1 Peter 5:6 — The Hand of God

Picture: Painting of Jesus wounded hand.

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.

Summary: Submitting to God is the key to being lifted up. 

The image of God’s hand is powerful. It is used throughout Scripture to describe how God gets things done. It was with a “mighty hand” that God brought the Israelites out of Egypt (Deuteronomy 5:15). When Jesus ascended into heaven, he was “seated at the right hand of the mighty God.” (Luke 22:69)

Ascribing hands to God is a way for us as humans to visualize God. It helps us to understand how God works. Once again, just like our study of John’s Gospel, we struggle when we try and understand what life is like in the spiritual realm. Jesus has been there, but we have not. At least not yet. 

What does Peter mean by suggesting that we should be “under God’s mighty hand?” I can only guess. It is not a common expression these days. To be “under” someone’s hand would seem to mean that we put ourselves in their power. To be “lifted up” or “uplifted” is a common expression. We know what that means. 

To be under the authority of someone else is not a matter of pride. One doesn’t “stand tall” under the hand of someone else. Peter’s admonition to humble ourselves makes perfect sense in conjunction with being under God’s hand. And so we do. We humble ourselves, We obey. We love God above all else and our neighbor as ourselves. 

And when we do that, loving God above all else and our neighbor as ourselves, something interesting happens. God lifts us up. 

Application: Align yourself with God’s will. The results will be uplifting. 

Food for Thought: What determines when we are lifted up? 

6 Replies to “1 Peter 5:6 — The Hand of God”

  1. For me being uplifted can happen in a variety of ways… Sometimes a quote or scripture verse grew up with you sometimes it’s a kind word from a stranger or even a smile, other times it’s friends and family who encourage you and give you praise when you’re not feeling well or in a good mood. I know that I need to become better at devoting time to dive into God’s word because it is truth and his gift to us.
    Prayer can also be uplifting either knowing that you have brothers in Christ praying for you or having your pastor text you enough lifting prayer or leave a voicemail

  2. Thank you Phil. I like your comment as you do a great job of describing being lifted up in a practical way. And we can see God behind everything you mention. He is the ultimate One lifting us up in every instance. We are praying for you and Kristy as she has the surgery today.

    God lifting us up is closely associated with seeking His favor over the favor of people. His approval leads to us being lifted up. Numbers 6: 24 – 26.

    1. Thank you, Rich! Nice reference!

      The Lord bless you
      and keep you;
      the Lord make his face shine on you
      and be gracious to you;
      the Lord turn his face toward you
      and give you peace.

  3. What determines when we are lifted up? 

    Our faith in the indwelling Holy Spirit is the God given power to lift each of us as we humble ourselves and accept HIS power to do so. We must live in humility, know we are helpless in all things and He will lift us up.

    1.) The Holy Spirit calls all to Christ. Believers become free of all sin, filled with the desire and power to seek righteousness, and are baptized into the body of Christ, joined with all believers.

    2.) The Holy Spirit gives life to our mortal bodies as He joins with our spirits, He seals each as eternal possessions of God, gives each the strength to grow into the instrument predetermined by God for His ministry, and calls/empowers each to be effective ministers for God in His time..

    3.) The Holy Spirit indwells all believers as we dwell on earth as the Church or Temple of God. He provides direction and assurance as we follow His guidance in our ministry for God. He illuminates the truth, as He both instructs, and recalls God’s word/will in our lives. We have a clarity of thought which will often bring sorrow to our hearts as we watch the unsaved propping themselves up.

    4.) The Holy Spirit produces fruit of the spirit (Christ-like graces) in the heart of each believer. Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control. The Holy Spirit make it possible for each believer to pray, as we offer true thanksgiving and worship and praise to our God who has made all this possible.

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