Many will follow their depraved conduct …
Summary: Peter’s words today are prophetic. It is important to understand what this means.
Peter, the prophet, speaks!
When Peter writes, “Many will follow their depraved conduct…” he speaks as any of us might speak when we think we know what will happen. As parents, we make such predictions all the time.
When our kid crosses their eyes and holds them that way: “If you keep doing that they will stay that way!”
When our child leaves Legos on the floor and we step on them in the dark while on the way to the bathroom: “That kid is going to be the death of me!”
When our son or daughter does exceptionally well at their sport: “Keep that up, and you will earn yourself a college scholarship!”
The difference between us and Peter is that Peter has inside knowledge. Our predictions are a mix of hope (or fear) and reason. Peter’s prediction is a sad commentary on the nature of people, and it happens to be true. The Holy Spirit guides these words as surely as all the others in Peter’s letter. What Peter says is not a guess, it is a fact that has not happened yet.
Peter also wrote prophetically in verse one of chapter two when he writes, “… there will be false teachers among you.” This is another future fact that Peter shares with his readers. Between these two prophecies, he tells us what the false teachers will do (2 Peter 2:1b & c) and what the consequence of their actions will be (2 Peter 2:1d).
In today’s passage, Peter tells us that “many will follow their depraved conduct.” The conduct he refers to is believing destructive heresies (e.g. — It is okay to eat the forbidden fruit.), and denying the sovereign Lord (willfully engaging in conduct in opposition to God’s will).
When we talk about “depraved conduct,” it is important to remember that the Bible is written by God. We know this because he Peter himself mentions is in 2 Peter 1:20-21:
“Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.”
As we consider Peter’s words on this topic it is important to remember who is behind the words. God himself, through his Holy Spirit, explains what he sees happening from where he sits.
Application: Understand that God’s Word is different than any other human writing.
Food for Thought: How does knowing that God is aware of the corruption his church would face affect your understanding of what the church is?
I believe that the church is the believers. Those people make up parts of the body. I’m still learning more and more. I’m building up my relationship and understanding of Jesus. I know that God is in control, He says, and does things that I’m still trying to understand. ( this blog along with all the believers help me ). So some part of me likes to think that the Church is the body. God is aware why He created each piece of the body even if I don’t know what it is for. Maybe the appendix is the part of the body God created as an example to people who want to be corrupted in the church body. Then theres a thought that my body, like the church can be corrupted by this fallen world. Then when we get our new perfect body maybe it will be like a church without corruption. A church body without sin would be glorifying place maybe I’m tired and dreaming. Kinda rambling sorry you can cut or edit whatever out Jeff. Thanks.
Mr T,
Your “rambling” answer is excellent. Thank you! I appreciate the reminder that there are many parts to the body (1 Corinthians 12: 12-30). Above all, as you correctly point out, we need to trust God. In every case where I have been involved with a church that seems corrupted, God has used the experience to shape me spiritually, and he has led me to a more Biblical part of the body. In that sense, we have to become the kind of believer that we want to be around.
Hmmm… now it appears I am the one who is rambling! 🙂
Thank you for the devotion. And T, I think your answer is excellent.
We need to remember that the church is not a building or an institution in the classic sense of that word. We are all living stones in a living organism (1 Peter 2: 5). The church is people. People are flawed with sin – even the believers. Sinners saved by grace. God used flawed people to accomplish His perfect purpose. He always has. He does now through the church. But there will be corruption and problems and challenges along the way. Just ask Ananias and Sapphira ( Acts 5: 1 – 11). Of course, all I need to do is look in the mirror.
Thank you, Rich!
Ah yes… the mirror!
I have that problem, too. This chapter of Peter’s letter is a bit challenging on that score.
10-21-2021, 2 Peter 2:2a Part I, How does knowing that God is aware of the corruption his church would face affect your understanding of what the church is?
The church is a family of human beings, each possessing natural knowledge, limited to our individual human experiences in a specific environment and time. Our best efforts to understand truth are very limited, we can’t hope to imagine every possibility of every situation and relationship in the world for all eternity. We don’t even know the specifics of what our life will be tomorrow. We are all sinners with some degree of corruption in each of us. We are works in progress and should avoid any corrupting influence.
Romans 11:33, Ephesians 3:19, Philippians 4:7, 1 Corinthians 13:12
We seek to live in the peace of our omnipresent God. Live in His will each day! Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is a total unknown, but today we can appreciate all God is doing in our lives. Take refuge in God’s word as we witness His will being done in this world. He is allowing this imperfect world to go on for the salvation of the remaining few who will seek salvation through His Son. When the last one accepts Christ, it will all come to a halt.
Philippians 4:7, 1 Thessalonians 5:23, Galatians 6:16, 1 Peter 1:2, Hebrews 13:20
You, too, are a bit of a prophet, I see.
“When the last one accepts Christ, it will all come to a halt.”
Your words present an interesting scenario. Once again, we are reminded that this life is not here for our pleasure. What is important is God’s work of redemption. Thank you!
You bet Jeff, we race to see who can get the last one and Christ will be here.
Thank you guys. I’ve gotten a better understanding of what I have to do so that everyone isn’t stuck in this fallen world, no more pain or suffering, and I get to be with my Lord…… I have to get everyone to accept Christ.