Titus 3:8 (d) — A Few Choice Words

Today’s graphic is called a “word cloud.” This one is based on all the words of Paul’s letter to Titus. The more times a word is used, the larger it appears in the cloud.

These things are excellent and profitable for everyone.

Summary: Paul points us to the godly quality of his list and explains why it is to our benefit to apply the list to our own lives. 

What does the word “excellent” mean to you? Is it just another way of saying “good,” or is there more to it? This is another one of those opportunities to explore the original language of the Bible. 

In Greek, the word translated as “excellent” is “kalos” (pronounced kal-os’). More than just a word that means “really good,” kalos is described as meaning almost every good adjective you can think of. Strong’s Concordance uses words like “beautiful, handsome, excellent, eminent, choice, surpassing, precious, useful, suitable, commendable, admirable” to describe what this word means. 

Are you getting the impression that the meaning of this word is more involved than simply a measure of goodness? In fact, it is a word that points us to a godly quality in something. 

The next word of interest in this passage is “profitable.” What does Paul mean here? Are we sinking into some kind of materialism here? 

The word “profit” is a perfectly good word, but in the part of the country I live in, the words “profit” and “profitable” are usually associated with money. Paul is not talking about money. Instead, he is talking about something that is “advantageous.” 

In light of this new knowledge, let us look at Paul’s words again: 

These things [this long list of godly qualities and actions] are excellent [that is to say of a godly characteristic] and profitable [meaning it is to your advantage and benefit] for everyone.

“Everyone,” of course, means everyone. Some words are exactly what they seem to be. 

Application: Test Paul’s words by applying his list to your own life. 

Food for Thought: Why is what Paul says in today’s passage true? 

9 Replies to “Titus 3:8 (d) — A Few Choice Words”

  1. Why is what Paul says in today’s passage true?
    Because Paul’s words are from God put into the Bible as God’s words. So if they are Gods words they are true…….. lol. Not even close to what you would have thought as an answer. Lol happy Friday……..Good Friday.

  2. One reason may be because we are to be good stewards with what God has given us,..even words,..because from what I understand words have power,..Jesus said He has given us His power,..

    When I was a worker out on the fence line I would always tell people when they asked what I was doing,..I would simply say,.. I am out-standing in a field of excellence,..words have power,..the look on peoples faces is sooo cool to see,…how can I encourage others if I am not encouraged myself,..

    We all need to strive for excellence in these words Paul has given us through God,..we all need to put them into practice,..believers and unbelievers alike,..because from what I have read,..every knee will bow, on earth, under earth and in heaven,..that’s an excellent saying and these words are true! And that will surely pay huge in profits that are unmeasurable here on earth,..under earth and only in heaven,..

    1. John,

      You have provided a very interesting and important insight: Words have power!

      This is one reason it is so important for believers to speak the Word of God out loud. We need to testify out loud as well. Words do have power, and the Word of God is the most powerful of all.

  3. Why is what Paul says in today’s passage true? 

    Looks like I’m in good company, with Tim and Rich.

    “THESE THINGS” To me are everything from God, as revealed in Gods word to all mankind. His word is living, eternally true and to be effectively communicated, by the power of the Holy Spirit within each believer, to spiritual beings confined in physical bodies within our individual sphere of influence. Our effectiveness is totally dependent upon our ability to die to our own strength and allow His strength minister.

    We need to begin living in reality, the state of things as they truly are, not how we wish they were, but how they actually are as we begin to grow in the ultimate reality, GOD. Begin by accepting His uncontainable Attributes as revealed in His word. He is eternally, all-powerful, everywhere present, all-knowing, and much more. He is beyond all limits or boundaries we could ever possibly, collectively imagine, so we need to throw away our box and seek to live in Him, rather than confine Him to our minds. “for from Him and through Him and to Him are all things” ( Romans 11:36)

    We begin with ourselves. Turn from the destructive foods provided by this world and focus on giving ourselves to God. Study and apply His Word which is healthy food for our spirits and we will learn to prefer. Submit to His will over our own regarding what needs to be corrected first, and what ministry we want to prepare for. Fully accept His Lordship over our lives as we allow him to be God. His first priority is to transform us from physical beings into spiritual beings, traveling in physical bodies (Romans 12:2).

    As we grow in this life long process God will begin using each of us as He preordained at creation. There will be a miraculous change in each as we begin to live in Gods word, The world will change from black and white to color as we see greater detail. People around us will become approachable as we become more compassionate toward them, and find they can actually become interesting. Let God do the work in us, bring the people to us, our Pastor can do the preaching at church, but we are serving on the front lines, THOSE BROUGHT TO US BY GOD ARE GOING TO BE FRIGHTENED AND WILL JUDGE US ” ALL CHRISTIANS” BY WHAT WE SAY AND DO. We must listen to the Spirit, allow the Spirit to speak through us to their spirits. The Holy Spirit has the power to give life to others, let Him exercise His power and we can help those who come to know the Lord as God determines.
    John 17:17, 6:63, Matthew 24:35, Colossians 3:16,

  4. Ron,

    You point out something very true and very interesting: As believers in Jesus Christ we are transitioning from physical beings into spiritual beings. That is something worth thinking about!

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