1 Peter 4:5 — Giving Account

Picture: An accusing finger points at you.

But they will have to give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. 

Summary: The “living and the dead” does not mean that being dead is the end of the road. When called before the Judge, both the living and the dead will have to give account. 

Have you ever stood before a judge and given an account? It is a very different feeling than talking with someone you know. When you speak with a friend or acquaintance, your words come willingly. When you stand before a judge, words have to be dragged out of you. Every word is a two-edged sword. They might defend you, or they might cut you to pieces. 

Those who stand with Christ are members of the Judge’s family. They have nothing to fear. Those who stand apart from Christ stand alone. They have a lot to fear. 

Notice that both the “living and the dead” are called before the judge. These terms are used as the world sees life and death. The dead are not “alive” in the sense of having a living, breathing, body. But they are alive in the sense that they still exist. They are still aware. They can still give account, and they are still able to suffer the consequences of being judged and found wanting. 

Application: Being part of God’s family means having Jesus in your life. Make sure you invite Him in! (Revelation 3:20)

Food for Thought: What does it mean to ”give account” if you are dead? 

12 Replies to “1 Peter 4:5 — Giving Account”

  1. Facing the penalty for all your sins to the fullest. Not having a representative to help you out to show that every sin you have committed has been paid in full.

  2. As someone who works in the legal field and has had the opportunity to spend many days in trial and watch earthly people go before a judge, giving an account of what they have done – right or – wrong, giving an account is taking responsibility for one’s actions. Going before God or an earthly Judge, one would like to think the person has carefully thought about their words and what/how they will present their case before the Judge. The difference though, is only one of the Judges truly knows the person’s heart and motive and sincerity.

    People can be sincere when giving an account and taking responsibilities for their actions or they can simply give lip service in hopes of saying the right thing to get by one more time. Giving an account and taking responsibility for their actions is confessing their sins, asking for forgiveness and attempting to move forward, trying to live life according to His word and way rather than using confession as a ‘get out of jail’ free card.

    1. Darla,

      You have painted a vivid picture of what it means to stand before a judge. Thank you! You make an important point, too: Standing before God, there is no place to hide. He knows everything, even those things we have hidden from ourselves.

  3. Thank you Tim and Darla, well said.

    For believers there is no fear of condemnation (John 5: 24). We will have to give account at the Bema seat judgment – the judgment of believers that ends in eternal life (2 Corinthians 5: 10; Rev 20: 4 – 6).

    Those who deny Christ will have to be judged on their own merit and righteousness instead of on Christ’s merit and righteousness. That will not go well at the great white throne judgment (Revelation 20: 11 – 15).

    It is good to know the Judge personally and to have Him pay for our sins through His perfect work on our behalf (Romans 8: 31 – 34).

  4. What does it mean to ”give account” if you are dead? 

    Hebrews 9:27, it is appointed to men once to die, but after this the judgment.

    God is Holy and cannot allow even a single particle of contaminating sin to be in His presence.

    All unbelievers will be judged by Christ at the “great white throne,” and they will receive what they have chosen. They have chosen to reject Christ and live their lives in sin, separate from God and will receive what they have chosen, eternal separation from God.

    Believers will also be judged at a different judgment called the “judgment seat of Christ”. Believers have chosen to accept and be holy through Christ and will receive eternal life with God through Christ.

    Romans 2:5, Romans 14:10, Revelation 20:11-15

  5. Well,..since I am dead,..I guess my account will either go to my wife, if she is still alive, or the account will go to my grandchildren

    Hopefully there will still be something in there for them to enjoy,..

    Wait,.. we are talking about heaven and hell aren’t we? Really didn’t have much to add to all the great responses above,.. so I thought I would throw in a bit of humor,..

    When it’s time for the life to expire from this shell of a body,..life will really be just beginning,..for those of us that have accepted Christ anyway,..it will be a sad day in heaven when we see all those we have spoken to along the way in this life about Jesus that have and are still rejecting God’s Son and His plan of salvation,..

    Blessed are those that mourn,..

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