Proverbs 8: 14 — Wisdom’s Entourage

Counsel and sound judgment are mine;
    I have insight, I have power.

Summary: Wisdom brings with her some serious help. The four allies mentioned in today’s text are essential for successfully navigating worldly challenges. 

If you were a king or a queen and war was forced upon your country, what would you do?

From a personal perspective, each of us is the ruler of our own country. We are given a body at birth which, when grown to adulthood, is our personal kingdom. We govern our thoughts and our actions. We train our body for strength, or not, as we desire. We can be diligent or lazy, proud or humble, serious or frivolous about how we rule our kingdom.

Something common to these human kingdoms is conflict. Eventually, conflict knocks on the door. Conflict can be something we ourselves start, or it can be forced upon us by others. The question is, what do we do when it happens?

The person who has wisdom also has access to her entourage. In today’s passage, wisdom reveals that she possesses counsel, sound judgment, insight, and power. What ruler does not cherish these four allies?

The first question that comes to mind when you or your kingdom is attacked is, “What should I do?” Counsel is the source of ideas on how to respond. Counsel might suggest ignoring the attack or hitting back. He might offer a range of counterattack strategies. Counsel might tell you it is time to get help. These ideas are potentially valid, but which one is right? This is where sound judgment comes into play.

Sound judgment assesses the threat and evaluates the responses. Sound judgment weighs the risks and benefits of each response. Each of the suggestions is reviewed, and a judgment has to be made. Which one is the best? Sound judgment eliminates those ideas least appropriate for the current need. What is left after this evaluation is one or more responses that sound judgment approves of.

The ruler of your country has considered responses to the threat and exercised sound judgment. Now what? A decision still needs to be made. This is where insight comes in. Insight is that deep pool of understanding that draws an answer from somewhere beyond logic and reason. Wisdom knows how to access insight. Not only can she provide insight when needed, but it is godly insight.

The decision is made. Your course of action is set. All that remains is to implement it. Do you have what it takes? Do you have the power you need?

Power is not always measured in the number of horses it takes to lift a given load. Power is more than physical. The power that wisdom offers is infinitely more effective than simply beating someone over the head with a stick. Wisdom brings us the power of self-mastery.

Wisdom looks beyond the immediate conflict. She sees potential solutions that defy human pride. She knows the power of seeking root issues, looking inward for hidden flaws, and changing to accommodate the needs of others. Wisdom sees the benefits of avoiding confrontation and seeks solutions that honor God.

Application: Get wisdom and employ her four servants. 

Food for Thought: What is the difference between wisdom’s power and worldly power? 

4 Replies to “Proverbs 8: 14 — Wisdom’s Entourage”

  1. Worldly power is used for selfish ambition. Wisdom’s power – God’s power, is used to serve others. Philippians 2: 3 – 8; Mark 10: 42 – 45.

    Worldly power has its source in the flesh and the devil. God’s power (True wisdom’s power) has God as the source. 1 John 2: 15 – 16.

    Worldly power is fleeting. God’s power endures. I John 2: 17.

    Worldly power brings destruction. God’s power bears fruit. Galatians 5: 16 – 26.

    1. Rich,

      Excellent overview! Thank you! You’ve outlined enough material here to fill up a week’s worth of ThreeMinuteBible studies! 🙂

      Links to all of the scriptures you referenced are here.

  2. 03-27-2022, Proverbs 8:14, What is the difference between wisdom’s power and worldly power? 

    We see the circumstances, while God sees the destination. The power of His wisdom is eternal, while the constantly changing worldly power is eternal foolishness.

    Wisdom of this world is bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in the hearts of the worldly. It is unspiritual, demonic foolishness, bringing disorder and every vile practice. While Godly wisdom is innocent, gentle, reasonable, peace-loving, impartial and sincere. It is full of mercy and willing to yield to others.
    James 3:14-16, 3:17-18

    No wisdom, no understanding, no counsel can avail against the Lord. Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered.
    Proverbs 21:30, 28:26

    1. Ron,

      Thank you for pointing us to God’s perspective. Our own point of view is limited. Very limited! Submitting to God’s view which is one aspect of wisdom’s power, is tying our decisions to God’s eternal perspective.

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