Titus 2:5 (c) — Building the Future

Then they can urge the younger women… to be … busy at home …

Summary: The world views this passage in a very hostile way, yet a world without homes is a very bleak place indeed. 

Imagine a world where there are only houses, but no homes, a world where children are born but not cared for. 

It is not hard. In many ways, we are already there. The feminist movement has been very successful in castigating women for caring about their families. Homemaking and child care are presented as beneath the dignity of modern women. 

As a result we have children without homes and families without parents. People live together out of convenience, but each person thinks mostly of their own needs. Children grow into teens and teens into adults but without love. The result is that they are angry people who do not care who they hurt because they themselves are hurting. 

In a sane world, women who make homes and care for children are honored for what they do. Their work is essential to the survival of society. In fact, without a woman’s touch, the entire human race might try and extinguish itself. 

Teaching young women to be busy at home is only a bad thing if done condescendingly. It is a flaw in such a lesson is to assume that all women are the same. As men are different, so are women. The Bible is full of stories about women in all kinds of roles. Not all women marry. Some are born to other tasks. 

It is wrong to condescendingly assume that a woman cannot do more than be busy at home. I am blessed to have a daughter-in-law who not only takes wonderful care of her children and home, but she blogs, has businesses and teaches. She is amazing! She is the “wife of noble character” described in Proverbs 31. 

Urging a young woman to be “busy at home” is not a condescending comment. Once again, the Greek carries so much more meaning. It is to watch over the house and to ensure household affairs are well run. Often it meant to manage your staff or servants. Perhaps it would have been more accurate to render the Greek as “manage the home.” 

Taken in its proper context, managing the home is building the future. Take the home out of society, and in time, society collapses like a tower of wooden blocks. 

Application: Spend a moment thinking about what you value in a home and what life would be like without it. 

Food for Thought: Where would we be without mothers and homes? 

8 Replies to “Titus 2:5 (c) — Building the Future”

  1. A war against the home which God established in Genesis 2:7, 2:20-25, is going on in our culture. Taken together with the denial or failure to recognizine God’s existence, (Atheism and Agnosticism), or denial of His position as creator, (Evolution), and you have the full orbed attack and denial by Satan and the world of what is important. The Lord will not put up with this for any extended period. His judgment is coming. Also, is is more likely than ever that the rapture is growing ever closer and imminent.
    As to the home, it used to be said, that the “Hand which rocks the cradle is the hand which rules the world.” This was an understanding that the ❤ care, love, discipline and instruction given by parents, but primarily by women who have the greatest impact on children, especially younger children in the Home. Women, were honored for there position and traditional role in the home as the key in the formulation of the character and health of the next generation.
    Yes, women can play many roles in society. Yes, Fathers or male role models, are essential and necessary as God created a healthy home to function in His economy and creation.
    But, to this day, it is Mother’s Day which is the larger holiday and celebration. In the scriptures and the mention of Kings, whether good or evil, it is often mentioned who was Mother of the king. This does not mean a can not choose to follow a different path than that lived and embraced by their parent, but rather acknowledges the likelihood of a child trained in good or righteousness to follow the same way, and a failure to do so likely results in a different outcome unless the Lord intervenes.
    The institutions the Lord has designed as fundamental to the functioning of society are not something with which to trifle. Out of them, and our upholding them in their rightful place come what is good, and some of the Lord’s best blessings (grandchildren for example 🙏 🙌 l💘).
    Failure to value them, or failure to support and value those who empower and accomplish the essentials of home management, and care the the young will lead to the inevitable decay and destruction of society.
    I really appreciated my Mother and valued her contributions, and sacrifices in providing for me and raising me. Even those in prison, or almost all individuals have some affection, or kind thoughts toward their Mother’❤ s.
    I am looking forward to viewing others comments on Mothers and the importance of the home, or what is valuable about them.

  2. I also note that the first recorded judgment of what the scripture records as the wisest man who ever lived (over than Christ), demonstrates, that women naturally love and care for their children. and want them to live and prosper, even if it would mean giving them up ( I Kings 3: 16-28). How corrupted we must be as a society to ignore or not care about the millions of abortions in our culture and around the world.
    However, this passage also illustrates that the normal response of a woman who is a mother, as well as a person who is a father is to love and care for their children. I am very thankful that this is the case.

  3. Someone once said, “Life does not come with a manual, it comes with a mother.”

    God gave the family as a gift. That gift includes a mother who will sacrifice all in Christ like love for her children.

    Where would we be without mother’s? We wouldn’t.

  4. Where would we be without mothers and homes? 

    I agree with Jeff, with some, exceptions, we live in an insane world where husbands are not husbands or fathers, women are not wives or mothers and houses are definitely not homes. The result is an attack on all that is good. That which has not been destroyed is targeted for for destruction.
    God’s final Judgement is being withheld because of the few righteous remaining, but it is definitely coming.

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