Proverbs 9:11 — Long Life

For through wisdom your days will be many,
    and years will be added to your life.

Summary: This passage promises something most people relish; long life. For the worldly, the advice seems counterintuitive. For those who believe it makes perfect sense. 

Who doesn’t want a long life?

It has always intrigued me to read about the lifespans of those people who lived before the Great Flood. Genesis, chapter five, lists the principal members of Adam’s family line and their ages. The biblical record tells us Adam lived 800 years. Methuselah, his descendant, lived 969 years. Then, in chapter six, God says:

My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.” (Genesis 6:3)

And so it has been ever since.

For those of us who know the Father and have believed that Jesus Christ is his Son, long life is not an issue. We have confidence that our lives continue beyond the expiration date of this body (John 3: 14-15). It is those who do not believe that are most concerned with extending this life in the body.

Ironically, the key to a long life is wisdom. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10) and only through fearing God can we acquire true wisdom. When we do, “years will be added to your life.”

Compared to… what?

Solomon says, “For the waywardness of the simple will kill them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them…” (Proverbs 1:32) Is there a connection here?

Application: Seek wisdom. Fear the Lord. Live long. 

Food for Thought: What does wisdom tell us about living to old age? 

14 Replies to “Proverbs 9:11 — Long Life”

  1. First, T…… Blessings.

    Second, it takes wisdom to live a long life. It takes the fear of the Lord to have wisdom. The more a wise person is taught, the wise they become. Don’t follow the foolish, the wicked, or the simple.

  2. What does wisdom tell us about living to old age?
    Well the Bible tells us that wisdom comes with old age. That it is a blessing from God and that even Solomon used aged/older people to make decisions.
    Job 12:12. 1 Kings 12:6
    And maybe I should have waited to let my elders speak first and show respect before voicing my opinion. Job 32:4.
    I do respect all of you and want you to know that.

    1. Tim,

      Don’t forget that everyone is someone’s elder. 🙂
      But, as one of your “elders” I am very pleased that you are so willing to share your thoughts here.

  3. Wisdom says I need to read my Bible more so I know what God says about wisdom.

  4. Good comments all. I could say wise comments all 😊.

    This is one of those topics that I struggle with a little. Just a few weeks ago I oversaw a memorial service for an amazing sixteen year old girl. She lived for Christ and impacted many lives. She was wise beyond her years and died at an early age. We all know wicked people who lived long lives and righteousness people who died young.

    I think we need to remember that wisdom passages are proverbial. They are generally true. By heeding our parents advice and seeking wisdom we will generally live longer than if we do not.

    We will also live better. Our lives will produce more fruit and be pleasing to God.

    Finally, there is an eternal implication. The young lady I did that service for is doing just fine and will have the highest quality of life for an eternity through her faith in Christ.

    1. Rich,

      Thank you for sharing a sobering reflection. God does not guarantee us a certain number of days in this life. “Many days” is a relative term. For some, old age might feel like a curse under certain circumstances. So, thank you again. Your wisdom and experience are extremely valuable to the rest of us.

  5. Im not sure if I’m hungry or what but I noticed that without Jeff Englunds comments your names spell. T A T E R…………….. it might be a Knegg thing.

  6. 04-08-2022, Proverbs 9:11, What does wisdom tell us about living to old age? 

    We are created by, our lives are sustained by God. Every breath we take, every beat of our heart is by the power of God.
    Matthew 10:29-30, Acts 17:28, 1 Corinthians 8:6, 2 Peter 3:7

    The days of all mankind have been numbered to the exact moment of physical death before we were born.
    Job 12:10, 14:5-7, Psalm 139:16

    Jesus walked the earth without sin. He gave His life for all mankind at 33, yet His years were multiplied beyond our comprehension. He devoted Himself to full-time obedience to God’s will, lived a fuller life than anyone before or after Him. He has defeated evil and is the eternal power, force for good, today and forever. Today He sits at the right hand of God and occupies the heart of every believer as we now live our eternal lives in faith by the power of the Holy Spirit.

    Proverbs 9:11, “ By ME thy days shall be multiplied.” and the years of thy life shall be increased, KJV

    It seems to me Proverbs 9:11 is saying, God transforms the days of the faithful into eternal life through Jesus Christ.

    1. Ron,

      Another beautiful description of God’s power in our lives! Thank you!

      I appreciate the reminder that God has numbered our days, just like he knows the number of hairs on our head.

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