Proverbs 11:22 — Discretion

Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout
    is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion.

Summary: Solomon takes a detour to shift from talking to his sons (Proverbs 8:1) to ensure his wives and daughters are listening, too. 

Okay, ladies, for those of you who are wondering when Solomon is going to give you some attention, here it is: Pow!

We sometimes use the phrase “putting lipstick on a pig” to describe trying to dress up something ugly with a little makeup. In the case of today’s passage, Solomon points to the consequences of inner ugliness.

What is discretion? It is the quality of not offending. And who should we be concerned about offending? Ultimately, God.

Women do not escape the whole wickedness/righteousness thing. It might be possible to argue that God holds men and women to different standards of behavior, but ultimately, the heart of both are laid bare before the Lord.

In today’s proverb, Solomon speaks to women in a language that is very personal.

An example of the kind of woman Solomon is talking about is Jezebel, the wife of Ahab (1 Kings 16 – 2 Kings 9). Jezebel has no respect for God and her life shows it. She shows no discretion because she has no fear of the Lord.

When God anoints Jehu to be king (2 Kings 9:1-13), he instructs him to “destroy the house of Ahab your master” (2 Kings 9:7). When Jehu arrives at Jezreel, scripture records “When Jezebel heard about it, she put on eye makeup, arranged her hair and looked out of a window” ((2 Kings 9:30)

Her beauty did not save her from destruction.

Application: Understand that the beauty God looks for is a heart that is responsive to him. 

Food for Thought: How would you describe what it means to have ‘discretion?’  

10 Replies to “Proverbs 11:22 — Discretion”

  1. According to Strong’s, this Hebrew word can also mean judgment or taste. No discretion here may refer to someone who lacks tact or sound judgment. To have discretion then could mean to have good judgment or wise use of common sense. A beautiful person without such taste or judgment could be ugly to be around.

    1. How would you describe what it means to have ‘discretion?’
      Well I can sum it up with what my grandmother told me. ” if you don’t have anything nice to say…….” kinda a discretion of the mouth. Similar to ” don’t let unwholesome talk come from your mouth.”

    2. I like “A beautiful person without such taste or judgment could be ugly to be around.” Reminds me of Looks are fleeting verse and my grandmothers saying “looks will only get you so far” I’m just blessed that I never needed rely on looks.

  2. 06-20-2022, Proverbs 11:22, How would you describe what it means to have ‘discretion?’  

    To live led by the gift of discernment given to believers by the Holy Spirit which is the power to distinguish between spirits or discerning of spirits. A spiritual gift that God gives us to distinguish between the influencing of God and Satan and act accordingly.
    1Corinthians 12:10

    The Holy Spirit will alert us to Godly and ungodly teachings of others. He will give us the power to look within ourselves, and evaluate our thoughts, actions, and words toward others as we seek to live lives according to God’s teachings and guidance rather than our own.

    Our obedience to this conviction will be acts of understanding and discretion as He guards and watches over each of us. Discretion will be seen giving no cause for offense in anything, so that Christ in us will not be discredited,
    Proverbs 2:11, 2 Corinthians 6:3

  3. Interesting to hear you say that this passage is written to women. I guess I always saw it to be a warning to men, look past the beauty and see what’s there.

    Regardless, a woman who acts on impulse and not reason tarnishes her beauty. A woman who cannot be trusted to act well on her own is a burden. And to the son of the king, a woman who cannot be trusted on her own or given the responsibility to raise the next king… Her beauty will not take her far.

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