
This is a trustworthy saying.
Summary: What is trustworthy? Mainstream churches use a structured worship called a liturgy. The liturgy was written centuries ago to honor God’s Word. Today, liturgies still in use reflect the same truths, but they cannot guarantee that modern church leaders follow suit.
Every now and then, Paul uses the phrase, “trustworthy saying.” Why does he do that? Do you know? The presumption of trustworthiness is something that I attribute to the entire Bible.
I grew up in a traditional mainstream church environment. It was nice. The people were nice, and it was comfortable. Every Sunday service followed a pattern called the liturgy. The liturgy is a formalized form of worship designed for people who lived a thousand years before any type of electronic technology existed.
The liturgy provided a means of bringing together both prince and pauper, peasant and king. Those who could read and those who could not read were welcome and felt at home in the liturgy. Its repetition helped train the minds of new believers and old alike. The liturgy is built on the words of the Bible, so it is believed to be trustworthy.
The elements of the liturgy combined with the church calendar provided an unparalleled teaching tool. Repetition of scripture was a means for entire congregations to learn God’s Word together.
If there is a problem with liturgy, it is a problem with people.
The liturgy of the mainstream churches today carries the weight of tradition. Like a giant flywheel, they have gained momentum over the years. Take any group of people who are lifetime members of a traditional mainstream church. Put them in a room and tell them to worship God. Chances are, they could hold an entire service from memory without a pastor or priest. They would know the music, the words of the liturgy, the prayers, and the creeds. The only thing lacking would be organ music, and that would be a minor inconvenience. They would still sing a hymn or two and probably sing it in all four parts.
So what is the problem with people? Well, we are sinners (Romans 3:23). Pastors and priests are no exception. The letter Paul has written to Titus is intended to protect the leadership of the church. Paul is very selective about who is in leadership. But what happens when those responsible for selecting leaders are themselves deceived?
As the mainstream churches acquired property and wealth over hundreds of years, they crossed the line from spiritual entities and became worldly enterprises. The more wealth and influence they acquired, the more tempting they were to those who desire wealth and influence. It has been said, “power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” People in churches are not immune from this truism.
Today, liturgy still exists because it stands on the “trustworthy sayings” of scripture. When we read news reports of problems in the church or see them on television, it is because that church has fallen away from Paul’s high standards for leadership.
I left the church when I was young because I was confused by the mixed messages I heard. The Bible speaks very clearly, but people are not always able to hear clearly. When we try and filter God’s Word through our personal value system, bad things happen.
It took a long time, but I finally came to realize that the Bible is, in fact, God’s Word. Not man’s words about God, but God speaking through man. When I came to that understanding, I came to realize I can trust the Bible because it is trustworthy.
The words “This is trustworthy” are a means of emphasizing the importance of what Paul has said. Regardless of Paul’s reason for using it, we know that God is trustworthy, and so is his Word.
Application: If your church uses a liturgy, pay attention to how the liturgy reflects God’s Word.
Food for Thought: What is the best way for a church to remain trustworthy?
I always knew the concept of liturgy but not the word. As a little boy I watched some of the same folks who recited scripture and sang hymns act in a very hateful way toward others, and it confused me. I, of course, also fell into the same pattern of behavior. I think there is a false security that comes from it. One starts to feel like they are balancing out their spiritual life because they are “present.” The truth is they (I) are (am) not engaged.
On the other side of the coin, I still remember scripture and songs that came about from years of reciting them, and those scriptures and songs are now a comfort to me. I remember participating in the Lord’s supper every first Sunday night of the month as a boy, and it cemented in my mind the sacrifice Christ made.
I think the key take away here is the condition of your heart. If you allow ceremony to overtake significance you can start to live in falsehood.
1 Timothy 4:13-16 Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, to teaching. 14 Do not neglect the gift you have, which was given you by prophecy when the council of elders laid their hands on you. 15 Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress. 16 Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers.
Thank you, Chris!
I used to associate the liturgy with the problems of the church. The real problem though is people letting their faith run on autopilot. Or worse, living a dual life — Christ on the outside, selfish interests on the inside. Sadly, the duality problem can happen anywhere.
