2 Peter 3:9c — Left to Perish?

… not wanting anyone to perish,

Summary: It is hard for us to understand how God can bring judgment and save his people, all at the same time. 

Peter is in the middle of a difficult thought. He is explaining why the people who scoff at the idea of Jesus’ return are wrong. His logic goes something like this:

1. There will be scoffers in the last days. (Problem statement.)

2. They “deliberately forget” certain facts about God. (Analysis)

3. These facts include (Fact List):
     a) Heaven and earth were formed by God’s word.
     b) They were formed “out of water and by water.”
     c) God used these same waters to destroy the world’s sinners.
     d) God will judge the world again.
     e) The ungodly will be destroyed.
     f) This same word God used to create the world will destroy the earth by fire.
     g) God’s sense of time is not like ours. God is eternal.

4. In short, God made the earth and he can unmake the earth. Not only can God unmake the earth, but he will when the time is right. Then there will be judgment. (Conclusion)

The proper way of looking at life includes the facts that Peter has listed. If we ignore these historical truths, we live in a world where nothing makes sense.

From the scoffer’s point of view, the world simply exists. Humanity sprang out of the mud by pure chance. The Flood is just a myth, God does not exist, and there is no coming judgment. Moreover, the human view of time is the only way of looking at history, and because so many years have gone by, we can be sure that there is no god.

Which view is easier to believe?

It is almost like the scoffer is being intentionally stupid. He seems to say, “I don’t want to be judged, therefore I won’t believe in God.” Of course, if there is no God, then they are forced to deny that the earth was created by God, or that humans are created. If there is no God, there cannot have been the first judgment and flood. If there is no God, then I do not have to imagine what eternity might be like.

As believers, we cannot close our eyes to the facts. We believe the truth as presented in God’s Word. We understand that God exists. We know God through the eyes of our hearts.

Knowing the truth, why does God delay in coming?

Peter tells us it is because God does not want anyone to perish. Peter has given us a good idea of what it means to “perish” in 2 Peter 2:6 (Example 3, Part 3: Judgment”). So what does he mean by “anyone?”

Well, if Jesus had returned a hundred years ago and judgment had followed, you and I would not be having this conversation. God knows everything, including who is going to be born before they are born (Psalm 139). God did not want us to perish!

In time, the harvest of humanity will be complete. In the last days, it would seem that there will be a shift in the population. The “scoffers” will outnumber the believers. The Book of Revelation details how the very last believers will be called to faith in God. Then, the final judgment happens.

Once again, it is difficult to imagine how God can keep track of all these things. God says:

“‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,’
declares the Lord.
As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.’” (Isaiah 55: 8-9)

Yep. I’d have to agree!

God does not want anyone to perish. Imagine the logistics of making that work out. It is beyond comprehension. Yet the God who formed the world “out of water and by water” also formed us. He knows us. He has called us to be with him in a close, intimate relationship forever. So when you wonder why God is taking so long to send his Son back to claim us, remember that God loves you.

Application: Next time you run into a scoffer, ask them why they scoff. 

Food for Thought: What does today’s passage tell us about God’s character? 

17 Replies to “2 Peter 3:9c — Left to Perish?”

  1. I think it is amazing that God wants none to perish. This is the same God who through Jesus washed Judas’s feet, even while knowing Judas would betray Him (John 13). He loved the rich young ruler who would walk away from Him (Mark 10: 21). He sends rain and sunshine upon the evil and unrighteous (Matthew 5: 45). He wants everyone to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2: 4). He went to the cross to pay for our sin (Colossians 2: 13 – 14). He also loves us and grants us the choice whether He will be our King or not (Revelation 20: 7 – 8). His character is not the problem. Mine is.

  2. As I reread the post I wrote for today, I notice that in my list of facts that Peter gives us, I refer to future events as “historical fact.” From a worldly perspective this makes no sense, but from God’s perspective future history is already known. So, God’s Word about the future judgment of mankind is actual historical fact! 🙂

  3. Today’s blog reminds me of how great of a God we have. How we need to be in a relationship with Him. How He loves us, knows us better than we know ourselves. ( I have no clue how many hairs I have on my head, I’ve never counted all my tears, or know my future.) God knows us intimately. He wants a relationship with us and loves us so deeply. Pastor R is right. We are the problem we are the ones who keep screwing up this relationship and messing everything up. But Jesus gave us a new promise. He gave us a new covenant a new way for us. Gods character has always been the same keeping all of His promises. His covenant with us helps me understand more of God.

  4. 12-27-2021, 2 Peter 3:9c, What does today’s passage tell us about God’s character? 

