Titus 3:2 (b) — Hombre

Remind the people … to be peaceable …

Summary: Like many other words in the Bible, the underlying Greek is richer in meaning than one word in English can express. 


It sounds a bit like the name of the leading role in a Mexican Western, doesn’t it? Instead, it is a Greek word that translated is, “peaceable.” It also translates as “do not be a brawler” or “contentious.” Some translations say not to “abuse” anyone. Others say avoid fighting, quarreling, arguing, or even litigation. 

Get the drift, amigo? 

It is interesting to think back to verse twelve, where Paul says, “Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons.” That is not much of a starting place, is it? Yet here he is, asking Titus to remind them to be peaceable. 

Something must have happened to make them change their ways. 

And then they forgot. 

Now, Titus is reminded to remind them to be peaceable again. 

Do you think that they will need another reminder? Probably. Very likely several. But then, so do we. 

Application: Avoid fighting, quarreling, arguing, brawling, being contentious and instead be peaceable. 

Food for Thought: What do you need to be reminded of? 

6 Replies to “Titus 3:2 (b) — Hombre”

  1. Sometimes my name 😉.

    We do need to be reminded. God knows this. Jesus told the church body to celebrate communion “in remembrance of Me.” We must remember the centrality of the work of the cross throughout each day.

  2. What do you need to be reminded of? 

    There is a time to act and a time to wait. Some are obvious like Noah who knew he had to stay on the boat until the Lord took the waters away. Others are not so obvious and require we be still and wait on His timing which requires prayer, sensitivity and patience.

    Luke 24:49, And behold, I am sending forth the promise of My Father upon you; but you are to stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.”

  3. Why I am at the foot of the cross,..that is a daily reminder,..thankfully God works for the good of those who love Him,..I need to be reminded everyday lest my head gets to big for itself and take things into my own hands,..I need to be reminded that that doesn’t ever work out,..it’s a daily process,..a grind all of it’s own to bring God honor and glory first thing in the morning and through out the day,..then it’s all about,.. follow through,..

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