Titus 1:6 (a) — A Question of Blame

An elder must be blameless …

Summary: Being blameless is not the same thing as being perfect. Someone who is blameless is without blame. It is the minimum required amount of right living required for being a church leader. 

Today’s passage begins a description of the qualifications for being an elder. Of course, as we discussed earlier in “Titus 1:5 (c) — Listeners,” the word used for “elder” can mean almost any leadership role in the church. The phrase “church leader” might be a more universal translation in this case. 

“A church leader must be…” 

See what I mean? It fits. As we go through Paul’s description of the requirements for a church leader, remember that Paul is a realist. When confronted by the reality of Jesus on the road to Damascus, Paul didn’t rage in defiance. Instead, when Jesus confronted him and gave him his instructions, his response was silent obedience. (Acts 9:8)

Paul knows that people are corrupt. He taught that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). He knows that people struggle with sin (Romans 7:29). It is tempting to translate the word “blameless” as meaning “without fault” or “perfect.” But this is not what Paul means. 

For one thing, if a church body had to find someone without fault before they could have a church leader, no churches would have leaders. (Some think that this would not be such a bad situation.) Since churches do need leaders, it stands to reason that the person selected will have sinned and still struggles with sin. 

So what is Paul talking about? What does it mean to be blameless? 

In its most basic form, the word “blameless” means that there is no blame attached to a person. Blame is what happens when somebody points a finger at someone else and says, “He did it!” Accusations can be true or false. The ideal blameless person has not been accused of either. If someone is falsely accused, discernment is needed to sift out the false accusations. 

Using this approach, the standard of blamelessness is not that high. It simply means that a person has done a fair job of staying out of trouble. They live an upright life, and they avoid even the appearance of wrongdoing. 

Application: Strive to be blameless in your own life. 

Food for Thought: What would a church be like without leaders? 

12 Replies to “Titus 1:6 (a) — A Question of Blame”

  1. The multitude in the wilderness as sheep having no shepherd. Praise the lord that he had compassion on them…and has compassion on us. God instituted marriage, the family, government, and the local church. Anarchy is not a part of any of them.

    1. Thank you, JEC!

      I would add one caveat: Anarchy is only avoided if God is at the center of the institution. If anyone else is at the center, things seem to go bad.

  2. I agree with JEC. Without leaders there would be anarchy. There is a repeated phrase in the book of judges: “In those days there was no king in Israel, and everyone did what was right in their own eyes.” As casual reading of the book of Judges shows that the lack of leadership led to disaster and mayhem. In fact, God repeatedly raised up leaders in the book of Judges to help His people. Proverbs 29:18 tells us that due to a lack of vision the people perish.

    Jesus is the foundation and leader of His church. He is the God Shepherd. Would being without leadership also include not following Him?

    So yes, leadership is important. Just because there have been some bad leaders does not mean we throw out God’s plan for the church. And great response is to pray for the leadership and be willing to lead with godly, biblical principles.

  3. I simply could not imagine church without some form of leadership. To follow on what JEC said, I think it would lead to chaos and confusion. People going rogue and doing their own thing. (Anarchy.) People using different interpretations of the bible and leading those who are lost even more astray. (Please know that this comment is not meant to create issue. We all interpret verses differently depending on the season we are in. I am meaning this comment along the lines of someone who has an outrageous interpretation that goes against what the bible says and then convincing others who are already lost, to lead them down a further wrong trail as they may be in a very delicate and/or impressionable state and prime for being taken advantage of.)

    As JEC states, God instituted marriage (Genesis 2:24), the family (Psalm 127:3-5), government (Romans 13:1-2) and the local church (Ephesians 2:20-22).

    Someone needs to steer the ship. Someone needs to shepherd the flock. Someone needs to herd the cows. (BTW. I love cows so if I can add them to anything, I will. They are referenced in the bible too – in case you didn’t know. lol) Acts 20:28 reads: “Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood. ”

    Church needs leadership. While as a church body, we may not always agree with our church leaders, it doesn’t mean we should get rid of leaders all together. The bible calls us to trust in Him first and foremost. He is the main church Leader. I would hope our church leaders are seeking His wisdom and direction as they lead the church.

  4. What would a church be like without leaders? 

    I would think chaos. Jesus came to Give His Life. As a Ransom for many, even the Son of man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many. He came to teach, lead and train. How did He do this? He served. Jesus’ mandate is for us to make disciples, teaching them to obey everything that He taught. He taught that we should live in this world, but not of this world. A form of leadership.
    Mark 10:45, John 17:15-21

    The first priority for all believers which would include future church leaders, must be to serve God.
    John 4:24, “God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” Luke 4:8, And Jesus answered him, “It is written, “‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve.’”

    God knows His church requires leadership. The disciples wanted to send the 5,000 home, Jesus said lets feed them and what men saw as too little became too much. Jesus spoke to the woman at the well, his disciples were astonished He would speak to a woman yet many were saved. The Bible has many teachings regarding leaders. The great leaders are prepared and established by God like Samuel, the poor leaders are selected by men like King Saul.

    The Church as established by God requires the leadership of Christ as revealed by the Holy Spirit in the Word of God. To assist in providing this, God provides spiritually mature individuals with servants hearts who are called by God into the ministry.
    1 Corinthians 12:28, And God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, helping, administrating, and various kinds of tongues.

  5. I am going out on a limb here and say that if a church had no leader’s it wouldn’t be a church,..it would be a gathering of people without direction,..like Rich used the verse in Judges,..everyone would be doing whatever they thought was right in their own eyes,..

    I am glad there are leaders,.. though I tend not to agree either,..but that’s beauty of free will,..we can choose which leaders to agree with and work beside,..it may take a few churches but God has a fit for each and everyone of us no matter how long, far or wide the span lies between the islands and churches,..it’s His will and it’s all for His glory,..

    There are other leaders we need God to be in the center of other than just churches,..leaders at home, school, government, military and so on,..God needs to be and should be at the center of it all,..since He is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient,..it should and always will be all about Him leading the way in all of our lives,..As Darla mentioned God is the only Leader that should matter in any and all of our lives,..church or no church,..

    1. John,

      You are right, we do have to exercise care in choosing who we follow. To put it another way, who will be our leader. It is incumbent upon us to choose leadership where God is “in the center” as you put it.

  6. It’s weird to think God’s church is being led by a bunch of sinners…

    Been a long day


    1. Rob,

      Technically a Christian leader is very different from a secular leader. Jesus said, “The greatest among you will be your servant.” (Matthew 23:11)

      So to look at your comment a different way, God’s church is being led by Jesus who is being served by those most gifted at serving others who are then tasked with leading a bunch of sinners who have been forgiven.

      Whaddaya think? 🙂

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