Titus 2:7 (a) — No Privacy

In everything set them an example …

Summary: Setting an example in “everything” covers a lot of ground. In fact, it covers all of the ground. 

Today’s passage contains six little words that embody Christianity. Like pearls on black velvet, they stand out with an elegant beauty that transcends mere words. 

For the Christian wondering how to live in Christ, Paul answers, “In everything.” There is no escape clause or opportunity for secret sins. We are not allowed to live for Christ only during the day but not at night. Nor do we live for Him outside the house but not inside. Being a believer does not mean that we set the example in “some things” or “most things” Paul says that we set an example “in everything.” 

Paul will tell us more about what that means in the next few words of his letter. He will explain briefly what this means. But does he need to? 

“In everything” covers, well, everything. There is no room to hide, no place to go that is not part of everything. 

Okay. We get it, Paul. But really … set them an example? Do you have any idea how hard that is? 

Paul goes on to explain what he means by “set them an example.” But he does not leave any loopholes. The intent is quite clear. “In everything” includes everything; thought, word, and deed.

I am the oldest of four boys. All of us are men now, and all are still alive, although that fact has been nip and tuck a couple of times. When we were small kids, the burden of setting the example fell on me. 

It seemed an odd responsibility since I did not have any special knowledge or training. The mere fact that I was the oldest shifted the blame to me. Blame and responsibility seemed to go hand in hand back then. (Mom, if you are reading this, I am not blaming you! 🙂 )

The effect of that responsibility was to leave me permanently paranoid about the example I set for others. At various times in my life, I have tried to partition my life. I imagined I could indulge in some personal choices that would not be a good example for others if I kept the behavior separate. 

Somehow, this strategy never seemed to work out. Something always happened to intrude and was supposed to be a private choice became a public example. Now and then the behaviors I indulged in and were found out would come back to me in the echoes of choices my brothers would make. 

The takeaway here is that if you are going to be a believer in Christ, realize that Christ sees and knows everything. There are no private places. There are no private thoughts. 

Application: We are all leaders in the church because someone is always watching. 

Food for Thought: How is the responsibility to set an example freeing? 

10 Replies to “Titus 2:7 (a) — No Privacy”

  1. It does simplify things. There is not really a set of rules in being an example in everything. There is not really a check list. If we do what is right in God’s eyes and think about how our words and actions impact others, then we will be on our way to setting a good example. In that way it is freeing. In that way it is similar to the law that says love God and love people. It is very hard to do, but the simplicity of the task is freeing.

    I love your application that we are all leaders in the church because someone is always watching. That is a great principle to keep in mind. And of course – God is always watching. Hebrews 4: 13.

  2. Being a sinner is not setting an example,..but in reality it is,..because we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory,..the unbeliever’s need to see the work of God in other lives or else they won’t want to or know how to respond,..

    I may not be the best example out here,..but I do my best and I believe that’s all Christ asks for,..He gave us 1 John 1:9 for a reason,..

    There is plenty of room in the kingdom of heaven and there are plenty of seeds left to plant,…I’m seeking the furtile soil to plant these seeds so that they don’t get choked out and lose something so precious to their soul,..the free gift of salvation and His Word the living revelation,..

    On a side note,..if you can’t tell by the words above,..the crew and I are almost finished with the forth chapter from the letter of Mark,..we had another good discussion on what Jesus was saying about even the little will be taken,..I referred them back to the seeds planted on the rocky ground,..what little was there was choked out and didn’t sprout,..but the seeds on the furtile soil took off like a rocket and produced 30, 60, even 100 times as much,..and so the kingdom still has plenty of room even if you didn’t set an example,..God has plenty of room for all of us that accept the truth about Jesus,..regardless of ours sin,..past, present and future,..Jesus is our propitiation,..He is and has set the example that we can only hope to follow,..

    1. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9

      Great verse, John! Thank you for sharing. 🙂

  3. How is the responsibility to set an example freeing? 

    Jesus Christ came to the world, empowered by the Holy Spirit, to proclaim and provide the way to freedom, peace with God for all who would believe. He served God by serving mankind as He lived a single purposed life without sin, and ended His ministry by giving His life as a sacrifice for our sins.
    Luke 4:14-15, John 8:32, John 8:36, John 3:16

    Our overcoming desire to please our human desires over all else has been crucified with Christ the moment we accepted His sacrifice for our sins. Our self-righteousness, self-centered pride in the deeds of our flesh no longer has any power over us. Christ now lives in us as we walk this world in faith knowing the Son of God loves us and has given His life for us. We now have life in the power of Christ through the same Holy Spirit. We please God by serving others in Godly love as He gives life and softens our hearts. The Holy Spirit gives us the desire and power hate evil and to do good. This is a process which overtime brings a life of peace and joy as we find ourselves being used by God to bring His blessings to others.
    Galatians 2:20, 5:1, 5:13, Romans 8:1-4

    Being set free from the power of sin with its addictions, guilt, remorse, anger, and struggles is like a drowning man getting a breath of air the moment he has completely run out. ( Hold your breath for as long as you can and focus on the pleasure of that first breath ). We now seek to remain close to God, serve Him, become His slaves and truly live in His warm, refreshing presence which brings growing life to our hearts which were being hardened by sin. A hard heart cannot pump blood required for life.
    Romans 6:17–18, Colossians 2:16–17

    We learn the impossible is possible when we keep our eyes on Jesus as Peter did when stepping out of the boat and walking out to Jesus, onto the water. Forgetting all we have been told and looking to Jesus will make the impossible, possible for us. Look to the inspired Scriptures, the word of God which we must study, apply to grow in the Truth and let the Holy Spirit recall and teach God’s truths to those around you.
    Matthew 14:22-33, 2 Timothy 3:15-17, 1 Corinthians 2:4-5, Romans 1:16-17
    We must keep our attention on Jesus remembering what He has told us in John 13:15, I have set you an example so that you should do as I have done for you. What’s not to like!

    1. Funny incident, I was in #3 down, focusing on the darkness of sins, trying to keep it age appropriate and hadn’t realized, at some point I had exhaled and forgotten to inhale. as I hit the period button, I took this Humungus deep breath. It was so great, I imagined I had just been given life, I had to suggest people try it.
      I know it sounds a little strange, but it was amazing.
      Many Blessings Brother!


      1. Not strange at all, brother.

        Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” (Genesis 2:7)

        What you are pointing us to is being aware of the ‘breath of life.’

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