The name of the righteous is used in blessings, but the name of the wicked will rot.
Summary: The Bible is the most unique and revered book ever written. There is a reason for that. It connects us with our Creator.
Why do people still read the Bible? After all, it was written thousands of years ago. The Bible is “old news.”
True, but the “old news” of the Bible also happens to be Good News. And the Good News of the Bible also happens to be truth.
When we read the words of Solomon, we are not reading “one man’s opinion.” We are reading truth that was revealed to Solomon by the Owner and Creator of all that exists. God doesn’t have opinions, he has knowledge. He knows everything. Literally (Hebrews 4:13).
When we come to the Bible, we come to the key that unlocks the mystery of our spiritual nature and what happens when the body that houses our spirit dies. So many questions! Why do we think? Where did language come from? How is it that I can imagine something that does not yet exist?
There is an interaction between the spiritual realm and the physical realm. God (Spirit) created all that exists. We live in a physical bubble in the infinitely larger spiritual universe. In all of creation, there is nothing that approaches the magnificence of mankind. In us, God has melded together the physical with the spiritual, and given us intellect, emotion, and a will of our own.
Today’s passage tells us that the righteous are recognized and honored because they are right with God (this is what the word “righteous” means). The wicked, those who oppose God, are not remembered. There is no honor for them.
Using this passage as a guide, we can ask, “Who is the most righteous person who ever lived?” According to today’s verse, we should look for a name that is “used in blessings.” Whose name do we use most? From a spiritual perspective, we use God (God bless you!). From a human perspective, there is only one name that has survived and is used to bless others: Jesus.
Jesus Christ, the Messiah, is our Savior. This weekend is Easter, and the name of the righteous will be used in blessings all across the world. As far as all those other names go that we hear about, if they do not honor the Creator, if they are not right with him in what they say and do, their names will rot.
Application: Make a name for yourself that will be remembered and be a blessing to others.
Food for Thought: How do you use a name as a blessing?
Blessing in our culture does not carry the same weight as blessings in previous times as recorded in Scripture.
Balak wanted Balaam to curse Israel. The curse has power – but he blessed instead as God directed him to do so (Numbers 22 – 24).
In Genesis 49 we have Jacob blessing each of his sons according to what was appropriate.
The blessing was so significant that Jacob tried to steal Esau’s blessing in Genesis 27, only to receive a true and real blessing from the Lord in Genesis 32.
James 3: 9 – 10 reminds us that what comes out of our mouths is important and that it is inconsistent to bless God and then curse people created in His image.
So many in our culture use God’s name as a curse word. How much better to bless people in God’s name.
Amen, Rich!
Nice perspective on blessings! I love your conclusion: It is much better to bless people in God’s name! 🙂
…May the LORD make the woman who is coming into your home like Rachel and Leah, both of whom built the house of Israel;…
Ruth 4:11
This is an example of how one would use a name besides God’s in a blessing. God is still involved and the people are used as an example of an attribute that they wish to impart.
A –
Wonderful example of using the Lord’s name as a blessing! Thank you!
04-16-2022, Proverbs 10:7, How do you use a name as a blessing?
The name of Jesus Christ is the name above all names, and as believers we often hear people being blessed in His name, or being blessed by being told they are becoming more christlike.
Philippians 2:9-11
A name carries a message, conveys a mental picture of character traits of the person whose name is being used. We don’t hear of people bring named Lucifer or Judas, but Michael, David, Abraham, Mary, Sarah are fairly common and have a message attached to them depending upon the culture.
Thank you! Excellent illustrations of blessings!