Titus 2:13 (b) — In The Air

—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ …

Summary: Paul’s words in this passage identify Jesus as God and Savior. These are two parts of what scholars call “the Trinity.” The word is dangerous if it causes someone to think that they understand our God. That would be a bit like an ant claiming to understand Shakespeare. 

Have you ever wondered if Jesus is really God? I have. If you have not already noticed, my mind is prone to overanalyze. I have wondered about this thing called the “Trinity.” 

It took a long conversation and a lot of patience on the part of Pastor Rich to walk me through what the Bible has to say about God and Jesus being one and the same. I still have questions. I still do not like the word “Trinity.” In my opinion, putting a label on the relationship between God the Father and God the Son is wrong. It suggests that we humans can understand such a thing, and I do not see how that is possible. 

When I was a kid, my dad used to take me flying with him in his small plane. We would fly from one small airport to another, sometimes just to have breakfast or lunch. I loved those trips. From the air, the world looks much different. Cars are no bigger than ants crawling in a line on the sand. People are the size of a grain of salt. Patterns emerge that are impossible to see from the ground. 

From the air, you can see a storm approaching while it is still ten miles away. You can see traffic jams that could not be seen before modern phone maps. You can see how the rivers and lakes are connected and why towns were built where they are. You can also see things that no one else can see because there are no roads or trails in those places. 

From our earthbound perspective, we see things that reflect light. We do not see smells or radio waves. We cannot see what is at the center of the earth or what is on the planets orbiting Sol’s nearest neighbor. If we cannot see these things, how can we claim to “see” what binds God the Father and God the Son together? 

The answer is, we can’t. We cannot know what only God knows. If we claim to know we are treading on thin ice. 

The next to the last words of the Bible read:

I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll.” (Revelation 22: 18-19)

Some might argue that this warning refers only to the last book of the Bible, Revelation. But God did not put disclaimers on his book that says this is part of “this scroll” and scripture and this other part is not. From my point of view, the safest thing to do is not add anything to God’s Word, even something as innocuous as the word “Trinity.” 

Application: Be content with God’s Word. Do not add anything to it. 

Food for Thought: Why do we hope for Jesus Christ to appear? 

6 Replies to “Titus 2:13 (b) — In The Air”

  1. Well, this has the potential to bring in some interesting discussion 😉.

    But to your question, I hope for Jesus to appear because His appearing fulfills so much of what is promised to us. His appearing allows us to be with Him in a tangible manner. I believe it is what we were created for – to be in relationship to Him and it is what my soul longs for. Yes, I am in relationship with Him now – but today is only a shadow of the closeness God intends.

  2. Why do we hope for Jesus Christ to appear? 

    “Hope” in Scripture is defined as “a strong trust and confident expectation.”

    Jesus has told us He will return, this battle we fight will end.
    Matthew 24:42-25:10, Mark 13:32, Luke 12:40,17:24-30, 21:25-27

    The Holy Spirit inspired men to write and verify this truth, further assure each of us it will end.
    1 Thessalonians 1:10, Titus 2:13, Hebrews 9:27-28, Revelation 19:11-16

    We are believers seeking a LIFE of growth in the Holiness of Jesus Christ. We have been left on earth to function in varied capacities as members in but not of this global race and their system which is increasingly Anti-Christ. The righteousness of God is a barrier, the eternal enemy of this world as they increasingly turned from the truth to their own evil desires.
    We find our strength from the indwelling Holy Spirit who calls us out of this world and into LIFE as we live in His word, prayer, fellowship and ministry for Christ. We do this with a mixture of pleasure as God works through our lives and we see others saved, and of great sorrow, with a degree of righteous anger toward sin, as we see the majority clinging to obvious lies, ignoring the truth.
    Matthew 28:19, John 17:15, Romans 1:25-32, 6:6, 8:1, 11, Ephesians 5:11

    Our hope is for, a powerful ministry of all unbelievers in the world around us. For the salvation of every single person God by His foreknowledge has chosen. For a quick end to all the evil being preferred by mankind over righteousness. And to become Holy beings through Christ. Called to spend an eternity in the presence of God. Glorifying Him only as we live in a relationship of never before known total peace and harmony.
    Ephesians 1:11-14

  3. I am going to answer the question with the application,..to be content with God’s word,..

    I have come to know that Jesus is right here with me,..His Spirit resides within me,..so in a sense He is already and has always been here,..I may not be able to see Him in the flesh but when I look in the mirror I see the image of God,..nowhere near His status but knowing His Spirit is alive within me makes all the difference.

    Can you call it hope if people are confident of His reappearing? If we are content then why do we hope for something we know is going to happen?

    Just a couple of questions that came up,..

    Love the plane ride you took me on,..thanks

    1. John,

      Thank you! I love the idea of seeing God in the mirror. And you are right, we have his Holy Spirit inside.

      Glad you enjoyed the ride! 🙂

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