Stay in the Word,..continue to be Spirit led and Spirit fed,..
I have no idea what the word liturgy means and had to look at it three times before spelling it out,..
Even Pilot asked Jesus,..what is truth,..and it’s the truth that sets us free,..because the truth is that Jesus gave us His authority and power through the Holy Spirit,..I feel that’s what we really need to pay attention to
Well said, John!
Spirit led and Spirit fed, all based on the Word of God!
Good devotion and comments.
I would only add – preach Christ and Him crucified. Focus on the Cornerstone (Christ) and the cross. This was not meant to be only for rocket scientists. 1 Corinthians 1: 23; 3: 11.
Thank you, Rich!
Your point is well made. The Gospel is meant for all of us. Yet, for that to happen, we all have to kneel before our Lord.
What is the best way for a church to remain trustworthy?
This is a tall order! Our Bibles are God’s eternal Word which has been recorded and preserved by men who were inspired, directed by God. We have the Holy Spirit sent by God the Father to personally teach, reveal His truths to each of us. We called to let the Word of God have its home within our hearts and minds, permeating every aspect of our beings. To train and admonish one another in all wisdom from God. When Pastors and all members of the church are relying on the Holy Spirit in obedience to the teachings of God, the church remains trustworthy. This will truly happen when The Church is with Christ.
Pastors and members of the church are required to teach, receive and apply the Word of God to their lives, by the power of the Holy Spirit. We must all remember, we are imperfect beings seeking to serve our perfect God as we persist in His Love.
Matthew 28:19-20, 2 Timothy 3:16, John 14:26, Colossians 3:16,
Thanks, Ron.
A “tall order” indeed! And yet, it seems so little to ask.
These are interesting comments on liturgy and experiences with liturgical churches.
For me liturgical churches, Catholic, Congregational, Episcopalian, Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian ect. with all their different variations of catechism, forms, traditions, music, readings and so on hold some fascinating lessons.
Many times these churches follow a set pattern in public church worship in which the music, readings, message topics, are defined and set forward in a defined manner according to an annual or even multiple year arrangement.
The priest, teaching elder, pastor or presiding official wears a certain kind of garment when officiating either all of the time, or when presiding (collar, robes, ect.).
For 1100 years, approximately from Jerome until the Reformation services were conducted exclusively in Latin regardless of whether or not the congregation understood a single word or not.
When William Tyndale, Martin Luther, Zwengli, John Calvin and many others started to try to translate the scriptures into the languages which the common people could understand executions, expulsions, censures, excommunication and all manner of rather unpleasant actions ensued.
I believe the Ana-Baptists, and Baptists were possibly the most unwelcome, being excluded from community, denied employment, executed, boiled in oil, tortured to death, banished from the country ect.
Quakers, Mennonite, Nazarenes, Amish, Baptist, Pentecostal and so on all have their own traditions and worship practices as well.
When the melting pot of people’s who came to America and other places came to New lands it was primarily to escape religious persecution, and to be able to worship God as they saw fit according to the dictates of their own convictions and escape a State imposed decree of the prescribed manner of worship 🙏.
This freedom was ensconced in the. Constitution and Bill of rights in the United States of America. Many of the original colonies were founded by leaders of various predominantly one denomination. These were rather uncharitiable to other faith traditions.
The acceptance of no state destination of church and freedom of worship now includes, Atheists, Universalism, Mormons, Jehovahs Witness, Confucius followers, Buddhist, Hindu, Voodoo, Satan worshippers, Self-worshippers (a group which seems to be growing, who knew Narcissistic behavior and thought patterns might become so popular 😉)
The rise of materlism, humanist thought, self-fulfillment, hedonistic pleasure seeking drug intoxicated, sexually promiscuous, alternative lifestyle and what was considered at one time the public acceptance and celebration of extremely sexually deviant practices has caused this nation to stand in need of serious repentance and return to the Lord and the righteous living standards proclaimed by it.
