2 Peter 3:16b — The Quintessential Jew

His letters contain some things that are hard to understand …

Summary: Understanding the context of the times helps us understand why Paul was the perfect man to explain the New Covenant to the world. 

To say that Paul’s letters can be “hard to understand” is an understatement. Paul is like the ancient version of a supercomputer. His amazing brain cranks out detailed analyses of complex theological problems. When our Lord picked Paul (formerly Saul) to represent Him, he was apparently looking for someone who could explain the transition from the Old Covenant to the New.

This is not an easy task!

As far back as Jeremiah, we find God’s Word pointing to the New Covenant that would come (Jeremiah 31:31). When Jesus arrived, the Jews of his day stubbornly clung to the Old Covenant. They crucified Jesus for being a threat to their power (John 11: 49-50).

Because Jesus is God (John 10:30), he overcame death and implemented his New Covenant despite the Jews. Since the New Covenant is such a radical departure from the Old (John 6: 54), it needed explaining. There was no one more qualified or more capable of explaining this than Paul.

Paul is unique not only because of his training, education, and position under the Old Covenant but also because of his passion for serving God. Under the Old Covenant, he was completely aligned with the Jewish leadership’s desire to eradicate the upstart religion known as “The Way” (Acts 22: 4-5).

After being confronted by the Living God, Paul wisely rethought his position and agreed to become a disciple of Jesus. It was rethinking his position that resulted in Paul’s complex letters.

At the time, Paul was one of the most educated people on the planet. He knows the Scriptures, and he understands the political structure of the Jewish leadership. He is, for all practical purposes, the quintessential Jew.

Having been forced by the brick wall of reality to acknowledge he was wrong to persecute Christians, Paul looks back over everything he thought he knew with new eyes. The Scriptures were still true, but what he had been taught about the Scriptures did not always hold water.

Now, with new eyes, Paul saw something that none of his contemporaries had seen. The Scriptures point to a Messiah, but not the Messiah that the Jews had convinced themselves would come. The real Messiah was God in the flesh. The real God is humble and loving. The real path to eternal life is not in what we do but in who we know.

To explain all of this, Paul has to filter everything through his computer-like brain. He makes certain that every thought is true to Scripture and faithful to what Jesus has revealed to him. Then he explains.

His audience is ostensibly a church or a person, but in fact, it is the world. It is a world that includes all of Judaism and the Gentile world. It also includes all future generations.

Jesus chose well. Paul was the perfect man for the job.

Application: Because something is hard to understand does not mean it is wrong. Paul’s writings are Scripture because Jesus wants them to be. 

Food for Thought: What is your favorite New Testament conundrum that makes you scratch your head? 

7 Replies to “2 Peter 3:16b — The Quintessential Jew”

  1. I scratch my head when I read Revelation 20. It is unfathomable that someone could be born during the reign of Jesus on earth, know the Scriptures are true, see His nail pierced hands and love for them – and then rebel against Him and wish for His demise. Yet that is exactly what we see take place. The depths of the evil in our sin nature is hard to grasp or gaze upon.

    1. Rich,

      Thank you!

      The nature of fallen man is that we are alway exposed to the temptation of evil until we are made new (Gen 3:5). Even during the millennial rule of Christ this will be true. I guess my impression of having Jesus in charge includes him protecting his flock from those who still choose to be wolves during the thousand years.

      It is interesting to me that Jesus uses Satan to help sort out the chaff from the wheat. Satan claims all he can and they come; self-identifying as those who have resented Christ’s rule.

  2. 01-16-2022, 2 Peter 3:16b, What is your favorite New Testament conundrum that makes you scratch your head? 

    My biggest puzzle is trying to understand many portions of the book of Revelation. I find it encouraging, see the end to this monkey business is getting closer, however my heart is focused on God’s teachings in all the books prior to Revelation. The faster we can complete God’s ministry to the unsaved, the sooner the end will come.

  3. Notice how God used the uneducated fishermen to reach the pharisees and he used a well educated pharisee to reach the gentiles.

    1. A-

      Interesting observation!
      Maybe that is because as a fisherman Peter knew his way around the water?
      After all – they were called Phari -“seas”


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