Proverbs 11:24 — Giving 

One person gives freely, yet gains even more;
    another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.

Summary: Solomon presents us with a challenge in this proverb. He does not provide us with a measuring line but speaks in terms of the heart. 

There is a story I heard once that fits with this proverb. It was a story about how you can catch a monkey if you are out in the jungle and happen to want to own monkeys. 

I was told that what you do is find a hollow log with a knothole in one side. Inside the log, you put an orange, and then you wait. In time, a monkey will come by and smell the orange. He will reach into the knothole and grab the orange, but because his hand is holding the orange, he cannot pull his hand back through the hole. 

The monkey is trapped. 

All he has to do to escape is to let go of the orange and he is free. That is it. Just let go. Yet, I am told that the monkey will hang onto the orange despite the trapper coming up to drop a net on him. Somehow, in his little monkey brain, he cannot fathom letting go of the orange for anything. 

I wonder if we have anything in common with monkeys on this point? Do we sometimes hang on to material goods or wealth, even though we are in danger of being trapped by our actions? 

In many ways, this is a personally challenging proverb. Lately, as my wife and I have been transitioning into retirement, I feel like I have been less open-handed with my giving. For many reasons, I feel less secure in my own position in life. Yet God has provided for us abundantly. There is no reason I should be concerned. 

When we give freely, does God give to us more freely? There is an interesting passage that speaks to this: 

For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. (Matthew 7: 2)

The “measure you use” will be the same one that God measures back to us. Can you imagine being a bit tight-fisted in life and then finding yourself sitting in front of God and seeing him measure out to you the good things he has in store? God is sitting on an abundance of good things that seem endless in scope. Mountains and mountains of every good thing surround God, and he turns to give you your share of good things. God looks at you with a sad kind of look on his face and says, “I had hoped to give you mountains of good things, but you kept using this tiny little measuring cup to give to others. So that is all I can use to measure out what I have for you.” 

As I put myself in that picture, I think, “Why would I be that stupid?” Simple: The world is all about getting for yourself. If we buy into that lie, we are like the monkey and the orange. Freedom is all about letting go and trusting God.  

Application: Consider your thoughts about giving to others. How do you feel you are doing? 

Food for Thought: What do you think “gains even more” refers to in this proverb? 

10 Replies to “Proverbs 11:24 — Giving ”

  1. What do you think “gains even more” refers to in this proverb?
    I believe it could be talking about two different gains. Similar to the flesh and spirit difference. A personal experience of mine, I gave up a lot of materialistic things that was in the way for a relationship with God. That relationship helped me pray for with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of His word. Over time I gained spiritual growth. I was given the opportunity to show others Jesus by loving actions. I was given the love of a beautiful girl with a beautiful heart. I was given the Holy spirit. I have been given a new heart and so much more. How much more of a gain are those things over something that some politicians are going to try and take away anyways.

    1. Brother Tim,

      The “gains” you refer to are the things that make life worth living. I feel sad for the monkeys that cannot let go of the orange.

  2. I really liked this devotion brother (I always do but I extra liked this one). And I love T’s testimony.

    I think the “gains even more” is not limited. It could refer to any blessing God has in mind for His purpose in a life. It certainly is not limited to the material and may not even have the material in mind. I think one natural outcome is a closer trusting relationship with God as our provider and our Lord. That has an immeasurable value of its own.

    1. Rich,

      To echo your thoughts, I recently visited with a friend who has suffered a string of setbacks for many, many months. Yet, through it all, God has provided and their faith has grown. In their case, “gains even more” has turned out to be more faith.

  3. 06-22-2022, Proverbs 11:24, What do you think “gains even more” refers to in this proverb? 

    Thank you for your testimony T!

    Everything gained from this world is temporary while everything freely given to us by God has great value forever.

    We are eternal spiritual beings, born with a sin nature, temporarily confined to physical bodies which are in the process decay. These bodies have survival mechanisms which influence our continued life as we provide food and shelter to maintain a healthy life.
    Psalm 51:5, 58:3, Romans 3:10, 5:19

    We are surrounded by, influenced by physical “things” of this world as we come to believe they will add to our value and we will gain the approval of others, to the degree we accumulate these them. Our survival mechanisms, and sin nature will promote the evil of this world, create a lust in our hearts, desires in our flesh and mind as we pursue these things and live in pride of OUR accomplishments.
    Ephesians 2:3, 1 John 2;16

    As we respond in faith to the conviction and teachings of the Holy Spirit, we receive life, we begin the process of dying to the evil desires of our flesh, and seek eternal things from above. We turn from the things of this world.
    John 16:8-13, Philippians 3:20, Galatians 5:24, Colossians 3:1-2

    1. Ron,

      Thank you for your words today! One of the key thoughts you have shared with us is the “approval of others.” That is a hard one to work around. Yet, it is really important that we desire God’s approval above all others.

  4. We do reap what we sow,.. I don’t think God wants us to walk around with our heads hung down whining about what He provides for us.

    There are principles in the Bible for a reason and they are holy for a reason. God has set things apart for a reason. Gains even more is probably just what it say’s. If we give freely out of what God has already provided for us, the little we do give comes back even larger than what we gave. That’s a principle in the Bible. That’s the truth.

    When I read to the guys every Monday, I am gaining even more in more ways than one. Gaining respect, knowledge, growth, and spirituality. I reap what I sow. Last Monday I had to terminate an employee, I didn’t read up on the passage to read for Monday. One of the other employees said the he would read from 1 Peter, I was like okay,..stopped in during his reading to explain things as he went along. Talk about gaining more,..I could feel the spirit move as he was reading and I was stopping him to explain what Peter is instructing us in his letter. Very powerful stuff for sure.

    Again not sure if it fits but this is my take on gaining even more,..

    Kind of like playing the guitar every night for about five minutes,..the more I play the more I gain in theory, timing, chord progressions and confidence. I have to put something into it in order to get anything out of it. Maybe that one fits better.

    1. John,

      I think you are spot on. I love your “Gaining respect, knowledge, growth, and spirituality” summary. Whenever I have the opportunity to teach, I always feel I end up learning more than the students. Thank you for sharing!

  5. Thank you for the encouragement of this blog Jeff. Sometimes I need to be in scripture and sometimes I need to be reminded of the blessings God has given me. Sometimes I’m stubborn and I need to hear it from myself again to straighten my faith before I whine in prayer. I’m only human I’m not perfect and I need to remind myself by remembering.

    1. You are not alone, Tim.

      The battle on this side of heaven is unique in all of Creation. As weird as it seems, being able to try and fail is a blessing. God knows our heart. Sometimes we “fall” as a child falls trying to walk, but he will never let us “fall” away! His love for you and me and all of his Creation is way beyond our understanding.

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