Proverbs 5:21 — The Watcher

For your ways are in full view of the Lord,
    and he examines all your paths.

Summary: God knows more than we can ever comprehend. The more we meditate on what God knows, the more we realize how much he knows about you and me. 

After reading today’s passage, you might be thinking to yourself, “Doesn’t God have anything better to do than keep an eye on me?”

It is funny how our minds work. When things are going well, we don’t want anybody “watching over our shoulder.” But when things go south and we get into serious trouble, we definitely want God’s help and desperately hope he is paying attention.

The prophet Isaiah speaks God’s Word and tells us:

As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:9)

Have you ever watched anyone play pool who really knows what they are doing? They understand physics and have the physical skill to control the pool cue so that when they strike the cue ball; it does what they want it to do. Trick shots are amazing to watch because what they do seems quite out of the ordinary. Yet they always follow the laws of physics.

One of the things that amazes me about our God is the physics behind the creation of the universe. Imagine that you could watch God work at the beginning of time. If things happened as the physicists think they did, then God set the entire universe in motion with one big bang. Each atom exploded into reality with exactly the right speed and direction so that it would interact with other atoms in exactly the right way to create all the things that we take for granted. Then God added another layer to creation called “life” and things became even more intricate.

So, yes, God’s thoughts are a bit higher than ours. So is his vision and understanding. God sees everything all the time and he sees things differently than you and I do. When we look at something, we look from our point of view. What we see is limited to what is in our field of vision.

God’s point of view is radically different. He “sees” all things from every point of view. He sees each atom and knows where it is. He sees into things and knows our thoughts and hearts. He knows everything there is to know. The Bible tells us that “even the very hairs of your head are all numbered” (Matt 10: 30).

In some ways, this is the scariest passage in the Bible. There is nothing that God does not know about. There is nothing we can hide from him. Some of us had moms that seemed to have eyes in the back of their heads, but God has eyes everywhere. 

Application: Remember, everything you do, say, and think is known to God. Everything. 

Food for Thought: How is God like a detective, and how is he different? 

14 Replies to “Proverbs 5:21 — The Watcher”

  1. How is God like a detective?

    All good things originate from God. So all of their skills were originally God’s. Intelligence, noticing details, understanding people’s motivations, reasoning.

    How is God different than a detective?

    He already knows what happened and is witness to everything….. Shortest. Mystery film. Ever.

    1. Tim,

      What you just said is a mouthful! When we come to that place where we understand that God knows everything and by comparison we know almost nothing … well, that is the beginning of humility. When we find humility doors open and we can experience life in ways that are closed to people without humility. We also begin to see more clearly.

  2. To me one of the scariest verses that goes along with this is Hebrews 4: 13.

    A detective just wants to get something on me. But he also wants me to pay for it. God already knows what that something is but has paid for it Himself. A detective likely does not love me nor would he likely sacrifice for me.

    1. Rich –

      As always you have an interesting perspective on today’s question. You are right, compassion for the guilty is not a common characteristic of the TV detective. Our Lord, on the other hand, knows we are guilty and yet loves us beyond measure. Amazing!

    2. Interesting, I’ve always found that verse comforting, not scary.
      If God already knows my worst, then I’m not afraid to tell Him anything.

      1. I see your point. In the context of the Hebrews passage verses 12 and 13 are not the good news. But verses 14 – 16 certainly are. It just depends on which side of the equation one focuses upon.

        1. Yes, it is a bit like a Rorschach test. The part of me that struggles with dark thoughts finds it scary. The part of me that clings to the cross finds the same verse comforting.

  3. For me I take comfort and knowing that God knows everything about me and I can’t hide anything from him however he isn’t like a detective because he isn’t trying to dig up dirt on me and make me pay for it… A detective usually doesn’t give you a chance to redeem yourself and God has given us a chance through his son Jesus to be redeemed for our sins

  4. 03-06-2022, Proverbs 5:51, How is God like a detective, and how is he different? 

    A DETECTIVE AND GOD: both look at facts, evidence which supports, possible proves a conclusion. I believe ideally, both have a passion for what they do, have the ability to read and understand people, are patient, objective, able to effectively communication the facts, and are effective in dealing with people of all levels.

    A detective will objectively look for and collect evidence based on the actions of a person. Will build a case to establish the guilt or innocence of a person based on their actions, which will be reviewed and judged by other men.

    God is watching over everyone, whether good or evil. He’s also willing to teach and offer all advice about what each ought to do during our life on earth.
    Proverbs 15:3, Genesis 28:15

    With unlimited compassion, God seeks the salvation of all mankind and allows each persons heart to pass judgement on their eternal dwelling place.
    John 16:8-13, John 3:16, Jeremiah 17:10

    1. Ron,

      I like your ideal detective. He has a passion for the truth. He also defers to the judge for judgment. In its ideal form this is modeled after God. He reveals truth and he is the judge.

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