1 Peter 5:7 (b) — Caring

Picture: A small boy cradles a new baby.

…because he cares for you.

Summary: Peter shows us the heart of God. God cares for each of us deeply. 

Today’s passage is one of the most beautiful phrases in the entire Bible. Peter has been instructing us on how to submit to God’s will. He tells us to humble ourselves “under God’s mighty hand.” He promises that if we do that, God will “lift you up in due time.” Yesterday we learned to cast all our anxiety on our Father, and today Peter tells us why: Because your Heavenly Father cares for you. 

Imagine that. The One who created the entire universe and all that is in it cares for you. Not only is He aware of you, he cares for you. 

There is a startling dichotomy here. The world is a place that doesn’t care about you. God, who is not in the world, does care for you. The shortest verse in the Bible is also the most profound. When Jesus is confronted by the sisters of deceased Lazarus, the Bible says, “Jesus wept.” (John 11:35) This is the same Jesus who tells us that “I and the Father are one.” (John 10:30) Jesus wept because he cares for Lazarus and Mary and Martha. In the same way, he cares for you and me. 

Because we are sinners (Romans 3:23) Jesus went to the cross so that we could be redeemed. (Galatians 3:13, 1 Peter 1:18) Like the prodigal son who comes home hoping to find work on his father’s farm (Luke 15:11-32), God reaches out to us with open arms when we turn back to him. 

Why would he do this? Because he cares for you. 

Application: Ponder the love God has for you. 

Food for Thought: Why is it difficult for us to believe that God is even aware of us, let alone that he cares for us?

8 Replies to “1 Peter 5:7 (b) — Caring”

  1. Lies of the evil one, causing doubt and sin that starts separation from Him in our lives.

  2. Good point Tim. I agree. And when we are honest we know we are unworthy of such love. But that is what makes it all that much more amazing.

  3. Why is it difficult for us to believe that God is even aware of us, let alone that he cares for us?

    In the first grade, my father ran over my dog and promised to get me a new one. I came home from school each day looking forward to seeing my new dog, but it was not there. Then one afternoon my mother told me my dog was in the backyard. He was a big dog, chained to the clothesline so he could move around but was limited to how far he could go. As I approached him he tried to attack me but the chain held him back. He had been a Junk Yard dog. My dad had gotten his at the pound where he was for biting kids. This dog just did not trust me at aall.trust me at all.

    I watched him bark and growl for a bit and them went into the house, filled one bowl with water, and another with food. Went back out, sat on the grass out of reach of his teeth and pushed the two bowls up to him with a stick. I just sat there as he ate, drank and growled at me. I did this day after day and as time went by, he stopped growling, and let me get closer as he ate. Eventually he was happy to see me each day, let me pet him and became my best friend. We went everywhere together, he even slept in my bed with me as my best friend.

    I think many of us are a little like that dog. We live in this world where unconditional love is not normal. People come to us and tell us about God’s love for us and we wonder, “what’s the catch” or “ how could God love a person like me”??? And push them away.

    We have God in a box, one we have built to our standards, using human attributes which are all we really know. Total, limitless, eternal, unconditional love is not on our list.

    We need to throw the box away, allow God to be God, “beyond our understanding” and by faith accept Him as our Supreme King. Stop placing limits on God, restraining His power, and accept His offer of forgiveness of all sins through FAITH. Study His Written Word to us, get to know Him and He will provide growth to our faith.

    In time we will KNOW He cares for us, and we will find ourselves spending more time with our God, less time in the world because walking in God is where we have found peace and happiness beyond understanding.

    1. Thank you Ron for sharing that with us. I can really relate to being like that dog during my life.

      1. Me also Tim, fortunately as Jeff says, God id infinitely patient with each of us. Let’s keep trying.

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