Proverbs 3:15-16 — A Knock at the Door

She [Wisdom] is more precious than rubies;
    nothing you desire can compare with her.
Long life is in her right hand;
    in her left hand are riches and honor.

Summary: Solomon speaks of wisdom as if it were a person. It is good to imagine wisdom as being able to talk. Wisdom is the difference between looking stupid and looking smart. 

Solomon, the man with one thousand wives, imagines Wisdom to be a woman. She has two hands, like you and me. In her right hand is long life. In her left hand are riches and honor. What would you give for long life? How about a long life with riches and honor?

Many things contribute to a happy life. Sometimes they are visible, but often they are not. You can see riches, but you cannot see honor. If you take away the honor, the riches do not mean so much. If you take away riches and honor and substitute a life sentence at hard labor, then long life might not seem so great. Even if you have enough money and honor to get by, there are things that can turn a happy life sour in a heartbeat.

Wisdom is the key to balancing wealth, how people see you, and how long you live. Wisdom avoids those things that shorten life. Things that help you live a good life also contribute to a long life.

Does this mean that nothing bad ever happens to a person who has wisdom? That depends on your definition of “bad.” The Book of Job testifies that wisdom sometimes involves testing. Job also testifies:

I know that my redeemer lives,
   and that in the end he will stand on the earth.
And after my skin has been destroyed,
   yet in my flesh I will see God;
I myself will see him
   with my own eyes—I, and not another.
How my heart yearns within me!  (Job 19: 25-27)

Job understands the eternal nature of mankind that God has placed in us. Wisdom understands that there is more to living than meets the eye. She also understands the difference between true riches and what the world calls “riches.”

One of those “true riches” is called honor. Honor is knowing what it feels like to be valued by our Creator. God values us because we are his creation, but also because we love his Son, Jesus. If we have believed in his son and acted accordingly, if we have acted in faith and done his will, we honor our Savior.

In Jesus Christ, the world and heaven overlap. God has entered his creation and become part of it. Wisdom is found where the world and eternity join together in Jesus.

Application: Invite wisdom into your heart. 

Food for Thought: What makes wisdom valuable? 

10 Replies to “Proverbs 3:15-16 — A Knock at the Door”

  1. What makes wisdom valuable? Having and applying wisdom can can keep you from engaging in activities, conversations, or making plans that cause you or your loved ones harm. Having and applying wisdom can can keep you from falling into sin. We can gain wisdom through experience and instruction, but true wisdom comes from God. God’s wisdom for our lives is the type of wisdom that applies to all aspects of our lives, and doesn’t center around our experience.

    James 3:17 “But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.”

    1. Chris,

      One of Satan’s many tricks is to cloak himself in the appearance of silly superstition. Modern people think we are immune from evil. Somehow we are above the danger of the darkness. As you point out, wisdom recognizes the danger and steers us around it.

  2. Wisdom is valuable because it can’t be bought and sold (no matter what the colleges say)

    Wisdom is valuable because it comes from God.

    Wisdom is valuable because it’s like cleaning off the lense of your camera, you can’t even see the situation clearly without it.

    1. A –

      I like the camera analogy! You can’t see the dirt or smudge until the light hits it and then — POW — it fogs the whole image. You suddenly realize that your entire world view has been smudged without knowing it.

  3. 2 Chronicles1: 7 – 10. Solomon needed wisdom to lead Israel. It was priceless to him and worth more than any other thing he could seek when it came to leading people.

    We all lead people. It could be children, grandchildren, or co-leading with a spouse. It might be employees at work or friends in need. Godly wisdom is of great value to lead our own lives and to bless others.

    1. Rich,

      I wish desperately I had had more wisdom as a young man. I remember well the feeling of terror knowing I was responsible for leading my family when I had no idea where I was going myself. I’m so glad Jesus came to my rescue!

  4. 02-10-2022, Proverbs 3:15-16, What makes wisdom valuable? 

    Wisdom gives us the ability to understand the difference between what is right and wrong in God’s sight. Receiving, exercising the wisdom we acquire from God will lead to happiness as we enjoy “eternal life.”

    God has chosen men to record and preserve His word to all mankind in our Bibles. As we study His Words, we come to know, all we are, all we see has been created by God as a habitat for all mankind. A place where each will live a predetermined time and have an opportunity to choose if we will place our faith and dependance in the physical, things, the powers we can see, or in the spiritually discerned Omnipresent power of God in whose presence we are living in.

    His written word tells us to trust in Him with all our heart, and lean not on our understanding of this physical world. But to acknowledge Him in all our ways, and He shall direct our paths. Humble ourselves before God, with reverential trust in Him and separate ourselves from evil.
    Proverbs 3:5-7

    For those who live according to the flesh have set their minds on the things of the flesh, which leads to death because they cannot please God. And those who live according to the Spirit have set their minds on the things of the Spirit which leads to life and peace.
    Romans 8:5-8

    1. Ron,

      So I hear you saying that the source of our wisdom is important. Worldly wisdom probably does not lead the same direction that godly wisdom does. Oh yes, and godly wisdom is better. Much better! 🙂

  5. All Great comments. I feel like the younger man you mentioned Jeff. It is a work in progress switching the source of wisdom, but as long as I’m willing and following Jesus, He won’t leave until His work is finished with me.

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