Proverbs 7:27 — Perspective

Her house is a highway to the grave,
    leading down to the chambers of death.

Summary: Solomon continues to pound on the topic of adultery reminding us once again that breaking the marriage relationship is a ticket to hell. 

All of Proverbs, chapter seven, is dedicated to the topic of adultery. Solomon describes a scene that could be from a Shakespearean play. He describes a “youth who had no sense” (Proverbs 7:7) heading down the street toward a certain woman’s home.

The woman is “unruly and defiant” (Proverbs 7: 11). She is described as a kind of social butterfly. She “never stay[s] at home” (ibid). She then meets up with the youth and seduces him with promises of guilt-free intimacy and enjoyment.

Solomon paints a picture of the youth, wrapped in her attentions, teetering on the knife-edge of destruction. What will he do?

As it turns out, his decision was pre-ordained back in verse eight when he decided to walk “in the direction of her house.” He knew what he wanted, and he knew what she wanted.

Sexual intimacy is a complex connection between two people. Our present society is awash in claims that we are entitled to have sex in any form and at any time. We have stripped sex of its intimacy and demoted it to a level on par with eating a candy bar.

Sadly, we have been lying to ourselves.

Like the “unruly and defiant” woman and the simple youth with no sense, the world would have us believe that there are no consequences or downside to casual sex. Solomon tells us the exact opposite.

Now, in fairness, Solomon is talking about adultery. Adultery is casual sex in the context of breaking faith in a marriage relationship. There is a difference between breaking faith with someone and casual sex outside of marriage. The difference, however, may not be as big as some would make it out to be.

In Genesis 2:24, God says, “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.” When two people unite sexually, they have “become one flesh.” Any sexual activity outside of this first relationship is a betrayal of this relationship.

Does that matter?

Not if human beings are just animals, as the Darwinians would have us believe. If, however, we are more than animal but also spiritual, then there is more at stake here.

Let’s assume that God is right when he says, “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:9) This suggests that there are forces at work that are beyond human comprehension. That possibility alone should terrify us. Ignorance is only bliss until the time comes to pay the piper.

Application: Guard your thoughts against every temptation. 

Food for Thought: What does the word “death” mean in the context of today’s passage. (Bonus question: How is this use of the term “death” similar to or different from God’s reference to death in Genesis 2: 16-17?)

5 Replies to “Proverbs 7:27 — Perspective”

  1. In the context of today’s passage, it is possible that Solomon had physical death in mind as its poetic coupling is the grave.

    However, the spiritual application is certainly important as death here could also be referring to separation from the Lord. In this case, the connection with Genesis 3 and passages like Romans 6: 23 is significant. It is signaling how sin leads to separation from God (Isaiah 59: 2) and thus separation from spiritual life.

    Sin must be judged and paid for – of course, that is where the cross becomes necessary. Colossians 2: 13 – 15. Thank You Jesus. 1 Corinthians 15: 54 – 57.

  2. 03-20-2022, Proverbs 7:27
    What does the word “death” mean in the context of today’s passage. How is this use of the term “death” similar to or different from God’s reference to death in Genesis 2:16-17

    “There is no difference, they are both spiritual death.”

    Without Christ by faith all are spiritually dead. In the O.T. life was given to those who by faith looked forward to the coming Messiah, and in the N.T. we have our faith in the Messiah who has come and died for our sins.
    John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and THE LIFE. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

    Satan approached Eve who took the time to speak with him and in her first sentence committed spiritual adultery against God as she proudly claimed she knew more than He did by adding “Nor Shall You Touch It” to His word…….. Lying!
    Genesis 3:3a

    She continued in her spiritual adultery, then saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise…….. Sought to be Like God rather than serve God!!
    Genesis 3:6a

    She then committed a form of physical adultery, as she served her flesh, her desires over Gods command…..Be like God.
    Genesis 3:6b

    She continued to serve her flesh, knowingly disobeying God as she gave to her husband and he ate. Spread disobedience rather than obedience.
    Genesis 3:6c

    They both realized they had lost their covering, and were now naked so they tried to cover themselves by their works. Our Holy God will not allow Himself to be contaminated by sin.
    Genesis 3:7

    Knowing they had separated themselves from the presence of God, and were naked, they hid themselves in shame and by their works made a covering for themselves.
    Genesis 3:8-10

    All sins, such as physical adultery begin with our first committing spiritual adultery. Lust and adultery are major parts of our ‘self’ nature, our flesh, and originate from satan. From 1 John we learn that spiritual adultery or unfaithfulness can be committed daily,
    1 John 1:5-10

    Jesus tells us, You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ 28 But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Matthew 5:27-28

    All sins proceed from our hearts. “ Not our actions, but from thoughts of our hearts” God will only remain with those who have repented of all sins and invited Christ into their hearts. His Holy, hand withdraws from the sinful spirit. James writes, to become friends with the world is to become an enemy of God. We cannot serve two masters.
    Matthew 15:19, 16:4, James 4:4-5, Matthew 6:24

    Spiritual adultery and death, are in fact forsaking God’s love and embracing of the world’s values and desires. Choosing eternal separation from God over fellowship.
    Romans 8:7-8, 2 Timothy 4:10, John 2:15-17

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