Titus 1:14 (b) — Tofu Turkey

… or to the merely human commands of those who reject the truth.

Summary: Paul has been explaining why churches need an overseer. Today’s passage points us toward another threat that the overseer is to protect against.

In this part of his letter, Paul describes the qualities needed for an “overseer” of the church. The position of overseer is someone who will be a carbon copy of Paul. As a copy of Paul, they hold firmly to the message Jesus gave to Paul (Galatians 1:12). They also have skills that ensure the elders and the flock adhere to the message as well. 

Paul is concerned about the safety of the new believers. He does not want them listening to “meaningless talk and deception.” He doesn’t want them being confused or led astray. He wants them to believe in Jesus and live according to his teachings. 

Outside the church are the unbelievers. These are people who do not yet believe or who reject the Gospel. Paul calls the ones who reject the Gospel of Jesus “rebellious people” (verse 10).  

The rebellious people come in all kinds. Some reject the Gospel of Jesus outright and want nothing to do with it. Others claim to believe but put conditions on faith. They teach unsound doctrine like the claims made by the circumcision group. (They claim that circumcision is required for men to be acceptable to God.) The circumcision claim was not the only false doctrine threatening new Christians. Gnostics taught a variation of Christianity that relied on human knowledge rather than faith in Jesus. Today, there are hundreds if not thousands of competing faith claims. 

There is another type of rebellious person in addition to all of these others. Paul alludes to them in this passage. They reject the truth of God’s Word and replace it with their personal truth. This personal truth becomes the basis for the “human commands” that they give to others. 

Christians are, by nature, prone to be submissive. Jesus’ command to “Judge not, that ye be not judged,” (Matthew 7:1, KJV) is often misunderstood to mean that believers are not to make judgments about who is right and who is wrong. (See our discussion on judging in Titus 1:12-13 (a) — “Anomaly.”) People with strong personalities might find it easy to teach such people “interpretations” in place of the sound doctrine Paul has passed on to us. 

I recently discovered a new game, “Blank Slate.” In each round, players fill in the blank. For example, a card might say, “White ______.” Each player then writes down the word they think should go in the blank. What makes the game fun and a little disturbing is how different the answers are. In this case, they could be; wash, board, out, snow, or many other choices. What “feels” right to us is rarely the same thing that “feels right” to someone else. 

We often “feel” like Scripture means a certain thing. For example, we might “feel” it is wrong to judge a person’s claim about the Bible. Later, we might discover the passage in John 7: 24 where Jesus says we should “judge correctly.” Then we might “feel” it is right to judge what others say. 

Do you see the problem? An interpretation of God’s Word is like a tofu turkey compared to a real turkey dinner. It is not the real thing. 

What we feel about the meaning of a passage is not a reliable guide. Our feelings can change, but God’s will does not change (Hebrews 6:17). People who offer their feelings as a human command, who “interpret” God’s truth, might be rejecting God’s truth. This is why each church needs an overseer who holds firmly to the trustworthy message given to Paul. 

Application: Allow God’s Word to stand on its own. Trust it. Trust God. Trust his Holy Spirit. 

Food for Thought: What are key characteristics of someone who accepts the truth? 

