2 Peter 1:1b — Icky or Loved?

“A servant…”

Summary: The word “servant” is a word that is looked down on by the worldly, and loved deeply by the godly. One word, two very different meanings. 

As Peter introduces himself to us he begins with his name. Then he adds a description of who he is. 

In the world’s economy, we tend to put our best foot forward. Whatever claim to fame we might have, that is what we want others to know about us. If we are prone to exaggerate, what we exaggerate will be our accomplishments and credentials. 

In God’s economy, worldly accomplishments are of little value. When we stand before the Great Healer at the Judgment, it will not matter if we are a doctor. Standing before the Creator of All Things, engineers and builders will feel small. Standing before the God of All Knowledge, the smartest person who ever lived will realize their worth. What they have accomplished in their lifetime is nothing. It is as significant as a single grain of sand compared to all the sand in the Sahara Desert. 

God allows us to do great things, but the great things we do are child’s play to God. When we forget this truth, we will be humbled and embarrassed in the presence of God.  

Humility is that quality in a person who keeps in mind the supremacy of God. Pride is the opposite of humility. The prideful person has lost perspective. When Peter begins his introduction to himself with the statement that he is a servant, he demonstrates he is a man of humility. He knows his God, and he knows his place. 

And what is his place? 

The world looks down on servants. We hear that all the time. The prideful, the arrogant, talk about servants as if they were a lower class of people than themselves. The worldly are so busy trying to climb to the top of the dung heap we call “success” that they lose sight of what life is all about. All they can see are those whose backs they have climbed up on and the heel of the next person they want to take down. 

In reality (that is, in the world as God has made it), servants are people. They are not lesser beings. They are people who have a job to do. They serve a master who serves them. The master provides work to do but also provides a place to live, food, and other necessities. In a very real sense, being a servant is like being part of a family. 

A good servant understands all of this. The good servant recognizes that their wellbeing is tied to the wellbeing of their master. The good servant loves his master. 

Where there is love, there is also trust. The master and servant become more than family; they become a team. The servant becomes an extension of the master’s life. The trusted servant is an extension of the master himself. 

Such is Peter’s situation. He is a servant of God Most High. God loves him, and he loves God. Peter does not serve out of fear, but out of devotion.

Application: As you think about what it means to serve God, think about Peter. 

Food for Thought: How do we know if we are serving God? 

9 Replies to “2 Peter 1:1b — Icky or Loved?”

  1. First of all, so excited that these are back! Thank you Jeff!

    I believe we know we are a servant of God when our actions match those described in the Bible of what He looks for in a follower and disciple. To serve with a faithful heart and full of zest. (Romans 12:11) To love God and others with our whole heart. (Luke 10:27) It is selflessly serving others as He did. We don’t pick and choose who we serve, but rather we move our feet willingly to serve others, even if it’s uncomfortable.

    We are called to work for Him and not for man. (Col 3:23). We are called to serve our family. (1 Timothy 5:8) and a multitude of others. [And in all honesty, sometimes serving family is a lot harder than serving strangers. Can I get an amen on that one? lol] And how can we not serve when God served us by sending his Son to die on the cross for our sins. (Mark 10:45).

    The bible tells us that our works of serving do not go unnoticed by God. Those who lose their life for Him and serves, the Father will Honor (John 12:25-26) and at the end, who wouldn’t want to hear, “Well good and faithful servant.” (Matt 25:23)

    1. Darla,

      Thank you for the “Welcome back!” Much appreciated! 🙂
      Oh … and Amen!
      Yes, the hallmark of a servant is putting the self aside. Well said!

  2. Thank you for the great devotion. And I love Darla’s comments. I will only add that we know we are serving God I’d we are seeking His pleasure and glory over other’s or are own. I think it is clear to us when we simply want to hear Him say, “well done, good and faithful servant” and we enter His joy (Matthew 25: 21, 23).

    1. That should be if we are seeking His pleasure and glory instead of I’d.

      And it should be over other’s or our own… not are own.

      Wow… talk about humbling 😉

  3. That’s a great question! I like what is written in 2d Corinthians 3:

    We can know we are doing God’s work when we rely on Him rather than ourselves:

    4-6 Such is the confidence that we have through Christ toward God. Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God, who has made us sufficient to be ministers of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

    We can know we are doing God’s work when we see God transforming lives (including ours):

    17-18 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.

  4. Jesus did say something like if you want to be great, you must first learn to be a servant,..nothing wrong with being great or wealthy because it all comes from God,..

    Serving God isn’t the easiest thing to do,..we know what He wants us to do,..or we think we do anyway,..but do we do it,..sometimes but certainly not all the time,..I can attest to that,..as I continue to deposit New Testaments into the little libraries across Portland, I drive by alot of them and hear myself say,..but I have to be over here at a certain time,..I will hit it on the way back,..then I take another way back,..

    But I have been getting better about that,..today that voice was there, so I pulled the truck over, got out and went across the street to deposit the New Testament,..doing my best to serve but my best is never good enough,..but when I am doing this for God my best becomes great,..He has put me in front of soo many people that needed to hear the gospel of Christ,..some people know Jesus as their personal Savior and there are others that want nothing to do with Him,..my part of this service is to continue casting the seeds,..He will let me know how well I did when that time comes,..until then I will continue to serve Him in the capacity He has called me to serve with the abilities He has equipped within me,..

    1. Thank you, John!

      I continue to find inspiration in your stories. I love that you share the Gospel often, and that you make sure New Testaments are sprinkled throughout the city.

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