Proverbs 11:27 — Seeking Favor

Whoever seeks good finds favor,
    but evil comes to one who searches for it.

Summary: Today’s verse brings us into a discussion of good and evil. So many questions come to mind when we ponder these topics. Today we explore a few of them. 

When I read today’s verse, I am reminded of the story in Genesis 3, where Adam and Eve eat from the forbidden tree. In the story, the serpent promises Eve that “… your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3:5) So here we are, thousands of years later, still knowing “good and evil.”

The problem with knowing both good and evil is that we can’t always tell the difference.

Suppose that you are looking at a long list of things to do in your mind. On that list are some simple, boring, goody-two-shoes things to do. At the other end of the list are some high-risk behaviors that are driven by the passions of the flesh.

Maybe we toss out the worst of the worst. “Nah, beating that guy over the head with a stick just because I don’t like the way he talks is probably not a good idea.” But after that, there are still an INFINITE number of evil things to do.

Interestingly, the biggest No-No is ignoring God (Exodus 20:1-7).

When we turn our back on God, we are dissing the Most Important Person in the Universe. This is not smart. There are a lot of so-called “smart” people in the world who claim that there is no God. They believe that our DNA magically appeared out of some sort of primal ooze. Yeah…. I’ve done the math. The odds of that happening by random chance are nothing short of impossible.

We are created beings. Our Creator is a being as well and expects us to recognize Him as our Creator. If we do not acknowledge God, we have no hope of discerning the difference between good and evil.


To go back to our verse today: “Whoever seeks good finds favor, but evil comes to one who searches for it.” To seek good is to seek God. Without God, there is no good (Mark 10:18). To seek evil is to seek to please ourselves without regard for God or others.

From whom do we find “favor?” It sounds to me like Solomon is telling us God favors those who seek him. Where does evil come from? If we know both good and evil, we don’t have to look far to find it.

Application: Seek good. 

Food for Thought: What does it mean to “seek good?”

8 Replies to “Proverbs 11:27 — Seeking Favor”

  1. I think you answered the question for us, seek good is to seek God.

  2. I agree. To seek good is ultimately to seek God and do His will. Matthew 5: 6; Matthew 6: 33; Hebrews 12: 1 – 2; Romans 12: 1 – 2.

  3. 06-25-2022, Proverbs 11:27, What does it mean to “seek good?”

    To humble ourselves before God as we choose to learn and follow His will over our own, in all we do.

    God is good, His mercy never ends and His truth’s remain forever, the same yesterday, and today, and forever.
    Psalm 100:5, Hebrews 13:8, 

    God has sent His Holy Spirit to convict all of sin, righteousness, judgement and teach all truths to all. He will come into the hearts of all who choose to follow Him as He instructs and empowers believers to do Gods will as written in the Bible. He is GOOD.
    John 16:8-11, Nehemiah 9:20

    God sent His Son Jesus Christ to pay the penalty for our sins and be our example, and power conform to His image as we seek to live in obedience to The Father. He is Good.
    John 3:16

    God has given us our bible, written by men who were inspired, instructed by Him, for our instruction, in righteousness. Our obedience to Gods Word makes us perfect in His eyes and equips each for all good works. This is GOOD!
    2 Timothy 3:16-17

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