The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire…
Summary: What will the end of time look like? Peter gives us a clue with today’s passage.
About the middle of the last century, almost a lifetime ago as I write this, the world saw its first nuclear explosion. At that moment, when the first nuclear test device was exploded, we see a glimpse of what will happen when Peter’s words come true.
Nuclear fission is the result of splitting atoms and releasing the energy inside. When God created the universe, he imbued it with pure energy. The actual mass of the universe is quite small. According to one source1, you, me, and everything we see is “99.9999999 percent empty space.” We and the universe are part of a giant balloon filled with energy.
When the first nuclear device was detonated, we were given a sample of what happens when you let the energy out of the balloon: BOOM! What makes a nuclear bomb special is the concentration of energy released at one time.

In 1937, the largest airship ever built exploded into flame. Her name was the Hindenburg. There is no firm consensus on why the ship exploded, but she did. Not only did she explode, but she exploded while landing in full view of photographers and hundreds of people.

The flames from the explosion were impressive because the ship’s airframe was full of pure hydrogen. The simplest element in existence, hydrogen has one proton, one electron, and enough energy to keep the electron in motion and create the illusion of volume. When the Hindenburg burned, the hydrogen combined with oxygen in the air. This combination of two kinds of atoms released enormous amounts of energy and created the fireball seen in the famous photo of the event.
We are, in effect, made of electric balloons. Atoms that were filled with energy at the time they were created. You and I are not made from new atoms because there are none. Our bodies are constructed of “used” atoms, recycled again and again, century after century, since the beginning of time. My body may contain atoms that were once part of a tree, a fish, or even a mushroom. What holds all of this energy together? God does.
Without God sustaining creation, it all falls apart. Every atom in every part of the universe will release its energy. When this happens, Peter’s words will be fulfilled.
When Peter says “the heavens will disappear,” he is not referring to the heaven occupied by God. That is a spiritual entity. The “heavens” that Peter refers to is the starry expanse that we see in the sky. When the end of the physical realm comes, the universe and all that is in it will go out with a “bang.” From our perspective, that sounds scary. From God’s point of view, it is no different from letting the air out of a balloon.
Application: Think about which is more substantial: A body that looks substantial but is not, or a spirit that you cannot see but lasts for eternity.
Food for Thought: How does today’s passage relate to the miracles of Jesus? (e.g. Feeding thousands [Matthew 14: 13-21], walking on water [Matthew 14: 22-33], raising the dead [Matthew 9: 23-26, Luke 7: 11-17, John 11: 38-44].)
God is in control of every atom. He created it all and sustains it all. I am always amazed when people struggle with miracles. I have heard people wonder if Jesus literally turned water into wine or literally walked on water, while simultaneously believing in a God who created everything out of nothing. As followers of Jesus, we have to believe He can raise the dead. He can even raise people to life whose bodies exploded in an airplane and their remains went into the ocean to be scattered throughout the world. We have to believe He created a place for us in Heaven. We have to believe in the Incarnation. Yet, we struggle with lesser miracles? He created every atom and sustains all life. He can manipulate every atom, which means He can change the atomic structure of water and make it wine. And He can raise the dead to new, glorified bodies. It is in His job description. He is God, the great I am. We all have to ask how great we think God really is. Colossians 1: 15 – 20.
Thanks Rich!
I love the reference to Colossians 1 —
“He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” (vs 17)
12-31-2021, 2 Peter 3:10b, How does today’s passage relate to the miracles of Jesus?
Rich Got it!
At creation, Jesus was with God, and was God, a member of the Holy Trinity. Through Him all things were created. His power over all His creation was not put on a shelf when He walked on earth. He concealed and revealed His power according to His will which was in perfect alignment with God the Fathers will for mankind to come to Him by faith.
John 1:1-5, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
John 1:10-14, 10 He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. 11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God. 14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
Also see, 1 Corinthians 8:6, Colossians 1:16, Hebrews 1:2,
He holds all things together and can let go anytime He choses. Which has always amazed me as I contemplate what humanity did to Jesus on the cross. All He had to do was let go and some day He will.
Thank you, Ron!
I agree, Rich nailed it.
It is amazing to think about how our God is really GOD in ALL things! It is funny how our minds get distracted from the basic facts so easily.
This darned human nature keeps wanting to drive our truck.
Pastor R did a great job.
R2T2 as I read John 1:10-14. I started to sweat from my eyeballs.
I have to think why, why would He hold everything together? After all the things we have done and continue to do. Why would He continue to hold things together for us? As I grow and learn to become a Christian i start to understand Gods character. Why do certain Christians hold doors open, run out to others with an umbrella in the rain, stay later than they should at the church, checking up on others, and continue to hold up on these things constantly without any other reason but Love. Happy New Year, another chance to share the good Word.
Mr. T,
Why indeed? Why do Christians do these things outside of church?
Why do Christians act like Christ when no one will ever know if they have or haven’t?
When Jesus gets ahold of us, when we allow him into our hearts, we know that we are never alone.