Titus 3:1 (a) — Leaky Buckets

Remind the people …

Summary: Paul understands a basic truth about people: Our memories leak! To help, he gives Titus a list of things to remind people about. 

As Paul begins this last part of his letter to Titus, he writes, “Remind the people.” What follows is a list of traits that Paul wants believers to be known for. Four of these traits Paul has already discussed in his letter. The last three are mentioned for the first time. 

The people Paul refers to are the believers “in every town.1” Paul had personally been to Crete. Titus was left there to “put in order what was left unfinished2.” Titus was to remind the people of things that Paul had already preached on.

Why do people need to be reminded? It is a funny thing about our memories. They leak! As soon as we put something in there, it starts to leak out. 

In 1885 a German psychologist named Hermann Ebbinghaus published a book that included the “Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve.” Ebbinghaus’s tests showed that the mind forgets almost half of any new information it has acquired in the first hour after hearing it. A day later, a person remembers only a third of what they had learned the day before. A month later, a person can expect to remember about a fifth of what they learned. 

People understood this long before Ebbinghaus wrote his book. We just did not know how bad the leak really was. Paul knew that people needed to be reminded. 

Paul’s letter is a kind of checklist for Titus to use in every town. Paul knows Titus will forget what he has been told. We all do. So he wrote out his instructions at the first opportunity. He sent them back to Titus to remind him of what he is supposed to be doing. Part of that job is to remind others of what they are supposed to be doing. And now, thanks to God’s Holy Spirit, we have the list Paul wrote to remind us as well. 

Application: Read your Bible every day. Enjoy being reminded of what God wants you to know. 

Food for Thought: How should we remind each other of God’s will for us these days? 

1 Titus 1:5

2 ibid

5 Replies to “Titus 3:1 (a) — Leaky Buckets”

  1. How about by going to three minute Bible.com?

    God wants us to remember that which is important to Him. That is why it is written down in His word. That is why the Holy Spirit brings His word to mind and illuminates its truth. That is also the purpose of the Jewish festivals. That is why we are commanded to teach our kids (Deuteronomy 6: 4 – 9). That is why the Israelites made standing stones as witnesses – like when they crossed the Jordan. Even communion is done to remember the Lords death on our behalf. All of these are tools for the community to remind itself of God’s will.

    1. Thank Rich! 🙂

      I always hope that Three Minute Bible is a helpful reminder of God’s will for us!
      Thank you for your examples of teaching the younger generation. That is so important and in itself is a good reminder of something that needs to be done more.

  2. How should we remind each other of God’s will for us these days? 

    Living in this world can be a real drag sometimes. Believers are like Geese heading South for the winter, passing thousands flying further North. From time to time we find ourselves taking time on the ground, mixing with some of the Northbound group. We try to get them to see the truth, but there is no changing them, in fact some become very angry because we are different, cast doubt on their choices. In the end, we continue our journey toward life as they continue heading toward their doom.

    Gods Word tells us we must encourage each other, daily build each other up as the sorrow of seeing the Northbound groups brings sadness to our hearts. We need to speak in truth to each other, be strong in our true identity as believers who have chosen to follow the revealed truth of Jesus Christ, knowing God has revealed the truth to all, but only a few will accept. And fly on, knowing we are daily being strengthened by God who holds us up and is with us wherever we go.

    Hebrews 3:13, 1 Thessalonians 5:11, Matthew 7:13-14, Joshua 1:9, Isaiah 41:10

      1. One day this will all end and all believers will dwell forever in our wonderful God. What a great reunion! In the mean time, praise God for your daily devotion which unites each of us in the Holy Spirit each day.

        Blessings Brother,

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