Proverbs 10:23 — Pleasures for $1,000, Alex

A fool finds pleasure in wicked schemes,
    but a person of understanding delights in wisdom.

Summary: Where a person spends their time says a lot about who they are. The same is true for our thought life. We may not be able to see it from the outside, but we can see it in our own minds. 

If this were a Jeopardy game topic, the answer would be a question: “What do fools have in common with the wise?” Both, it appears, are capable of pleasure. The fool finds his pleasure in “wicked schemes” while the wise find theirs in wisdom.

What do “wicked schemes” and “wisdom” have in common? (I know this is an odd question to ask…) The answer is that they both occupy the mind. Wisdom occupies the mind with information that helps us live a better life. Wicked schemes occupy the mind, too, but with a twist. The wicked scheme to make their life better at the expense of someone else.

The wise understand that there is wisdom in God’s commandments. The wicked do the opposite. Their plots and plans are summed up in everything the tenth commandment tells us not to do. They covet what others have; they covet those who are married, and they covet their possessions and all manner of things that belong to others.

Because they covet, they plot. In their plots, they hear a voice telling them that happiness is having what belongs to another. Instead of working to acquire their own wealth and possessions, they can only see themselves taking what belongs to someone else. Their pleasant pastime is to imagine having overpowered their neighbor and taken what is theirs.

The wise listen to a different voice. We know that voice as the Holy Spirit. The Spirit calls us to love God above all else and our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 22: 37-40). This is the heart of wisdom, and it delights the soul of those who serve the living God.

Application: Keep your ear to the Spirit and your mind in the Word. 

Food for Thought: Why does wisdom delight the person of understanding? 

8 Replies to “Proverbs 10:23 — Pleasures for $1,000, Alex”

  1. Why does wisdom delight the person of understanding? Because understanding delights the person of wisdom. They both happen to be close friends of a person that delights in knowledge from what I’ve learned.

  2. I tell you what, you really hit me at home this morning. “Their pleasant pastime is to imagine having overpowered their neighbor and taken what is theirs.” I never entertained thoughts of taking anyone’s possessions, but for a very long time, in the military, and for a few years after, when I would get angry at someone or a situation I didn’t like or that were beyond my control, I would think about coming in and doing the whole “you’re fired” thing. In a sense taking their security, self-image, confidence…all the things I perceived them to have and me not to have. I am really very thankful this morning; I am thankful that the Lord can explain these things to me so gently and personally.

    Why does wisdom delight the person of understanding?

    Following God’s Wisdom brings peace and harmony:

    James 3:17 But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.

    Following God’s Wisdom brings connection with God, You, and your neighbor:

    Colossians 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

    Following God’s Wisdom brings security:

    Ecclesiastes 7:12 For the protection of wisdom is like the protection of money, and the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom preserves the life of him who has it.

    1. Chris,

      You have shared a powerful testimony that many can relate to. I appreciate your ways that wisdom brings delight, too! Thank you!

  3. 05-03-2021, Proverbs 10:23, Why does wisdom delight the person of understanding? 

    A person of understanding seeks to grow in wisdom. Seeks this growth as they study and meditate on truth. Chooses to spend time with wisdom as they examine themselves and apply truths which they share with others each day.

  4. I very agree with the chain of thought in these responses. My mind first went to where T went. The person of understanding will naturally delight in wisdom precisely because they have understanding. Their understanding is guided and trained by God’s word and what delights God. That will lead us to wisdom’s doorstep.

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