2 Peter 1:16a — In Search of Truth

For we did not follow cleverly devised stories …

Summary: Satan has been around for a long time and is the originator of the “cleverly devised” story. 

What is the difference between a “cleverly devised” story and the truth? Do you know? 

My wife and I enjoy watching old reruns of the Perry Mason television series. Except for one or two episodes, each episode involves a murder mystery. The shows are fun to watch because they all represent a Cleverly Devised Story (CDS). 

After watching enough episodes, we have learned that the first CDS is the plot itself. The writers add mystery by trying to make everyone appear differently than they are. In the end, it is the innocent-looking girl who was scheming with the accountant and who committed the murder. Up until the dramatic conclusion, you would swear that she was the nicest person in the story. 

William Hopper as Paul Drake (left) and Raymond Burr as Perry Mason (right) – Public Domain

Within the plot, every character seems to have their own CDS. Everyone, except the stars of the show, lie. Everyone. In one episode, Perry wistfully comments that it would be nice to have a client that did not lie to him for a change. They all do. They all have something to hide. 

Why do people make up “cleverly devised stories?” 

That is a good question! Sometimes it is about entertaining people. Occasionally, it is about manipulating people. Often someone with a clever story is trying to sell something. 

Luke, in Acts 19, tells a story about a metalworker named Demetrius. Demetrius is upset because people who believe in Jesus do not buy idols for Artemis. Why is he worried? Is he concerned about the reputation of this so-called “god?” Or, is there another reason? In verse 25 he explains:  

You know, my friends, that we receive a good income from this business.” (Acts 19:25)

Ah-ha! Like Perry Mason forcing a confession from the killer by revealing the truth, Luke has recorded the truth about this man’s motives. It has nothing to do with protecting his god and everything to do with protecting his pocketbook. It is funny how some things never change! 

The first Cleverly Devised Story ever told is recorded in Genesis 3. Satan, in the form of a serpent, entices Eve to disobey God by telling a CDS. Intentionally twisting the truth of what God had said, the serpent convinces Eve that doing good is bad and doing bad is good. (Genesis 3:1-5) Later, in the book of Job, we see Satan again. This time his CDS casts aspersions on Job in front of God. God knows Job’s heart, but Satan plays on the fact that everyone else has to see for themselves whether Job can pass the test, and so God permits Job to be tested. 

Throughout the Bible and history, wherever people have refused to acknowledge God they run into trouble. Sodom and Gomorrah are turned into parking lots, Israel is cast out of the Promised Land, and the Pharisees plot to kill God’s Son, all because they believed a Cleverly Devised Story. 

Being able to discern the truth is a necessary life skill. We all know the difference between the truth and a lie. At least we all did at one point in our lives. When we lie, we create a CDS. If we tell enough lies, we might lose our ability to recognize the truth. If we lose our grip on the truth, we have lost everything. If we seek the truth, if we do not follow cleverly devised stories, then: 

“…Jesus said, ‘If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’” (John 8:31-32)

Application: Hold to the truth. 

Food for Thought: How would you advise someone who wanted to know how to tell the difference between someone telling the truth and someone telling a CDS? 

8 Replies to “2 Peter 1:16a — In Search of Truth”

  1. Whenever possible, put all truth claims through the grid of Scripture. Scripture is God’s truth claim and can be trusted. It is there to keep us aligned to real truth. 2 Timothy 3: 16 – 17; 2 Peter 1: 20 – 21.

  2. Not sure if I would be the one to advise,..but as the application refers to,..hold to the truth,..I guess depending upon the CDS I would work hard at pointing them to the scripture if the Holy Spirit prompted me to do so,..I am certianly not the greatest scholar God has put here on His earth to share the good news,..but that’s the beauty of it,..I don’t have to be a scholar to share the good news of Jesus and what he did through the cross,..

    The other day at an estimate,..the lady came out after a bit of talk with her son named Isaiah,..during our greeting I mentioned that her son’s name is in the Bible and that I studied the book of Isaiah,..that opened her up about her faith and what she knew about the gospel,..we had a great conversation about Jesus,..as I was talking to her I mentioned that the grave cloth was folded at the table in the empty tomb,..our King is coming back! She looked at me as if she needed a bit more info,..so I reminded that when a King gets up from the table if the napkin is folded that means he will return to the table,..and if it was wrinkled up he wasn’t coming back,..she was so thankful for me to tell her that,..that she put her hands on her heart and said to me,..”God brought you here today for a purpose,..thank you for telling me that”,..so,..again to God be the glory,..

    The truth needs to be shared even if the one hearing is already a recipient of salvation,..faith without work is dead,..there is nothing cleverly devised about that,..

    1. John,

      You are a treasure of wonderful stories and fascinating information. I do not remember hearing about the King’s napkin before. So I, too, thank you for sharing that!


  3. 10-03-2021, 2 Peter 1:16a, How would you advise someone who wanted to know how to tell the difference between someone telling the truth and someone telling a CDS?

    For me, The only time I really have my truth meter on High Alert is when I am listening to teachings or conversations regarding our Lord or His word, and then I have discernment the Holy Spirit and God’s word to verify the truth. He is amazing and what a great resource.

    Many years ago I was at a family reunion for an in-law and their were as I recall 3 could have been 4 men talking about something in the Bible. I overheard a statement and entered their conversation with my usual subtlety saying, “that’s not true.” Of course we disagreed and one of the men asked if anyone had a bible, I told them I had one in my. car, and went to get it.

    I returned and without looking, simply opened my bible, and pointed to a verse which I read out loud. I was as shocked as they were because the Bible simply opened and verified what I was saying. Then I heard,” well what about —?—?—?” I opened to another page, pointed to a verse and His question was answered in the same way by God. This happened a total of 3 times and the men got very quiet, looking at each other. Then one of them said to the others, “ We better leave this guy alone, he is not a normal christian.”

    It was a real God moment where He chose to make Himself know and I was just a tool in the right place. The reunion was out of town, an all weekend affair and one of the men and I spent the rest of the night talking about God. Often wondered about him.

    The rest of the time I accept people as they present themselves and enjoy conversation with them. With strangers I am always listening for an opportunity to bring Jesus into our conversation.

    2 Timothy 4:3, 1Corinthians 2:9-10, Proverbs 3:5-6, John 16:13

    1. Ron,

      You mention that you have a “truth meter.” I have something similar.

      There is a passage in Isaiah that begins, “Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord… ” (Isaiah 1:18). We are expected to use our minds when we decide what is true and what is not.

      In addition, as you point out, God does not leave us alone but is willing to show us the truth. (“But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. ” – John 16:13)

      God wants us to actively search for truth. We we do, the truth always points us to God.

  4. All grate answers. One way I would tell the difference is checking facts if things add up. How accurate are the things that was said, do they have multiple well proven testimonies, documents, or evidence? Does what they say even make sense in any way or can one question make the whole story crumble? Can you prove it wrong with a plane hard fact of evidence that makes it impossible that it happened. Kinda like the bible how it is an archaeological blueprint to find ancient places, where oil was located, known history, never contradicts itself, even verified with the oldest historical find the Dead Sea scrolls, confirmed by scholars and the greatest minds as the Word of God. Sorry if I’ve misspoke anything but anything good was from someone better than me because my flesh is tired after serving our Lord with our precious youth.

    1. Mr. T,

      I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts here. You bring a very practical perspective to our discussion. I agree! A CDS tends to start falling apart when you look at it closely and ask questions.

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