2 Peter 1:19e — Son Rise

…until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.

Summary: Peter describes the joy of knowing Jesus by comparing his coming to the dawn after a long, dark night. 

There are a lot of beautiful words in the Bible, but today’s passage touches my heart in a special way. I will try to explain…

The imagery Peter uses here involves a very personal place. It is a place that only you know of and only you can visit. It is your heart. Not your physical heart, of course. Not the one that pumps blood through your body. Instead, Peter is referring to the inner part of your spiritual being.

For much of my life, this inner part of me was cold and dark. I avoided going there as much as I could. I would keep myself occupied by reading books or coming up with projects to work on. I loved pretending that what I was doing was important. However, a person can only run so far. At some point, we all have to visit that place inside that we call the heart.

Some people seem to be gifted with a heart that overflows with love for others. They are always giving and doing things for people. They seem happy. I did not understand until I noticed the “light shining in a dark place” that Peter talks about.

That light is Jesus.

There is nothing like him. No amount of money, booze, sex, or drugs can replicate what he brings to the heart. No power on earth can compete with the Light. Listen again to what Peter says and how he says it:

We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.

The “prophetic message” is the Bible. It is the Word of God written down and preserved over the centuries. It is a message from your Creator to you personally.

Even if you do not yet have the Light of Christ in your heart, Peter urges us to “pay attention” to God’s Word. Keep your eyes on God’s message to you, and eventually, “the day dawns.”

The day he is referring to is very personal. He is talking about you, about your heart, and the darkness there. He is describing what you know to be true and offering hope. Yes, it is night, and it is dark. If we keep our eye on God’s Word, we are opening the door to Jesus. His Holy Spirit enters. Suddenly, like the sun bursting over the horizon, the day dawns! The morning star, Jesus Christ, rises in your heart.

When that happens, the darkness is gone forever. The cold of night is replaced by the warmth of God’s love. The empty feeling is replaced by the fullness of His presence.

I hope and pray that if you have not already experienced the abundant joy that comes with being filled with God’s light, that you take Peter’s advice. Pay attention to the prophetic message until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your heart.

Application: What can I say? Read your Bible every day!

Food for Thought: Does having the morning star rise in your heart make everything in life better? Why or why not? 

9 Replies to “2 Peter 1:19e — Son Rise”

  1. I don’t know that having the morning star in your heart makes everything better, but it certainly makes things bearable. It gives hope where possibly there was no hope before. Before Jesus, I would fret and worry. I still do sometimes, but I have found myself in moments over these past few years where I recognize that before knowing Him, I would be in a panic where now, I may not know what to do or have all the answers, but I somehow know it’s going to be okay.

    I never thought I would be doing this part of life by myself without a spouse. However, as I have sat in a hospital room waiting for news on a parent, wondering how I’m going to complete a work assignment that I should be working on at that moment, and what about the pay I’m missing while sitting in the hospital, I have sat with a certain sense of peace that was never there before I knew Jesus.

    Hebrews 11:1 says, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” While knowing Him does not necessarily make everything better, there is hope in knowing Him and what He is capable of. And the bible is full of thousands of promises He has fulfilled.

    One of my favorite verses has always been Phil 4:13, “For I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” What I did not realize until recently is how profound the words are that come before this verse: ” I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.” (Phil 4:11-12)

    1. Darla,

      Thank you for sharing with us today. Your words are powerful because they are authentic. The situation you are in is very real. Each of our stories is unique, yet we all seem to have some things in common. I can certainly relate to not having answers, being in a panic, and wondering how I got to whatever place I was in at that moment of my life.

      The good news is Jesus. Just as you say, he brings a “certain sense of peace.” Sometimes that peace is like a river, and sometimes it seems far off. Always, the reason for distance from peace was me being distracted from the Light.

      Thank you for sharing your faith and confidence in the Lord with us today. You are an encouragement to me. I trust our Lord will be there for you as he has been in my life for me.

  2. I agree with Darla – Jesus May not make everything better if we are talking about worldly cares. He may not make me wealthier or healthier or happier from a circumstantial perspective (although He may), but He will be with me and give me His righteousness for eternity. Bottom line, I don’t know how those who don’t have Christ maneuver the heartaches of this life.

  3. 10-12-2021, 2 Peter 1:19e, Does having the morning star rise in your heart make everything in life better? Why or why not? 

    I recently read of a man who visited a cave where the only light was what you brought in. These caves are not only dark, they have no life. They are rocks and dirt where occasionally bats will come in to avoid the light and rest, but there is no life supporting light.

    We are all dead in our transgressions, sins and receive life through Christ. We now have the opportunity to enjoy the Life we receive through Christ, the ability to see God in the life around us as well as be light to those continuing to live in the darkness.
    Ephesians 2:1, John 3:19, Acts 26:23,

  4. Ditto what Darla said. Even knowing and He can give me peace, I am amazed at my ego and need to handle without His help. Eventually acknowledging my need through prayer, and/or prayer requests, and getting immediate peace.

    Philippians 4:4-6 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

  5. I agree with all the comments. Sometimes I feel like this world is more and more like a prison and I have to laugh to myself when everyone in the church is singing. It reminds me of the joy that Christ can bring to a dark place.

  6. Well I certainly like the Morning Star Jimmy Dean Sausage that goes in my stomach,..and I am right in line with everyone else on what Darla commented with,..

    My stomach is happier when I eat sausage not so sure about the heart though,..but I do feel better after I eat,..same thing after reading the Bible,..it may not be the same feeling I get from eating sausage but it is a betterment in soo many other ways,..as you say Jeff an abundant joy,..so blessed to be able to read and apply what we have today from the Bible,..His Word is living and a revelation to all who believe,..One thing for sure is I am always hungry for more of a good thing and His word is more than just a good thing or a piece of Jimmy Dean Morning Star Sausage

  7. I’m running very late today, but it did give me an opportunity to read everyone’s thoughts. (which is nice too).

    Does having the morning star rise in my heart make everything in life better? I like Darla’s idea of the morning star making things bearable. I can certainly relate to that thought. I also like what Jesus said in John 10:10 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came so that they would have life, and have it abundantly.”

    What Jesus has brought into my life is that I can live in each moment and choose to follow His leading. I can proceed in life knowing that His guidance is available to me, and if I choose it, I am pleasing Him. This peace is something I want to share with others, so in turn, my life is more peaceful, more purposeful and purposed, more abundant, and better.

  8. Thank you ALL for your comments today. What an amazingly wonderful collection of insights and inspiration.

    Just so you all know, I will be a bit distracted over the next few days by other obligations. The blog will continue, but I may not be as active in the comment section. If I seem like I am slacking, pray for me! 🙂 I hope to be back full time next week.

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