Titus 3:14 (c) — Antidote

… in order to provide for urgent needs and not live unproductive lives.

Summary: This single sentence near the end of Paul’s letter to Titus includes clues to what it means to be a believer in Christ. Giving ourselves to Christ transforms us from unproductive people into people who live productive lives that are a blessing to others. 

Why do people who believe in Jesus need to devote themselves to doing what is good? Paul says that the reason is to provide for urgent needs and not live unproductive lives. 

These are two different reasons, and they have very different objectives. 

The first has to do with needs. Remember that unlike most people in his day, Paul is well-traveled and well connected. You might say that Paul is the equivalent of the ancient version of the internet. He knows things others do not know. 

Paul knows the people in all of the places he has traveled. He knows the churches in these places and their needs. He also knows the needs of his Jewish brethren. Then, as now, there were a lot of needs. Even here, in his letter to Titus, he is thinking of the needs of Zenas and Apollos. 

The other reason for doing good is to be productive. Not just busy work, but doing the Lord’s work. But why productive? 

What is the alternative, you might ask? Well, I can think of two: unproductive and counter-productive. 

Unproductive is someone who does nothing productive. “Someone else will do it!” is the rallying cry of unproductive people. It is not that they do not do anything at all. Instead, the things they do are consumptive instead of productive. In short, productive is giving, and consumptive is taking. 

The counter-productive person is another matter. They come in two kinds. Unlike their consumptive brethren, the first kind is actually producing something. It is simply that what they produce means trouble for someone trying to produce something good. This counter-productive person is obstructive. 

The second kind of counter-productive person is destructive. They tear down the good that has been built. They destroy what they cannot own or possess. 

To be productive is to give up the selfish desire to consume, obstruct others, or destroy. We give up serving ourselves and instead serve God.

Application: Being productive by doing what is good is the antidote to self-centeredness. 

Food for Thought: What effect does living an unproductive life have on the Christian soul? On the body of Christ? 

5 Replies to “Titus 3:14 (c) — Antidote”

  1. Great points Rich!

    What effect does living an unproductive life have on the Christian soul? On the body of Christ?
    The soul of an unproductive christian will pull them away from God while the spirit of a productive christian will thrive as time with God becomes the focus in the believers life and seeking a growing relationship in God becomes our priority over all this earth has to offer. Only those who give themselves to God can understand the great pleasure that comes from living in daily contact with our Lord.
    1 John 2:6, Hebrews 10:22, Hebrews 12:2, Galatians 5:16

    The thief on the cross is an example of an individual who accepted Christ as he was dying and had no works to offer. Christs response to his faith was “Today “you” will be with me in Paradise.” This seems to clearly tell us the unproductive past of a believer has no effect upon their salvation.
    Proverbs tells of the benefits to working our land verses the poverty of worthless pursuits and how even an ant demonstrates this wisdom in its ways.
    God’s word also tells us how each person’s works will be “clearly revealed” and the quality, character and worth of each will be tested with fire. All works of our faith in Christ will withstand the fire and will be rewarded. Any person’s whose works are burnt will suffer the loss of a reward, while he himself shall be saved as one who has barely escaped fire.
    Luke 23:43, Proverbs 28:19, 6:6-8,1 Corinthians 3:13-15

    An unproductive church will not grow. A church is one body and must function in unity if it is to be effective. Each part must function in its capacity honoring the functioning of all other parts. Any unproductive part will reduce the effectiveness of the body which requires all parts online to be effective.
    Each church must have a common commitment to their objective to serve as God instructs in His Word.
    It is interesting that Luke’s summary of the great commission calls to preach the gospel to all nations, however, it also commands to begin in Jerusalem first. In other words, the commission begins at home, our homes. Begin with our families, expand to our neighbors, our neighborhood, our city and grow in the most effective way possible. No language barrier, no missions budget, just walk the walk. New believers do not simply walk into the door and ask where they can sign up. But, we are each surrounded by hundreds of potential believers. The Pastor cannot do this by himself which is why the entire church must get together and spread Gods love out to all.
    Romans 12:4-5, Matthew 28:19-20, Luke 24:46-47

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