2 Peter 3:3a — The Line Between

Above all, you must understand that in the last days …

Summary: How we divide up all of history depends on where we are standing when we do it. 

If you were God, how would you divide up all of time? Where would you draw the line between the “first days” and the “last days”? Would there be a line, or would you add some “middle days” somewhere?

Wherever our lifetime occurs in the Grand Scheme of Things, the days allotted to us are the days of our lives. We divide them into three parts; past, present, and future. From God’s perspective, there is no “past” or “future.”

A thousand years in your sight
are like a day that has just gone by,
or like a watch in the night.” (Psalm 90:4)

Knowing this, and knowing that Peter is speaking through the Holy Spirit on behalf of God, what does he mean by the “last days?”

If it were my decision to draw the line between “first days” and “last,” and if I were sitting in heaven looking from God’s point of view, I think I would draw the line during the time Jesus walked the earth.

Everything in the Bible before that time pointed to Jesus’ coming. Everything after that time is in response to his coming. The days after his coming also point to his return, when he comes to set the world right and make it new again. From God’s perspective, the “last days” are those days before Jesus returns.

From our perspective, we live in the “now” and look forward to the future. It is hard for us to equate our future with the “last days.” At least it used to be…

When I was younger, I had no sense of time passing. I remember the day that it finally hit me I was getting older. I was a young father and my oldest boy was about three years old. He had watched me mow the yard and was pushing his toy mower through the grass after me.

Suddenly, without warning, I saw myself as both a young boy and a father. It was a strange sensation. Time felt like an accordion that had been stretched out and was now collapsing on itself. As I watched him imitate the work of mowing the lawn, I realized he was growing up. If he was getting older, so was I!

Until that time, I was engrossed in day-to-day life. Now I had some perspective. I could see that I was getting older, too. My “future” had suddenly shifted and shrunk. In a moment, it went from an unlimited stockpile of “nows” to a lifespan that was partially used up with an expiration date somewhere down the road. The phrase “last days” took on new meaning for me.

I now know that my days are numbered (Psalm 90:10). My advice to people is, “Don’t wish your life away.” The last days of your life are your future, but they are also the last days we have in this life. We are here for a reason! 

Application: When the Bible speaks of “last days” it refers to time as seen by God. 

Food for Thought: Why does it matter if the last days are yet to happen or whether they have been going on for two thousand years? 

10 Replies to “2 Peter 3:3a — The Line Between”

  1. Back in the 90’s, when I was stationed in England, I was sitting in an office waiting and was watching the TV in the waiting room. A show titled “Waiting for God” was on, and a minister, who was sitting near me, said “Are we waiting on God, or is He waiting on us?” I asked what he meant and he said that God has a plan, and no one knows exactly what is on His plan, or what needs to be “checked off” before He sends His son back. We may be one small event away from the Second Coming of Christ. We may be one profession of faith away.

    I think that falls in line with todays blog. We think we have loads of time, but we don’t.

    Why does it matter if the last days are yet to happen or whether they have been going on for two thousand years? I think simply if we maintain the perspective that we still “one more phase, one more segment, one more stage” before Christ returns, we tend to be lax in our efforts in our relationship with God and helping others. If we hold onto the perspective that at any second that last item that God wills to happen, happens, and He tells Jesus to return, I think we would be very motivated to submerge ourselves in God’s Word and share it with those around us.

  2. I agree with Chris. We need to make the most of our time and live as if Jesus were returning tomorrow for His church, or we could die, because either of those things just might happen. Matthew 25: 1 – 13; Ephesians 5: 15 – 17.

    1. The Ephesians 5 passage is especially appropriate today:

      Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.

  3. 12-10-2021, 2 Peter 3:3a, Why does it matter if the last days are yet to happen or whether they have been going on for two thousand years? 

    Our paster was in our home one day and he noticed a picture on our sofa table of me as a 17 year old Marine in my Dress Blues. He got real close to the picture and kept shifting his view from the picture to me and back to the picture. In the end he turned to me and said, “ man you were a very handsome YOUNG MAN.” I had to laugh at this truth he was expressing.

    When that picture was taken, this nation was openly called and respected as a Christian Nation, and was a wonderful place to live in so very many ways. A great place to raise children without worrying if they would be safe. There were conflicts around the world but the borders of America were secure and our standard of living was the envy of people around the world.

    Today it is becoming a cesspool. This world around is in steep spiritual decline, as we live in the Last Days, rapidly approaching the LAST DAY. In Christ I am a spiritual youngster, like the young Marine in the photo, looking toward eternity with my Lord, not the old man on the couch. We have access to spiritual growth through the Holy Spirit now and should become brighter lights as this world continues to become darker.

    Hebrews 1:1-2, In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe.

    Matthew 5:16, Let our light so shine before men, that they may see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven.
    Mathew 23:21&22, His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful and trustworthy over a little, I will put you in charge of many things; share in the joy of your master.

  4. To me,..I really don’t think it matters too much since I have an eternal life in Christ,..isn’t that what John 3:16 is all about?

    Christ doesn’t even know when He will return,..He said to His disciples in the letter from Mark that that is something only the Father knows,..

    So why do we worry about tomorrow when tomorrow never gets here? It’s always today,..and we need to stand ready on a daily basis,..

    One thing I have come to understand is that God is the creator of everything even time itself,..so I really don’t see why it would matter if the last days have yet to happen,..as sure as this creation of God’s continues to spin today is always today,..and tomorrow never gets here,..I will be with Him in eternity and that will be a glorious sight to behold,..until then I will continue to do what He has called me to do in and on this big beautiful creation of His called Earth,..

    1. John,

      With an attitude like yours, I can understand why it doesn’t matter when the “last days” are. 🙂

      Ultimately, you are right. When the time comes, we step from the “Now” directly into “Eternity.” (Woo-Hoo!)

  5. I’m hit with a short thought about time in this world and our lives. Every day is a gift from God. We were bought for a price, that price was His Son. Grace is given to all of us. Are we able to let Jesus know that His sacrifice was worth it at the end of each day? I have to remind myself because I get caught up in this world. When i was paid for and set free we were given commands from the one who died in our place and paid for our sins. There is no greater love than a brother who lays down His life for another. In honor, respect, memory, and love did Jesus taking our punishment and paying for our sins mean anything to us? I fall short and get distracted by this world but I need to realize that His sacrifice shouldn’t be in vain. The gift of each day I have been given shouldn’t be wasted. I should be grateful for each breath I am given.

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