John 14:14 — Prayer Request

You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.

Summary: Ron is undergoing surgery today (Thursday). Please pray for a successful surgery and quick recovery. 

Our brother in Christ, Ron, is need of your prayers.

He is in scheduled to be in the hospital this week on Thursday, 10/28, undergoing surgery. As with any surgery there are risks, and this one is no different. Please pray that the surgery goes well, that there are no complications, and that both he and his wife are comforted and at peace through this process. 

Thank you!

6 Replies to “John 14:14 — Prayer Request”

  1. Father, we ask that You would provide wisdom and skill for the medical team. We ask for You to oversee this surgery as the Chief Surgeon. We ask that You use the surgery to provide healing and relief. And we ask that You intervene directly on Ron’s behalf for a complete healing. Provide Your comfort, peace and healing power. In Jesus’ name. Amen

  2. Thank you for your encouraging prayer Rich, and Jeff, yours also as well as taking the time to post this request. God Bless you both.


  3. Update from Ron – 10/29/21

    Thanks to all for your prayers. The chief surgeon and his team were guided by God, 4 days in ICU turned into one night getting my vitals checked every hour. I can see clearly and have no paralysis.
    Praise God for His wonderful care over all of us. I’m now home under the loving care of my wife.

    God Bless you all,


    1. Thank you, Father, for blessing Ron with a successful surgery and a quick recovery. You are so gracious! You have heard our prayers and responded as only you can, by guiding those working to heal Ron and working in Ron to heal his body. Thank you!


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