Titus 1:4 (d) — A Time for Peace

 … and peace …

Summary: We will not see world peace until our world is under the direct rule of our Lord Jesus. Until that time, there will be conflict. Yet, there is a kind of peace that we can have that comes from knowing God. 

People have wished for world peace so often that in some circles it has become a kind of joke. One reason people laugh at the idea is that world peace is only possible if everyone is peaceful. If you know anything about people at all, well, you get the idea. 

The world is made up of two kinds of people. In his interview with Pilate just before his execution, Jesus said: 

For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” (John 18: 37b)

If there are people who are “of the truth,” then there must also be people who are not “of the truth.” People who are not of the truth are those who rely on lies and deception to get what they want. How can there be peace between people who lie and deceive and those who don’t? 

The short answer is that there can’t be peace. People are divided between the truthful and those who are bent on deception. There will come a time, as both Isaiah and Micah have prophesied, when: 

“It shall come to pass in the latter days…
He shall judge between the nations,
and shall decide disputes for many peoples;
and they shall beat their swords into plowshares
and their spears into pruning hooks;
nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
neither shall they learn war anymore." (Isaiah 2:1a, 4)

In those days, no one will be able to lie or deceive because our Lord will judge. No one can hide their hearts from him. Lies will be impossible. Under those conditions, there will be peace. Unfortunately, until then, we are left with conflict. 

So what kind of “peace” does Paul offer Titus? Isaiah describes it this way: 

“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.” (Isaiah 26:3)

There is a peace that passes all understanding. (Philippians 4:7) This peace, called the “peace of God,” is a sense of calmness and an absence of worry. It is the natural consequence of knowing the Author of Life personally. 

Application: Accept the world as it is (divided) and draw near to God. (James 4:8)

Food for Thought: What impact does one person accepting the peace of God have on world peace? 

11 Replies to “Titus 1:4 (d) — A Time for Peace”

  1. I do find peace in knowing the truth, but I also mourn for those who don’t. It’s a powerful mix of emotions that consumes my day.

  2. Thank you Danny. I appreciate your heart brother. And thank you for the great devotion Jeff.

    I guess if one person accepts the peace that comes through Jesus, we are one person being transformed closer to meaningful peace in the world. Jesus gives us peace, is our peace and is the Prince of peace. And the Prince of peace has overcome the obstacles of the world. John 16: 33; Micah 4: 3 – 4.

    1. Thank you, Rich.

      Do you remember the starfish story? It is about the kid who is walking down the beach tossing starfish back into the sea. He is not overwhelmed by the ones that he cannot save, but takes joy in saving the ones that he can.

  3. I’m not sure we find peace in this worlditself, but we have spiritual peace in heaven in the presence of God. So we can have spiritual peace in this unpeaceful world knowing that God is in control.

    That wasn’t well said…but I’m at the end of a work break so I need to move on.

    Happy Thursday.

  4. What impact does one person accepting the peace of God have on world peace? 

    Like Adam and Eve we are each aware of our nakedness and left to ourselves we seek to cloth ourselves in our strength with leaves. We know we are separated, in rebellion toward our God, the majority refuse to acknowledge the truths being proclaimed to all by the Holy Spirit and turn to Him.

    Jesus tells us He did not come to bring peace on earth. Jesus came to bring peace with God, on an individual basis to all who would repent, reject the world and chose to live in obedience to God. God’s peace is permanent and secure. God’s peace is built on the sure foundation of his Word. God’s peace is ours because Jesus heals and sets each free from sin.

    World Peace will not be achieved until the last individual is saved and Christ returns to rule in Righteousness. In the mean time we are each called to allow Christ to use us, Mark 16:15 And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.
    Luke 12:51-53, Matthew 10:34–36, Romans 5:1, 5:10, John 14:27

  5. Wow Jeff,..you always seem to manage to come up with some hard questions to answer,..glad I am not graded here,..

    I don’t think one person’s peace would have much of an impact on world peace,..not unless I had like a gazzillion subscribers on Youtube,..

    I had an idea for a movie,..where a scientific coorporation makes a commercial with some hidden phrases that trigger people into doing random acts of kindness,..it changed the world,..at least that’s the concept anyway

    Thanks for the tough questions Jeff,.. keep it up!

    1. John,

      Thanks for the smile! 🙂 I’m glad I’m not graded here, too!!

      It seems to me that one person sharing God’s peace with one other person has made a huge impact. I trust that God will continue to bless your ministry.

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