1 Peter 4:6 — Rorschach Test

Picture: Closeup of a fountain pen tip and a drop of black ink.

For this is the reason the gospel was preached even to those who are now dead, so that they might be judged according to human standards in regard to the body, but live according to God in regard to the spirit.

Summary: A Rorschach test is to psychology what a mirror is to the face. God has placed occasional Rorschach tests in His Word. Today’s passage is one of them.  

Do you know what a Rorschach test is? It is the psychological test that uses inkblots on paper to draw out your deepest inner thoughts. What you “see” in the inkblot reveals a lot about how you think. Today’s verse is a lot like Rorschach’s inkblot. 

What do you see in the words today? Do you see a verse that says, “For this is why the good news [of salvation] was preached [in their lifetimes] even to those who are dead…” (Amplified Bible)? Or, do you see a verse that says, “For this reason, the Good News was preached to the dead” (NLV)?

Does what we see in the inkblot determine what the inkblot is? What if it is not an inkblot at all, but a portrait? The artist intended it to look like one thing, but you decide it looks like something else. Who is right? Doesn’t the artist have the final say? 

Sometimes art is left ambiguous for a reason. Sometimes the purpose of art is simply to make us think. Sometimes it reveals who we are. 

A dear friend of mine dared to share his thoughts on a particular Scripture passage with someone he did not know well. The “someone” happened to be someone who didn’t like my friend’s perspective on the passage. His advice to my friend was, “Get your theology right!” Is that what Jesus is looking for? Are we judged on our theology or are we loved despite our theology? 

Today’s verse is one of those that can be fairly interpreted to mean at least two different things. I find one of those interpretations very comforting and the other a bit impersonal. Is it okay with you if I choose to hear God say something comforting to me in His Word? 

It is not my place here to tell you how to read this passage. It is my place to share God’s love with you and honor the Father in any way I can. I hope that the person my friend ran into remembers that at some point. 

Application: Keep in mind that we each have a blind spot (Matthew 7:3-5).  

Food for Thought: What do you think Peter means when he writes, ‘’live according to God in regard to the spirit?”

9 Replies to “1 Peter 4:6 — Rorschach Test”

    1. Tim,

      Great point! Context is essential to understand any communication. The most critical context to remember when reading the Bible is that it is God speaking. When we understand that, we are obligated to approach the Word with humility.

  1. Just as Jesus died and was raised to life (1 Peter 3: 18), so will those who place their faith in Him. Those who know Him will always live, even when they die (John 11: 25 – 26). Therefore, we should also live for Him today (2 Corinthians 5: 15).

    1. Rich,

      Our God the Father does not have a physical body, but He is very alive! That is the kind of life I hope for. Jesus, His Son, has shown us God in both forms, physical and spiritual. The spiritual has proved to be more alive and more enduring.

  2. What do you think Peter means when he writes, ‘’live according to God in regard to the spirit?”

    We are all spiritual beings confined to physical bodies!
    While I in the Marine Corps a big part of our training was to stay physically fit. In my unit part this involved physical exercise (push-ups, set-ups etc.) and going for a run everyday while in garrison. The run would be 3 miles each morning, but if we were good we were all taken on a 12 mile run each Thursday afternoon. It was during these 12 mile runs that I learned I could actually detach myself from my body. I would get my pace tuned in to the others in my platoon, then I would simply go to the beach (mentally) while my body ran with the unit. Worked out great, my body got the exercise it needed and my spirit had a wonderful time at a beautiful, quiet Pacific Ocean cove. My platoon Sgt. never knew I had left. I could get away with this because the specific training I was participating in was 100% physical, and my physical body was receiving the endurance training it required.
    God knows I can do this, and is telling me, He expects me to be with Him 24/7. I don’t go to Sunday service so I can text my friends. I stay alert while around other people, knowing God can bring an opportunity to me at any moment. I study His word everyday knowing He will teach me how to die to self interest and live to serve His interests. I look for something to love in the unlovable. It’s tough and requires I “Live according to God in regard to the spirit.” All the time.

  3. One thing for sure if anyone reads or listens to the words of God in the Bible they get convicted of their worthless and wretched sin life they have been living,..if that’s called living,..the Spirit brings life to the believer and we respond with and in love because of that,..

    Praises come from our lips to the ears of a heavenly God,..He responds in Spirit with love through conviction, God is jealous and wants all of His creation to bow to Him,..He deserves it,..and we owe it to Him,..

    We owe it to Him to speak His words through His Son Jesus to all who will listen and respond,..maybe that’s why the gospel is preached to those who are dead,..so they too can become alive in Christ and praise the One and only true God,..Yahweh,..

    Yes,..I believe that He wants all of the dead to come to life and praise Him,..I am alive and my lips receive the benefit of praising Him,..oh how beautiful are the praises of His people,..

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