It appears the Judeo-Christian ethics which provided a sort of commonly accepted boundaries for decent behavior, and which was usually reflected in local, state, and federal laws and justice are no longer relevant to a wide swath of society.
Acceptance of Marxist critical race theory, rejection of Capitalism, private property, and other ideas seem to be having an effect on what was socially normative. The embrace of socialist principles, communist ideological thought is rater antithetical to being a free people.
Many of the members of main line churches have accepted a Social gospel which embraces to various degrees thought which is in direct contradiction to any reasonable, normative interpretation of the scriptural text in the view of virtually all conservative or evangelical scholarship and tradition.
These new accepted philosophies such as a finger dipped in water at someone’s Christening or baptism is all which is necessary for salvation are certainly not biblical. I have experienced this being taught, preached, and relatives given comfort on this basis in a number of liberal main-line denominations at funeral services or memorials. In addition, adoption of a lifestyle which is no different from the world or an atheist, or even self or Satan worshipper is utterly unacceptable to the Lord and not values which can be acceptable to a born-again, redeemed people of God.
So one might say, I can appreciate many of the traditions of Luther, Wesleyan thought, Episcopalian practice ect., however I have some serious questions and disappointment and disagreement with a number of the liberal wings of their adherents.
I also have disagreement with a health and wealth gospel, extreme elements of charismatic practice and use of unintelligible tongues without interpretation, as well as confusion and disorder in public worship.
Overall I guess I am rather narrow as to what is acceptable Christianity. I limit Kingdom fellowship to those who believe it is necessary to be born again, or at least have a relationship with the Lord which includes repentance, acceptance of the person of Christ, His finished work on their behalf, and belief in His resurrection as a physical bodily return by Christ in the future.
Acceptance of the Trinity, an inspired, trustworthy God and scriptures are not optional items Christians can pick and choose. They are part of what is known as Orthodoxy.
It is difficult if not impossible to be a true believer and reject certain key beliefs.
Sorry 😞 for being so long winded about a subject such as liturgy. Conservative or evangelical types have a type of liturgy as well. It simply means, usual, or accepted elements in public worship.
I am in favor, of praise, spiritual songs, the public reading of scripture, prayers, preaching, teaching or exposition of the scriptures, or explanation of relevant topics scripture indicates are highly relevant.
I do not find doxologies, creeds, catechism, or more formal or less formal types of worship offensive or uncomfortable.
I do however, object to empty, pious, traditions spoken by clueless, unredeemed proponents who live a life far from God and have absolutely no relationship with the Lord as well as deny Him, the scriptures, and orthodoxy, all while maintaining to be “Christian’.
Talk about hypocrisy. These are blind guides who lead blind followers on the broad path to destruction.
Jesus said choose the narrow path which leads to eternal life. I want to be in fellowship with those who are or at least seem to be on this path as exemplified by their lives, teachers, teaching, beliefs and practices.
May the Lord bless and encourage 🙏 each one who knows and follows our Lord Jesus Christ in truth. May He convict and challenge those who only casually accept Him without truly being converted by repentance, a change of life, heart, and behavior which demonstrates they are truly His children ♥.
Easter is upon us. What a great time, although any day is a great day to experience God’s forgiveness and become part of His eternal family 👪.
I am praying many will do so this Easter season, and come to understand His death, burial, and resurrection as well as as it’s personal implications for them in a way so that they repent and receive God’s precious gift 🎁 ❤ of salvation and the Father’s own dear Son into their lives. This is the most important and consequential choice and decision an individual can ever make. May many decide to follow Jesus. He is the Author of true life and peace. Any other substitute is worthless and will be ineffective in approaching the Father or having an adequate means of paying the just condemnation and penalty of a Holy God which is eternal separation from Himself and being cast into the Lake of 🔥 fire, outer darkness, where there is constant and continuous suffering, pain, and unimaginable torment.
Heaven with Christ and the fellowship of His true followers and the supernaturally redeemed is a much better choice and destination. We should highly recommend this alternative to all who are willing to hear and potentially obey the gospel message.
Have a wonderful day and week in Him.
Thank you, Jeff!
I appreciate the overview of church history.