9 Replies to “Titus 1:14 (b) — Tofu Turkey”

  1. A person who accepts the truth does not modify the gospel, or any part of the Word of God for their own personal purposes or end. This individual rely on and trusts the Lord completely, has changed their mind about themselves and fully acknowledges their sinfulness, sin nature and has trusts the sacrifice of the LORD Jesus Christ on the cross as full satisfaction and payment for past, present, and future sins.
    This person has been born anew and has a relationship with the Father, Son of God, and Holy Spirit. As a new creature in Christ they now should desire to please the Lord, follow and obey the Lord, commune with God and experience His gracious love, kindness, forgiveness, and mercy in their lives. The Holy Spirit indwelling them and guides them and gives them greater and more explicit guidance and understanding about how they may bring their life more entune with God’s will and Word.
    They may stumble and make mistakes, but the Lord is always faithful to help them know the right path, get up, and continue to walk with Him and better understand His ways. Christians should be continually thankful and rejoicing for God’s goodness to them. They pray, and see answers to their prayers according to God’s will and timing. This kind of person has yielded their, will, mind, body, talents, spiritual gifts, strength and resources to the Lord for His use and for His purposes. God’s children know the Good Shepherd voice, they love, follow, obey and seek Him, as well as love all tue fellow believers with a Hopefully a Christlkke and God honoring fervent spirit and attitude.
    These are some of the marks of those who know, understand, obey, and embrace what is real truth. God’s truth is real, stable, and is as unchanging as His character. God’s eternal character and the essential attributes of who He is do not change no matter what anyone says, thinks, or does. Neither does what God’s word says is true and that which it declares to be false. As the Apostle Paul says in Roman’s 3:4 “Let God be true and every person a liar. As it written: So that you may be proved right when you speak and prevail when you judge
    (Psalm 51:4).
    Hebrews 13: 7-8 is also helpful. “Remember your leaders, who spoke the Word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”
    The person who understands, knows, and pursues knowing the Lord in this way, and truly is actively following, obeying, and desiring God’s guidance will know what is true, and will not be led astray. This person stands firm in the truth.
    There can be no assurance for other ways or means of “accepting truth”,however, God’s Word is also quite clear about what not true, why it is not as well as the lifestyle, false judgments and so on of those who misuse, ignore, avoid, or deny God’s truth. Their end is not a pleasant one.
    It is a very good idea to be certain we know what is true and have not deceived ourselves. We should have great confidence we are on the right path as we pursue God and embrace His Word.
    Those who know and love God want to be in heaven with Him primarily because He will be there and not necessarily for how blessed a place it will be. The reason it will be such a wonderful place is because of His presence and being able to fully enjoy it along with all others 😊 who truly know, love, and desire Him. The rewards (if any), and full satisfaction of our needs are great, wonderful, and huge bonuses to be certain, but knowing and being with the Savior in a sin free and completely blessed environment is really something to which one look forward.

  2. Rejecting the truth really is so easy to do when we base everything on feelings, desires and emotions. This is a good reminder for me today. I appreciate it brother. I’ll work today, as a leader in my home and business, to think through God’s truth and ways before reacting to the selfish desires I have. It’s simple to say, buy not easy to do.

    1. Ben,

      You remind me of Jesus words in Matthew 11:20 —

      For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

      It sounds simple! 🙂 I think what makes the burden light is the knowledge that we are walking in God’s light.

  3. Thank you for the devotion brother.

    One characteristic is that they seek truth. They actually want to know the truth as opposed to wanting their way. They are first learners. They are willing to dig to find treasures of truth. They do their homework. They make every effort, emphasis on effort, to handle the word of God with accuracy. They sharpen their sword and practice with their sword. They know how to use their sword before they go into battle. Proverbs 2: 1 – 5; 2 Timothy 2: 15; Ephesians 6: 17.

    1. Rich,

      Great reference passages! (I added a link for convenience.)

      Seeking truth is much different than defending a belief. Truth stands on its own. A belief not grounded in truth needs to be propped up. Maybe that is another reason Jesus’ yoke is light? Truth stands on its own. We don’t have to expend energy to keep others from peeking behind the curtain.

  4. What are key characteristics of someone who accepts the truth? 

    The book of 1 John is a wonderful 5 chapters written to us as a picture of the life of a believer, contrasted with the life of a non-believer. Below is a very brief explanation of characteristics seen in a believers life.

    Believers have responded in repentance to the conviction of the Holy Spirit who also provides our faith in Christ as both the Son of God and Almighty God, creator of all things, the One Source of forgiveness of sin and eternal life.

    The life of a believer is marked by an ever increasing sensitivity to sin, repentance and confession, as well as an increasing separation from, and sorrow for the world as our rejection of all that contradicts and opposes God’s nature and will grows.

    Believers respond to their desire, Gods call to know His will through fellowship with other believers, and our lives are marked by the desire and a practical pursuit of holiness, as we are being gradually conformed to what God has revealed to us about His nature and will for each individual. Our desire to imitate Christ by conforming to His will becomes a priority to us. Our love for other believers grows as we desire their fellowship and increasingly seek to serve them in action and truth.

    We develop a desire to study the Word of God and turn from matters of the world to matters of God. These studies are done privately and/or in group settings as we seek continued fellowship of others who do the same, seek to live in obedience to Gods will, and are saddened when separated from Him by our disobedience.

    There are times when we become become deeply saddened by the growing darkness around us, but God reminds each of our purpose on earth and with His renewed power we always continue to follow Christ.

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