Wisdom is found on the lips of the discerning, but a rod is for the back of one who has no sense.
Summary: How do we get “sense”? Is there a place for beatings in this world? This short proverb opens the door to a difficult topic that touches each of our lives.
To be discerning is a synonym for being “wise.” Another synonym used in many translations is “understanding.” Both of these terms suggest there is thinking going on in the background.
Sometimes we do the right thing without thinking. We call this having “good sense.” Good sense is what you get when you practice good thinking. It becomes easier and easier until we do the right thing out of habit. It is a bit like walking. When a baby learns to walk, there is a lot of thinking going on. Putting one foot in front of the other might look easy, but when we take our first steps, it is a challenge.
Discerning right from wrong is a little more complicated than walking. Learning to discern requires a willingness to learn. Being willing to learn requires an attitude of learning and someone to teach the learner. Sometimes we are fortunate to have a wise adult to teach us. For those who don’t, we have our heavenly Father.
God has designed the world in such a way that we can learn from observing. We can watch what others do, we can observe nature, and we can learn from our own experiences. In addition, God himself guides us through his Holy Spirit (John 16:13) and through his Word. Writing to the church in Rome, Paul explains:
“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” (Romans 1:20)
Sadly, some people are unwilling to think. They refuse to question their assumptions and beliefs. They close their eyes to God’s invisible qualities.
Of course, Solomon is likely writing with a more practical context in mind. People who come before the king are expected to show respect. Discernment is required, so that one does not cause offense. If someone lacking wisdom and discernment offends the king, punishments range from public shaming to death. A “rod to the back” is intended to teach that there are consequences for foolishness and wickedness.
In this world, there is still hope for someone who has no sense. A beating might get their attention. I was once on a jury with a man who had been raised by a single mother. During the pre-trial questions, we were asked our opinion on corporal punishment. He explained that most of the kids he had been raised with were dead. He attributed his survival to his mother’s beatings, keeping him out of gangs and on the straight and narrow path.
God wants us all to survive. He wants each of us to be with him in heaven. Unfortunately, from an eternal perspective, there comes a point when there are no more second chances.
Application: Have the good sense to be discerning.
Food for Thought: How does a “rod for the back” fit into our modern society? When is it appropriate and when is it not?
When I think of this statement, while realizing it may have had literal significance, I like to think of discipline in general.
I have heard from someone who works for the school district that they no longer discipline children. From the classroom to the playground the children are in charge and they know it. As a result of no discipline there is chaos and children being groomed for a life of violence and lawlessness. Without discipline, there is a generation arising ill prepared for a meaningful life.
Hebrews 12: 4 – 11 reminds us that loving parents discipline their children. Thus the Lord disciplines us. He disciplines us for our good so that we may share in His holiness.
That is a depressing bit of news. I believe it because I have seen the trend myself over the years. It has leaned towards less discipline every year, never more.
There is a balance. Sadly, the other side of the scale is no better than a life without discipline. A life of continuous discipline is called slavery.
Only when we submit to God are we fit to be self-governed.
TECH NOTE: If you had problems getting to the site today I apologize. The hosting platform I use was having problems. It wasn’t you!
04-23-2022, Proverbs 10:13, How does a “rod for the back” fit into our modern society? When is it appropriate and when is it not?
“Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4b
My father was an angry abusive man and didn’t like me much. I remember in grade school he was drunk and angery, I did something he didn’t like, probably consuming more than my share of oxygen, so he got his belt. I was rebellious and refused to cry. So he took my cloths off, tied me to my bed and beat me with rope. I still would not cry, so he burnt me on the back with a cigarette until I did cry.
Years later my youngest daughter had done something inappropriate and I confined her to her room for a “time out”. I unplugged her TV and told her “no TV”. I came back later to check on her and she was watching TV, so I got the scissors, unplugged the cord and cut the plug in off and started her “time out” over. In the end, she served her time out and with a little electrical tape, I repaired the TV cord.
There are many ways to apply the “rod”, however it should be viewed as a teaching tool and our objective should always be the same. To help the person learn there is appropriate and inappropriate conduct. Appropriate has rewards while inappropriate conduct has consequences. The boundaries should always be clearly understood by all and the rod of correction should never be administered in anger.
Hebrews 12:5–6,12:10, Proverbs 3:11-12
As for modern society, they put on a face of increased enlightenment as they are becoming increasingly evil.
This story breaks my heart. (The part about the beating, not about the TV cord! )
Your life is a testimony to God’s power and love. Thank you for being a brother in Christ!
Yes, he was quite the character. Over time I have come to realize God chooses our parents so we have the genetic make up and are raised in the environment of His choice, for His purposes. We are each blessed and uniquely equipped to effectively serve as He in His foreknowledge has predetermined before the creation of this world.
I liked the TV cord myself.
Blessings Brother,
How does a “rod for the back” fit into our modern society? When is it appropriate and when is it not?
I have mixed feelings when it comes to the modern society part relating to the adult side…. so I’ll just try to love. When it comes to children, Washington state says your allowed to spank but can’t leave marks. ( that doesn’t mean using a rod to beat the bottom of the feet because it won’t leave a mark.) I believe that spankings are necessary sometimes. Never…. NEVER!!!! Out of anger….
Never strike/swat a child in the face because God gave us a better place. ( spank the rear ).
Good advice! It is good to know the law in this case. Thank you!
Interesting comments. I think there is a big difference between discipline and punishment. When I think of discipline it is always done for the benefit of the other. When I think of punishment I think of doing something to make someone pay. Punishment has the potential for all kinds of abuse when done by an individual. True discipline only seeks to instruct and shape for healthy purposes – never out of anger to punish.
I guess how we define these terms matters.
Thank you for the clarification. I agree that the distinction between punishment and discipline is very important to understand.
I wonder if the scenario presented to us in the proverb isn’t a third kind of situation. The “one who has no sense” is unwilling to learn and unwilling to bend.
Discipline suggests training and education.
Punishment suggests that there is a consequence for doing what one knows to be wrong.
The “rod for the back” in the case of “one who has no sense” is more like beating a pack animal to make it move.
It is our choice to at least try and discern right from wrong. If we refuse and close off every avenue of communication, a beating might simply be the only way to get a person’s attention.
I prefer the way it’s being done on this blog….. talking it all out explaining different perspectives but then right or wrong bringing it back to scripture. No matter what the situation God knows your heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.
Nicely put, Tim!