Proverbs 8: 18 — Two Worlds

With me are riches and honor,
    enduring wealth and prosperity.

Summary: The Bible reminds us once again that we live in two worlds. The physical realm is temporary, the spiritual realm is eternal. The world tries to ignore the spirit and sells us temporary trinkets. God wants us to trust and love him so that we might inherit eternal treasure. 

Wow! Who doesn’t want riches, honor, wealth, and prosperity?! That sounds like the American Dream, all wrapped up in ten words. All of this for simply hanging out with wisdom!

But wait! Is that all there is?

What does she mean by saying that “riches” are with her? (She’s not talking about five guys named “Rich” is she?) How are honor, wealth, and prosperity associated with wisdom? Is she the only one who has a lock on these things?

Imagine you are the quarterback for a small-town high school football team. Your team wins the local playoff and you, being the quarterback, get a large share of the credit. As a result, you are offered a scholarship to the university of your choice. It feels like you have riches, honor, wealth, and prosperity.

When you get to the university, everything is reversed. The scholarship doesn’t pay for everything. The football team sees you as just another freshman instead of a star. The honor you thought you had is back in the small town, and prosperity is a long way off.

Worldly riches and wealth are very different from the enduring kind. John writes, “Do not love the world or anything in the world.” (1 John 2: 15)

In a sense, we are looking at two different economies. How much will a thousand dollars buy you in this world? How about ten thousand dollars or a million? Now imagine taking that same amount and trying to spend it in heaven. How much will man’s money buy you there?

The answer is that in God’s economy, money is worthless. What God values is love. Love for him and love for others. Not emotional love, but godly love. The kind of love that forgives others and feeds the poor.

Wisdom guides us in our thinking, teaches us right from wrong, and leads us along godly paths. Enduring wealth and prosperity that come from God are eternal. In the final analysis, they are the only riches worth having.

Application: Ask God for the wisdom to see the difference between worldly treasure and eternal treasure. 

Food for Thought: Where does “honor” come from and what does that mean for believers? 

10 Replies to “Proverbs 8: 18 — Two Worlds”

  1. Where does honor come from?

    mid-13c., honuren, “to do honor to, show respect to,” from Old French onorer, honorer “respect, esteem, revere; welcome; present” (someone with something), from Latin honorare “to honor,” from honor “honor, dignity, office, reputation” ). From c. 1300 as “confer honors on.” From c. 1300 as “to respect, follow” (teachings, etc.).

    The original Greek word for honor means worth or value, but in a very literal sense. Honor was a culturally constructed evaluation of a person’s actions, which determined a person’s worth, as in their price, or value to the community.

    a term with social, moral, and theological implications derived from the Hebrew root for weight, meaning honor, respect, reverence, importance, distinction, or glory.

  2. Where does “honor” come from and what does that mean for believers?

    I believe honor comes from you (or me) setting someone apart in our minds or hearts as someone of greater ability or capability, and feeling an sense of allegiance to them. It also requires humility.

    Scriptures tells us to give honor to God, Jesus, our parents and our elders, our leaders and each other. Give others a place in our hearts in humility and respect, sharing God’s truth and grace. As we can give honor to God for His gift and creation, and honor each other as believers, God’s light will shine out of us for the whole world to see.

    Philippians 2:15 “that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world,”

  3. Good devotion and comments. And I agree – great digging T. Well done! That is indeed honorable.

    Wisdom is telling us that she is at least one source of honor. The world honors people to – like in the Oscar or golden globe ceremonies, or the MVP trophy of a sporting event. Or even with raises or certificates of achievement. Some things the world uses to honor others are noble, but all are fleeting.

    God honoring us is of far surpassing worth. Hearing Him say well done my good and faithful servant is a priceless eternal reward that we would all cherish. Matthew 25: 21, 23 – God honors faithfulness in service to Him. God also honors the humble but opposes the proud ( the world often honors the proud and opposes the humble (James 4: 6; 1 Peter 5: 5 – both quoting Proverbs 3: 34).

    The question is whose honor do we seek – the praise of people or The Lord?

  4. 03-28-2022, Proverbs 8:18, Where does “honor” come from and what does that mean for believers? 

    Without the Spirit, we cannot ever come close to living the life God has called us to. Knowing this, at the request of Jesus Christ, all believers have been honored by God the Father as He has given each the power of the Holy Spirit, who makes TRUE CHRISTIAN LIFE possible.
    John 14:16

    We each honor God and His Son Jesus Christ as we use this gift to bring Glory to both as we honor all others above ourselves.
    Romans 12:3, 12:10, Philippians 2:3

    1. Ron,

      You raise an interesting point: If we humble ourselves (Rom 12:3) then we are more able to see the honor. Pride is like a blinder, we only see ourselves. Who can receive honor in that condition?

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