony.

For it is better, if it is God’s will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil.

Summary: Suffering is a part of life. When we embrace it while trusting God, we grow in faith and learn a few things along the way. 

Why would it be God’s will for you or me to suffer for doing good? 

This is a BIG question. Books and books have been written about suffering. C. S. Lewis’ book, “The Problem of Pain,” comes to mind as an example. Looking at the Bible, the Book of Job is a good study of suffering. Ecclesiastes comes to mind as well. 

A lot depends on how a person views the Bible. We each come from our own personal history and experiences. My hope for all Christians, whether they read this blog or not, is that we are all moving closer to God. We all have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, but we don’t all have the same understanding. Only through the study of God’s Word with prayer can we come to know more about our Creator. 

When we finally leave this body and join Jesus in heaven, we will see things differently. (1 Corinthians 13:12) Our knowledge will be made perfect because we will be in the presence of the living God. Unfortunately, in this life, that still leaves a lot left to the imagination. 

What are the benefits of suffering? 

1. Well, for one thing, it focuses the mind. Without pain, we can drift from one thought to another, from this distraction to that. When we are in pain, the pain has all of our attention. 

2. Suffering helps us understand the concept of suffering. If you don’t know what suffering is, how do you know what the word means? If I have never suffered, and you tell me that Hell is a place of suffering, what am I going to be afraid of? But if I have suffered, I know that Hell is a place I do not want to be. 

3. Empathy and compassion are only possible if we know what suffering is. If you are suffering, how can I relate to you if I haven’t suffered myself? 

There you have it. Three reasons why maybe suffering is a good thing. And what happens when we add all of these up? If we understand the concept of suffering, if we have empathy for suffering and if our mind is focused, doesn’t all of that help us to understand what our Savior Jesus went through for us on the cross? 

Suffering is a tool that God uses to teach us, equip us, and sometimes goad us into action. As long as it is God behind the suffering, I know he will give me only what I can handle. (Philippians 4:13)

Application: Embrace suffering. I know that sounds weird, but there are reasons we suffer. We can’t learn them if we don’t engage. 

Food for Thought: What reasons can you add why God might allow us to suffer? 

12 Replies to “1 Peter 3: 17 — The Up Side of Suffering”

  1. I love how God illuminates our lives and answers our questions with His Word.

    This morning, reading in 2 Corinthians 1:9(b), I read this:
    But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead.

    This is probably the most important reason of all for suffering. It reminds us that we are not in control. We depend on God in all things. I like how Paul frames his statement, too. Suffering not only causes us to rely on God, but we are relying on the God who raises the dead. What I hear him saying is that there is nothing to fear. God will not abandon us even in death.

  2. You have already touched on this, but one reason is so that we can comfort others in their suffering (2 Corinthians 1: 3 – 7).

    One thing I love about Jesus is that He entered into our suffering and truly knows what it means to suffer and even to die. He embraced suffering to help save us. He also modeled for us what it means to suffer with others and comfort others in their suffering (John 11: 33 – 35).

  3. Thank you brother. And thank you for the devotion. Everybody is up early today 😊.

    One other thing I will add, which again you have already touched on, is that suffering makes us long for something better. It is a reminder that this world as it is is not our home (Romans 8: 18 – 25).

  4. Suffering through all this smoke from the wildfires in the NW has caused me to ask for God’s vengeance upon all those that have had a part in the destruction and looting,..

    One reason why we are suffering is because God has been set aside in a lot of peoples lives,..there are those that I have spoke with that don’t want anything to do with Jesus,..they say their god wouldn’t allow what has happened to them,..that’s where Bible study comes in,..sometimes the Spirit steps in and speaks through me and other times I have to just walk away because they as soo convinced other wise,..

    Suffering for the cause of Christ is a good thing,..and it is something to be embraced everyday of our life,..

    1. John,

      Every godly heart longs for justice. Even in times of loss and destruction, our God still reigns supreme. I opened my Bible this morning to Ezekiel 37, the “Valley of Dry Bones.” In it God reminds me that He can make anything or anyone new again. I take encouragement from that.

  5. What reasons can you add why God might allow us to suffer? 

    Suffering brings Gods grace to overcome our pride for only the humble will dwell with God.

    Suffering Reminds us this earth is not our home all our pain is temporary while our joy is to be eternal. In fact it is not worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed to us.

    Suffering drives us to a greater dependence on God as we live knowing our God is sovereign and all events in our lives are in accordance to His will.

    Suffering helps us identify with Christ’s sufferings as we find joy enduring todays persecutions, focusing on what Christ has endured for our sakes.

    Suffering, enduring discipline will train us in righteousness. The pain of suffering will produce righteousness and peace to all who will be trained and grow.

    Suffering is a privilege, granted to us for Christs sake. We grow in our faith and trust as we suffer for His sake, showing others, He did not suffer in vain.

    Suffering and hardships are our path into the kingdom of God, allowing believers to live in our omnipresent God by the power of His Holy Spirit.

    Suffering is an opportunity to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, and glorify God though humble obedience to His will over our own in all circumstances.

    Isaiah 57:15, Romans 8:18, James 4:14b-15, 1 Peter 4:13, Hebrews 12:7-11,Philippians 1:29, Acts 14:22, Matthew 16:24

    1. Ron,

      Thank you for sharing your excellent study of how suffering benefits us. As so much of our world seems to be on fire today, it is timely to be reminded that the earth is not our home as Rich pointed out earlier.

      (I added a link your your list of passages as well today. 🙂 )

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