1 Peter 5:5 (a) — The Elders

Picture: Closeup of an open Bible.

 In the same way, you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders.

Summary: Peter commends those under the authority of the church elders to submit to them. Yet there are two kinds of elders. 

Peter has been addressing the elders of the churches who received his letter. The elders are typically older members of the congregation. They have also been chosen to be shepherds of the congregation. Now Peter turns his attention to those who are younger. 

Who are these “younger” believers? The answer is that we do not know. In our modern churches, we tend to put people into categories. These might include children, youth, young adult, etc. I don’t know this for certain, but I suspect things were a bit simpler back in Peter’s day. For the sake of discussion, Peter has divided the population into younger and older. Some of the older members, not all, are called elders. 

This is where it gets interesting. Most translations render this passage differently than the NIV. For example, the Revised Standard Version reads, “Likewise you that are younger be subject to the elders.” Do you see the difference? If I say, “respect your elders,” I mean that you personally should respect everyone older than you because they have lived longer. If I say, “respect the elders,” I am referring to specific people with the title of “elder.” 

While it is always good form to respect your elders, submitting to church elders is especially desirable if the body of Christ on earth is to be healthy. This is why Peter is writing his letter to the churches. This is why all the letters in the New Testament were written. The goal is to guide people in their understanding of what it means to love God above all else and our neighbors as ourselves. 

The problem is that there are two kinds of elders. Peter has listed their qualities for us. One kind is watchful, willing, eager to serve, and a living example to the flock. The other kind is distracted, unwilling, maybe pursuing dishonest gain, and lords their authority over others. Any mixture of both qualities might as well be the same as the lesser of the two. (Sadly, people sometimes become very confused on this point.) As members of the flock, what are we to do? 

This is where faith comes in. Peter mentioned someone called the “Chief Shepherd.” By this, he means Jesus, LORD of all that exists. The Chief Shepherd will honor those who have served well with a crown of glory (1 Peter 5:4). For those who abuse his trust, another kind of recognition awaits (Luke 12: 45-46). 

Besides faith, we have the Word. The same letter that was written to the churches in exile is available to us. All the words of the New Testament are available to us. All we have to do is read them over and over and over again. As we submit to God in prayer, listen to God through his Word, and serve in his Church, we grow in Christ. 

As Paul writes to the Philippians, “And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.” (Philippians 1: 9-11)

Application: Submit to the elders and pray that they are serving the Lord.

Food for Thought: What are the benefits of submitting to the elders? 

8 Replies to “1 Peter 5:5 (a) — The Elders”

  1. Well,..one of can be getting removed from the church,..not that it’s a benefit,..but that’s what happened when I submitted,..

    They wanted to remove my wife from membership because she didn’t attend as much as they thought she should,..the Pastor brought me in on a Saturday and told me the news,..I handed him the keys that day,..

    You want to remove my wife,..you may as well remove me too,..I sleep with my wife not the church,..is what I remember telling him,..over 200 people in the congregation and my wife never felt welcomed,..God’s people sure are tough on each other,..this was after the merge / takeover.

    Personally I would rather just attend church than be a member,..I have gotten hurt being a member too many times,..I would just rather praise and worship God instead of making policies on how it’s to be done,..

    So in my case by me submitting to the elders,..God has gained more of His glory by me praising and worshipping Him as a non member of an earthly church,..

    1. John,

      Thank you for your openness. This can be a challenging and difficult subject. Many of us have suffered similar injustices.

      The church exists in the same conundrum we do as individuals: one foot in heaven, the other on the earth. Just like we struggle with our “body of death” (Romans 7:24) the church is constructed of others who are struggling with their own personal challenges. The opportunities for hurting each other are endless.

      Jesus came to serve (Mark 10:45) and those that serve him do the same. He also came to forgive and that is what he taught us to do as well (Mark 11:25).

      Another aspect of all of this is that God is sovereign. Even over all the events that seem to be so wrong. Romans 8:28 encourages me during these times and I find myself looking for the good in the outcome. I hope we all can find the good God is working in our lives even when there are struggles.

    2. John,

      God made you and your wife one when you were married. I would say you fully submitted to higher church authority when you left as one.

      Blessings Brother

  2. What are the benefits of submitting to the elders? 

    We place our trust in Christ knowing that He SUBMITTED himself to God for our sake. He laid down his life for us, so through the power of the Holy Spirit we can lay down our lives for Christ for the sake of the Gospel.

    Perfect SUBMISSION made Jesus subject to the unjust control and power of sinful man. He stood silent before Pilate as he asserted his authority over Christ. “Don’t you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?” Jesus answers, “You would have no power over me if it were not give to you from above”. 

    Jesus Christ SUBMITTED to His Father, Matthew 26:39, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will”. In the garden, Jesus refused to avoid the cross. He pleaded in agony for strength to fulfill His Father’s will. 

    His SUBMISSION brought suffering for our sake. Psalm 22:1, My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Our perfect sinless Lord endured the filth of all the sins of the world, an agonizing physical death, as He obeyed His Father. All the world’s sin and guilt were laid on Jesus and created a separation between mankind and our Holy God, who had no choice but to turn His back on the contaminating effect of sin.
    Christ lived in perfect SUBMISSION to the Father. In all things so we could have His power to SUBMIT in all things of our lives.

    Biblical SUBMISSION is our response for right relationship with God.

    John 1:14, John 15:13, John 3:17, Philippians 2:6-7

    Link added – JE

    1. Ron,

      Thank you for your meditation on submission. I love reading about our Lord’s submission to his Father, even at the cost of his life. His trust was rewarded with new life and the power to redeem our lives as well.

      Thank you!

  3. Submitting to our elders should help us grow in our spiritual walk with God. They should have our best interest at heart.

    Submitting to elder shouldn’t be a matter of membership. You submit whether you are a member or not. Timothy didn’t have church membership, was wise to follow Paul’s counseling.

    Unfortunately, John’s story above sea to be of an elder enforcing a rule without much love or compassion. I’m sorry to hear the negative experience John. I hope it’s an isolated experience that’s on the past.

  4. Well some benefits for submitting to my elders is that I get to blame all you guys if I go wrong…. just kidding. Seeking wise counsel is always a good thing. Letting others help guide you during your walk should be an encouragement if you stumble or need help.

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