1 Peter 4:11 (c) — The Language of Praise

To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

Summary: Peter uses specific language to tell us how much honor is due to Jesus. 

Language is a tool. Like the tools used by a craftsman, language has a function. Language conveys intangible thoughts, feelings, and ideas from one mind to another. Without a thought or feeling to express, language would have no purpose or meaning. 

Can the dead speak? Can wood talk? No. Language is a tool given to us by God so that our living spirit can express what is inside to another through the medium of things. 

Throughout his letter, Peter has been expressing what he knows about God and Jesus. He has told us how God does certain things, what God expects from believers, and how God loves and supports his children. 

Today, in this verse, his love for God overflows. He uses language in the form of a doxology. Yesterday’s passage ended with, “so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.” 

This Jesus Christ he mentions is the Jesus that Peter knows personally. The Jesus he spent three years with day in and day out. The Jesus who did the miracles, who healed the sick, made the mute speak and the blind see. This is the Jesus who fed thousands of people with food and occasionally raised someone from the dead. This Jesus, the one Peter speaks of, came back from the dead himself, and spoke with Peter more than once. This Jesus that Peter knows is also the Author of Life, the Creator of all things, and the Son of God. 

Peter’s language conveys his respect and awe for his Lord, Jesus Christ. 

Application: Add this doxology to the end of every thought for a whole day. 

Food for Thought: What does Peter mean by ”the glory” and ”the power?” 

9 Replies to “1 Peter 4:11 (c) — The Language of Praise”

  1. The word for power, kratos, can mean might, strength, dominion.

    In my life I can receive glory and take power or dominion over my life. In this scenario I am Lord of my life. Or I can give this glory and dominion to the world and it’s pursuits. In which case, the world is Lord of my life. However, if I submit to the Lord Jesus as Lord of my life – personally, then He receives the glory and has dominion over my life. Then He is Lord and on the throne of my life.

    I know which of these should take place. Moment by moment I need to give Him the glory and the power. Luke 9: 23.

    1. Thank you Rich. This is one of the reasons I can’t wait until mens study kicks off again.

  2. What does Peter mean by ”the glory” and ”the power?”

    4:11(a), If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the VERY WORDS OF GOD,

    4:11(b), If anyone serves, they should do so with THE STRENGTH GOD PROVIDES, so that in all things God may be PRAISED THROUGH JESUS CHRIST.

    4:11(c), TO HIM be the GLORY and the POWER for ever and ever. Amen

    Part (c), clarifies who gets all praise and glory for speaking and serving in parts (a) & (b).

    We are drawing from God’s strength, power. And whatever glory may come our way for these things goes back to God. Our lives—our talents, dollars, homes, and service—all come by the power of God, to be used for His purpose’s by His power directing us, to bring Him glory.

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