Titus 2:5 (f) — Strung Out

Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands … so that no one will malign the word of God.

Summary: How are we to understand the word “malign?” Using two pencils and a string, we can make a picture that illustrates both aligned and maligned. 

Next time you are really bored, take a piece of string and two sharp pencils. Tie one pencil to each end of the string and then take the string and pencils out in the yard. Stick one pencil in the ground and then stretch the string tight and put the other pencil in the ground. The string now represents Truth. 

Next (remember I said you had to be bored to make this work!) gather up all the sticks and pine needles in the yard and lay them down next to the string. Lay them so that each stick is pointing in the same direction as the string. The sticks and stuff are now aligned with the string. 

Now comes the fun part! Mess up all the sticks. Make them so they all point in different directions. Don’t let any of them remain parallel to the string. Are you all done? You have now maligned the string. Each little stick is saying, “The string doesn’t matter. In fact, the string is wrong, I am right!” Each little stick now maligns the string. 

When we align ourselves with God’s will and his Word, we testify that we agree with God’s will. Whether we put what we are doing into words or not, it does not matter. What we do tells the world what we believe. 

The word “malign” comes from an old French word, “malignier.” This word, in turn, grew out of the Latin word “malignus” meaning, “tending to evil.” To oppose God is the definition of evil. 

If we claim to be a follower of God, but our actions malign him, what are people to think? If they even talk about what you have done, they “malign the word of God.” If you and I have maligned God with our actions, we will give others a reason to malign God with their lives, too. 

If, on the other hand, we live according to God’s word, we give no one a reason to malign God’s Word. 

Application: Remember that to live according to God’s Word we have to know God’s Word. 

Food for Thought: Actions speak louder than words, but our words speak, too. What kind of speech best aligns with God’s Word? 

7 Replies to “Titus 2:5 (f) — Strung Out”

  1. Wholesome speech – appropriate speech- encouraging speech- thoughtful, kind, righteous, uplifting speech to those who love, trust and wish to align themselves and their actions with the Lord, His Word, and will.
    To those outside the faith the same kind of speech, but far more cautious, seeking their ultimate well-being.
    We should be wise and prudent with our words and actions, knowing some make seek to possibly misinterpret them, or malign us for their own ends, or because they disagree or are convicted by our lives and message.
    However, some do not want to repent, or change their evil thoughts and intentions.
    We are witnesses (Greek martyr), giving testimony, and affirmation to what we know, have seen, and experienced regarding the gospel and the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Galatians 5: 22-23, Ephesians 5: 15-19, Colossians 4: 4-6, Acts 1: 8).
    I notice when I install a new print cartridge in my printer if everything is not properly aligned then what is printed is off or blurred. The words or graphics are no longer clear, distinct, and what is attempting to be communicated is garbled, or unintelligible.
    Living a life with words and actions which align with the truth and are in agreement with what Christ and the scriptures teach presents a more clear and unambiguous testimony for the gospel. It should result in stopping the mouths or those who claim are Christians are hypocrites. They are not.
    We are not perfect, but the closer we follow Him the more powerful and effective our witness and testimony should become.
    It is relatively simply to allow my printer to run a cartridge alignment. Unfortunately, bringing myself in-line with God’s will, Word and desires takes considerably more discipline, effort and Help from the Lord. (I seem to have an old sin nature as well as a New created Spiritual nature). I can concentrate on feeding the new person or man and not give place to the world, flesh or tempted, but I will be thankful when final redemption takes place, the old nature is gone, and I am enjoying a new imperishable body and the Lord’s personal presence. Hurray!!!
    In the meantime Be Blessed!

  2. What kind of speech best aligns with God’s Word? 

    Speech that is appropriate for the situation.

    First if we are to live in obedience to God’s Will, called to please Him. We must allow the Holy Spirit in our hearts to control our tongue, and seek to bear fruit in all we do. Jesus Himself refrained from speaking on His own initiative and spoke the words given to Him by the Father.
    Mark 13:11, John 12:49, Colossians 1:10,

    We are called to speak the truth in love which involves building others up as we speak what is beneficial to them. This would include privately going to a brother who is in sin and showing him his fault.
    Ephesians 4:15, Ephesians 4:20, Matthew 18:15,

    Jesus tells us there are times when the absence of speech, silence is more than appropriate. They are times with those who have rejected all that is good and will twist our words to suit their evil purposes.
    Matthew 7:6, 27:14, Mark 15:5, Luke 23:9,

    Know all Scripture is God-breathed, good for conviction, correction, instruction and training in righteousness. We must first prepare ourselves by applying these truths to our own lives before we go out seeking to correct others.
    Matthew 18:15, Luke 17:3, 1 Timothy 5:20, 2 Timothy 3:16, 4:2,

    We must live knowing the power of our words as they effect others. All we speak will be revealed at judgement and will either justify or condemn each of us.
    Matthew 5:22, Matthew 12:34-37,

    1. Ron,

      Your emphasis is telling:

      1. Jesus “refrained from speaking.”
      2. Speak to be “building other up.”
      3. Jesus taught “silence” can be powerful.
      4. Be aware of how words “effect others.”

      Great points! Great verses! Thank you. 🙂

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