Proverbs 9:6 — Stop the Stupid

Leave your simple ways and you will live;
    walk in the way of insight.

Summary: Sometimes we look at God’s Word and think, “That makes sense,” and then go on as if nothing had happened. Proverbs encourages us to learn from what we read in the Bible and apply it in our daily life. 

Are “simple ways” good ways? They can be. Occam’s Razor tells us that the “simplest solution is usually correct.” Simple, meaning “direct” or “straight-forward” is a good choice for many things. But that is not the kind of “simple” that Solomon was talking about.

Other Bible translations use other words to describe the meaning of the Hebrew text in this passage. They use words like “childish,” “naïve,” and “foolish.” These are words that suggest a kind of simplicity that borders on stupid. Doing something that ends up hurting others or yourself because we didn’t care to try doing it right is stupid. That is what I think Solomon was trying to communicate here.

The word “insight” is more often translated as meaning “understanding.” Understanding something requires effort. It means we have to make an effort to listen to what God has to say and teach us and then apply reasoning to understand. More than that, Solomon admonishes us to “walk in the way insight.” Once you understand, use that understanding to good effect.

Let’s see if we can restate this passage.

If you have done stupid things in the past, stop doing them. Make the effort to listen to God and understand what he tells us. Then stop doing stupid things and start doing the things God wants us to be doing.

Application: 1. Read the Bible. 2. Ask questions. 3. Seek answers 4. Gain understanding. 5. Live wisely. 

Food for Thought: How are “insight” and “understanding” different? 

8 Replies to “Proverbs 9:6 — Stop the Stupid”

  1. Interesting question. I have always thought of understanding as comprehension. Insight would be a step beyond that to knowing the intimate knowledge of a subject that goes beyond basic knowledge or understanding. But they are obviously related.

    1. Rich,

      Thank you, brother. Sometimes I write these questions and then scratch my head when I read them back to myself. This one is a head scratcher, but it does lead to some interesting thoughts. It may even lead to a deeper understanding … 🙂

  2. 04-03-2021, Proverbs 9:6, How are “insight” and “understanding” different? 

    Proverbs 9:6, Leave your simple ways and you will live; WALK IN THE WAY OF INSIGHT.”

    An insightful person will live a life of multiple “epiphanies” as revealed truths have multiple applications. Insight is being able to see and clearly understand concepts. See their cause and effect relationship, namely if I do “A” then “B” will happen. It is the insight from God that allows each to understand His teachings and gives us a life of “A HAH” moments.

    1. Ron,

      I like your explanation of “insight.” That makes sense to me. “Understanding” is a word that describes what happens when a person works to gain knowledge about a topic. “Insight” has more of a “God given” feel to it. Both are closely related but I think that there is some difference between the two.

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