Titus 3:8 (c) — Two Choices

And I want you to stress these things … so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. 

Summary: Looking at Paul’s list again, we can pare it down in size and simplify it a bit. It really boils down to saying “Yes” to Jesus and “No” to the world.

The list that we looked at in our last meditation was rather long. It also included several categories of things to stress. Two general categories of things in the list might be titled “God’s Salvation” and “Godly Behavior.” 

Paul addresses this in today’s passage. “Those who have trusted in God” are the ones who have received God’s salvation. What comes next is the rest of the list. It has to do with how God’s people devote themselves to doing what is good. 

This second list, “Godly behavior,” can be broken down into two more main categories. One category is saying “No” to ungodliness and worldliness. The other category is saying “Yes” to whatever is godly. 

Say “Yes” to being self-controlled, upright, and eager to do what is good. Say “Yes” to being obedient to authority, peaceable, considerate and gentle. Say “No” to anything ungodly. Say “No” to the passions of the flesh and worldly desires. 

Following Christ is not simply saying “Yes” to Jesus. It is also saying “No” to the world. 

Jesus said, “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” (Matthew 6:24)

Choosing Jesus is really making two choices. One is saying “Yes” to our Lord, the other is saying “No” to the world. 

Application: Check your baggage. Are you still clinging to things of this world? 

Food for Thought: When you think of “doing what is good,” what is the tiniest, most common thing to do you can think of? 

14 Replies to “Titus 3:8 (c) — Two Choices”

  1. What is the tiniest, most common thing we can do? I once heard how a well timed kind smile kept someone from taking their life. We can all smile and treat someone with kindness and respect. That is pretty small but can make a difference.

  2. I’m not sure how tiny it is considered but I choose Love. If we add love to all things it helps us become more like a reflection of Jesus.

  3. Learn how to say no with love,..wait that’s not tiny,..

    God created this world for us to abide upon,..we are to be in the world and not of it,..that took me a while to grasp,..what’s wrong with Gods creation other than sinful man? I can still look out and see beauty beyond what I can see and know that there is opportunity every where I look and I am blessed because I am a child of God,..

    He has given us authority and dominion to be in and overcome this world,..and it only comes through the blood of Jesus Christ,..because it’s His authority and power that has been given to us.

    I don’t serve money,..money serves me and is my available servant,..at least that’s the way I look at it anyway,..money is not the root of evil,..I believe it is what we do with the money God has provided for us that it then becomes evil if not used in a good way,..again my take on it,..

    The one guy that was rich that came to Jesus did everything the law said to do,..but when it came to selling everything,..well that would take some time and Jesus would have been long gone by then,..So I can understand why the guy backed out of that request,..and I can understand why Jesus said what He said,..because we do put other things before Him,..it just part of our sinful DNA,..by God’s grace He gave us 1 John 1:9

    1. John,

      Setting boundaries by saying “no” is an important life skill. Done properly, as you suggest, is a blessing because it helps people avoid disappointments.

  4. When you think of “doing what is good,” what is the tiniest, most common thing to do you can think of? 

    Greet others with a how they are doing. Recognizing they exist.

    But I think the smile as Rich says, beats this.

  5. Although maybe not as common as what has been mentioned, Matthew 10:42 comes to mind.

    1. Hi JEC!

      And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.” Matthew 10:42

      Great passage. Little kindnesses add up.

  6. When you think of “doing what is good,” what is the tiniest, most common thing to do you can think of?

    James 1:19 Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.

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