1 Peter 5:1 (d) — God’s Glory

Picture: A treasure chest symbolizes accumulated wealth.

[I, Peter]… who also will share in the glory to be revealed.

Summary: Peter gives us several clues to the meaning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In today’s verse he returns to the theme of God’s Glory. 

Peter’s letter is to believers. Believers know why they believe. His point is to encourage people who already believe. He does not spend a lot of time explaining the Gospel. 

If Peter’s letter was the only part of the Bible you ever read, you still get a few clues about why people believe and what they believe. In the first chapter, Peter writes about a “new birth” (v3) and the resurrection of Jesus from the dead (v3). He mentions the “coming of the salvation” (v4) and hints that Jesus Christ will be revealed (v7). Finally, in verse nine he connects the end result of faith to “the salvation of your souls.” 

Now, after much talk about suffering for Christ, Peter returns to the topic of salvation. He tells us that he knows he will also be among those who “share in the glory to be revealed.” 

What is this “glory” that Peter is talking about?

Let’s do a thought experiment. Imagine that there is someone on earth who has superhuman power. Using their power, they can force everyone on the planet to give up their wealth. All the gold, silver, diamonds, and precious stones on the planet are given to this person. Every piece of artwork is put in his house. Every statue and every tapestry are his. Every computer, every TV, every phone is confiscated and put in his warehouses. Every military power is his. Every political power is his. Nothing of value is left to anybody else on the planet. This one person has it all. 

Now, imagine that you have a chance to see this person and all their wealth and power. As you gaze on the opulence of one person having all the wealth of the entire world, you feel small by comparison. What you feel about what you see is called “glory.” Glory is not a thing that you can touch. It is a response in us to being in the presence of power and majesty. 

To complete our thought experiment, we need to do one more thing. Imagine that Jesus returns while you are standing in the presence of the one man on earth who owns everything. The glory of God will make the power and majesty of all the earth’s wealth look like a dirty rag by comparison. 

When we talk about the glory of God, we are speaking of something beyond human understanding. Yet God allows us to experience a taste of his Glory. As Peter writes in 1 Peter 1:8,

Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy…”

Application: Compare the things you value on earth with the glory of God. 

Food for Thought: If you have compared the things you value on earth with the glory of God, how does that make you feel about your things here on earth? 

7 Replies to “1 Peter 5:1 (d) — God’s Glory”

  1. Nothing we experience on earth, good or bad, will compare to the glory, honor, splendor we will experience when we see Jesus. Romans 8: 18; 1 Corinthians 9: 25; 2 Corinthians 12: 3 – 4.

  2. I have been trying to be more open with what He has provided for me. Everything good I have is because of Him. I recently took a friend to lunch and my friend said thank you, I said that nothing I have is mine and I was sure he was proud to buy us lunch. Then my friend said that God was proud of my attitude. We both felt incredible joy in his glory over a simple lunch that he provided. I Thank our Lord for little times I can glorify Him and feel His Holy Spirit working through us.

  3. As T mentioned,..everything belongs to God,..nothing belongs to me,..I am just a steward of what He provides,..He knows our needs, wants and desires while we are waiting for His return,..He doesn’t lack on provision,..I think what brings Him glory is that we use the resources He provides for doing good,..again like T mentioned,..

    I have read that if we seek His kingdom first then all else will be added,..He will also give us the desires of our heart,..money is not everything but it helps and He knows it,..Jesus commands us to ask, seek and knock. He say’s ask and it will be given,..and it is better to give than to receive,..someone has got to be on the receiving end otherwise there would no reason to give,..God wouldn’t receive His glory,..

    Recently the wildfires took out a lot of property and displaced many families,..God laid it on my heart to help out in a monetary way for the good people of Otis, Oregon.

    As an employer,..I know how valuable employees are,..so God laid it on my heart to purchase Danner Boots for all five of the employees He has provided for the fence company

    The beautiful thing about Him sharing His glory is that there is plenty to go around,.. it’s all His anyway,..even the crowns we cast at His feet are His,..the principles and promises are His,..everything belongs to God. I have learned in this life He has called me to live is that He doesn’t break His promises,..His principles have been tested and stand true,..

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