Titus 2:9 (a) Part I — Duality

Teach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything …

Summary: Slavery is a volatile topic, yet it is an important illustration in Christian life. 

Does the Bible condone slavery? What do you think? Or, is the Bible simply recognizing an existing social construct of the time. After all, we have eliminated all forms of slavery today, haven’t we? Haven’t we? Well, no. We have not. Even though it is outlawed it still exists. 

What are we to do with this topic then? Do we just skim over everything related to slaves, or can we learn something from this stuff? 

The defining characteristic of a slave is that they are not their own person. In spiritual terms, it is a weird dualistic dynamic. They own their own soul, but they do not own their body. Can you imagine that? 

In reality, this is the condition we all find ourselves living in. Jesus says, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.” (John 8:34) When we are born, we are born into sin. When we accept Jesus as our savior, we — meaning our souls — are saved. The body, however, is still a flawed construct. 

For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other…” (Galatians 5:17a)

If slavery did not already exist, the New Testament writers would have had to invent the idea to describe our spiritual condition. 

If the flesh is a slave, then who is it a slave to? This question is one of the defining themes of Christianity. Left to its own devices, the flesh serves its own “passions and desires.” (Ephesians 2:3) Since it cannot disobey these urges, it is a slave to them. If the spirit does not object, it, too, is a slave to these passions and the judgment that they will incur. 

If the soul does not want to follow the flesh into the trash heap of eternity, then there is only one hope and that hope is Jesus. Paul writes, “Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.” (Galatians 5:24) This is why the question of Christian behavior is so important. Our attitude and behavior show who we follow. Are we a slave to the flesh or Jesus? 

Application: Submit your soul to Jesus, then work on submitting your flesh to him, too. 

Food for Thought: Explain why it is important to acknowledge you have a spirit or a soul. 

10 Replies to “Titus 2:9 (a) Part I — Duality”

  1. I believe everyone has an active body and soul. But to have an active spirit, we must be born again. One result of the fall is that we died spiritually. We must be born of the spirit. Through faith in Christ and His work on the cross on our behalf – we become children of God. Then we have a living spirit – our spirit comes to life and the Holy Spirit indwells us. Thus, it is critically important to be born of the Spirit and come to life that is seen in relationship to God. John 1: 12 – 13; John 3: 3 – 8.

  2. When I was in the Army,..this black buddy of mine took me to his church for worship,..now I was kinda new to the worship scene, so I was like an outcast sitting in the back row,..my buddy comes up a to me while every one else is sorta dancing and getting into the worship and said to me,..you need to find your soul bro,..

    So back then having a soul to me meant knowing how to dance to the music,..took me a while to find out otherwise,..I know that I will more than likely be dancing in front of Jesus praising His name when I get to heaven,..but finding out that my spirit is all because of Jesus and His work at the cross,..that changed the whole ball game for me,..now I know why there is soo much to do about worshiping with my soul,..what a change that has been,..it’s like the chains have been broken and my hands are lifted and words are spoken,..

    If Jesus didn’t explain things to me through His word I would still be bound up in chains in the pew weeping and gnashing my teeth wondering why all this had to be,..Jesus tells me why it had to be as I read,..He is the truth in my life and He is Who gave me a soul to dance for Him and worship Him with my hands held high and my tongue loosened with words that magnify His great name with praise,..

    I think that’s why it’s impotant to acknowledge that I have a soul,..so I can ackowledge with praise the One who gave it to me,..

  3. If we ignore spiritual reality and the unseen world and act as if God, angels, Satan, fallen angels or demons, souls and redeemed spirits of believers do not exist or are of little consequence then our perspective is entirely worldly, fleshly and materialistic, or utilitarian.
    Christ cared about the destination of people’s eternal souls, and so should we.
    When we choose to yield to the Holy Spirit and practice righteousness to the best of our and the supernatural ability the Lord empowers us with, we are free to express who we truly are in Him, and use our talents, gifts, hearts, and strength in His service, for His Kingdom purposes, and experience His joy, peace, and fulfillment as people who are doing saying, and acting as the Father would desire. Don’t be a slave to sin, when you can be a servant, friend, and co-laborer with and for the Lord Jesus Christ and His kingdom 💖.
    It is much more fulfilling to be an encouragement to others, and lead a life which is a more effective testimony and witness to outsiders that to be a slave to sin or experience it’s extremely transitory, fleeting, momentary pleasures. This type of pleasure is always regretful, unsatisfying, and other and self destructive.
    Living and following Jesus is a much better path, even if we experience trials and suffering along the way. He and other believers are better companions by far than the enemy of our souls, and the worldly crowd who blindly follow Him to their own destruction and eternal torment unless their eyes are opened, they repent and embrace the Lord as their Savior.
    (Basic scripture themes and message).

  4. Explain why it is important to acknowledge you have a spirit or a soul. 
    Some teach that we have two only parts, body and soul or body and spirit. However, the bible teaches we having three parts, a body, soul, and spirit.
    The Bible speaks of the threefold nature of mankind. The word of God which is quick, powerful, sharper than any two edged sword can divide the soul and spirit, and the joints and marrow (the body). Paul prays the whole spirit and soul and body will be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in his letter to the Thessalonian church.
    Hebrews 4:12, 1 Thessalonians 5:23

    Our body is in contact with the physical world through the five senses of ‘Sight,’ ‘Smell,’ ‘Hearing,’ ‘Taste’ and ‘Touch.’ It is the housing for our soul and spirit. It is connected to our brain for survival, will quickly react, to potential harm but has no power over our choices in cars, houses, sin or holiness.

    THE SOUL: In the Old Testament the word for soul is “nephesh” and in the New Testament the word is “psuche”. Both terms have the same meaning.
    In Genesis 1:20 and Genesis 2:7, Something other than man received a living soul if creatures have a soul, we better find out what this is.
    This same Hebrew word, nephesh, is used in Genesis 1:20-24
    The Hebrew term nephesh in the Old Testament and the Greek psuche in the New Testament are sometimes translated “soul,” but they both mean “life or person. The different uses of these two words help us to obtain a better understanding of the biblical view of human nature.

    Other words used to describe our soul are self, life, creature, person, appetite, mind, living being, desire, emotion, passions, imagination, conscience, memory, reason affections and ego.
    The soul of natural man serves self over God, ignores His calls to our spirits and is an abomination to God,
    Genesis 1:20-24, 2:7, Luke 16:15, Romans 3:10,

    Our spirit is the center of faith, hope, reverence, prayer and worship
    and requires the spark of regeneration before there is an understanding of the things of God. Our spiritual nature must be renewed before there is a true birth of Godliness. One thing stands as a guard at the door of our spirit, and that is our own will which is the desire of our soul, our appetites, desires, passions, affections, ego, and on. OUR BATTLE AGAINST THE FLESH IS AGAINST “THE DESIRES OF OUR FLESH.” WE LIVE ON BUT SOMETHING INSIDE EACH MUST DIE SO CHRIST MAY LIVE IN US BY THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.” When our will is surrendered, the Holy Spirit moves into THE SPIRIT OF MAN we receive life as we will feel the burden of sin taken from us. The control of our soul over our bodies and spirits is broken, but our spiritual battle against its old desires is now on. With Gods power we have victory as God replaces the fleshly desires of our soul with Godly desires and we begin to live in His will.
    John 4:24, Job 32:8,1 Corinthians 2:9-11, Romans 1:9, 8:16

    1. Ron,

      Thank you for sharing your meditation on this topic. The Hebrews 4:12 passage was very interesting to me. You have given me something to think about! 🙂

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