    I’m with Rich and Tim.

    Gods full character is incomprehensible to His created beings. God is not limited in knowledge, but in fact knows everything. His love is not conditional and is unending, He is not limited by time.

    God fully understands the true evils of sin and the painfully, devastating effect it has on every person trapped in their sins.

    This is going to get ugly:
    Our cities are filling with “death camps”, men call them homeless tent camps, just camping in garbage. 61,628,584 Babies Have Been Killed in Abortions Since it was made legal in the USA. One study found that teenage girls who had one or more abortions were 10 times more likely to commit suicide than those who never aborted. If we saw a person hitting themselves in the head with a hammer, we would stop them, but men watch people put poison in their veins, or 25 year olds, addicted to “crack” that look 60 and all their teeth are falling out, and promote legalizing more.

    The pain and destruction from sin has just begun to spill out from behind closed doors, out in the open where it is seen and legalized as acceptable by men. Every form of sin is a trap being increasingly legalized, deemed as normal by those being given over to their reprobate minds.

    God continues to love each and every person He has created. However he cannot have a relationship with them and will not allow this self-destructive behavior to continue and grow for all eternity. In His mercy He will bring an end to all this monkey business. All that has been contaminated will be destroyed by fire and the individuals will be given the eternal separation they have sought.

    1. Ron,

      You point out the very dark consequences of humans being allowed to determine what is right and what is wrong. We gravitate towards the convenient, regardless of who it hurts. It is painful to watch, and yet when we try and stop the man with the hammer, he often turns the hammer on us. I suppose that is the same thing humanity as a whole has been doing to God from the beginning…

      1. Sorry All,
        There are many Christians letting Christ be seen, daily bringing people to the Lord, and we are to continue seeking His will in service throughout this life and for all eternity.

        My intent was to scratch the surface and show the self inflicted pain of living in sin as we see it today, It’s growing and we know it will one day grow beyond our imagination because the Bible tells us it will. Satan is a great deceiver and with his demonic minions will one day pollute this entire world.
        Genesis 3:1-6, 1 Timothy 4:1, 2 Corinthians 4:4, Ephesians 4:19, 1 John 3:4

        I suggest we learn of Gods Holiness, and Mercy toward all mankind as He brings “the day of the Lord”. All those on the earth and their seed will have rejected His gift of salvation and there will be no reason for allowing the insanity and pain to grow and infect future generations.

        1. Ron,

          You bring to mind John 1: 5, ” The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

          We can reject the light, but we cannot escape the darkness. If we embrace the light we are still in a dark world.

          It is a strange situation. I think your comments are helpful.

  5. I just agree with it all. It is overwhelming how much we sin. It is overwhelming how God has mercy. It is overwhelming how God forgives. It is overwhelming how God loves, how He gives us second chances, how He relates to a rebellious people.

    This verse tells us several things. God is not slow, God is patient, patience does not make Him slow, He has patience BECAUSE He doesn’t want people to die, and He made the way to not die.

  6. Thank you all. It’s nice to be encouraged by other believers. Encouraged when we doubt, question, and don’t understand why things are the way they are. Even R2T2s comments is an encouragement that we aren’t alone in how we feel, how we aren’t alone in seeing that all those things are a sin.

    I’m so thankful for all the blessings that our Lord gives us, we are so blessed when He uses us to bless others. Im not saying that He will give us this or that, or trying to push any kind of prosperity thoughts. It just encourages me so much when I see that I’m able to be able to reflect Jesus. I’m a broken scratched, smudged thing that is covered with dirt yet God still chooses to shine His light in my direction and to use me as a reflection still. I’m still trying with my family and it’s a rollercoaster with very little ups and mostly down I have a feeling that it will get continue downward. I might be depressed and left feeling worthless after every conversation with them but our Lord is still willing to use me and that is a blessing. All my brothers and sisters in Christ are a great encouragement and blessing to me and to eachother. We all have our own struggles with sin, nobody is perfect so maybe today’s passage points out a part of Gods character, love each and every person, hate the sin, not the sinner, and try to save as many as you can for as long as you can no matter how long, how hard it gets, how painful things become, or what you must give up.

    1. Great comments Mr T. You’ve come a long ways, stick with the Lord no matter what and you’ll enjoy the training, emotional pain is weakness leaving your spirit.

      1. Lol. Thanks for the encouragement R2T2. My spirit is going to be stronger than I use to be physically.

      2. For those who don’t know, there is a saying amongst hard warriors. Pain is weakness leaving the body.

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